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... Empnul parliament. HOUSE OF LORD S.—FRIDAY. The Insolvent Debtors' Act Amendment Bil1 was read a third time and pMsed. A great numher of petitions were presented, on various subjects, particularly against the union of the Sees of St. Asaph and Bangor. THE CORN IMPORTATION RILL.-On the House going into committee on thp Corn Importation Bill, The Duke of Richmond rose, in pursuance of the notice ...


... THE BOWRINGTON HEAVY HORSS have resumed their work; and if we may form an opinion from their appearance, we may safely conclude that their late visit to the coast has produced the most satisfactory results. BAIL COURT, FRIDAY.—(SITTINGS IN BANCO BEFORE MR. JUSTICE WIGHTMAN.)— ROSE V. THE PORT TAL- BOT DOCK CO.—PRACTICE—Mr. Vaughan Williams showed cause against a rule obtained by Mr. ...


... CARDIFF POLICE MONDAY, [Before Richard Reece, F.S.A., Mayor.] The Mayor having taken his seat, addressed Mr. lowne (the Merlin's correspondent), saying —I find that you and Mr. Williams (of the Guardian) have reported several cases of drunkenness, which were adjudicated upon by me, in such a manner as to make it appear that I had dismissed them, although the offence was clearly proved. ow I ...

6rnrral liliocetiang.-

... STATISTICS OF THE COAL TIU DE. THE COAL MEASUUES or coat measures are notcoutiued to the north of England, in Northumber- land and Durham; they are to be found, fortunately for this country, forming large portions of the stratification in many districts of the three kingdoms. From the Gram- pians to Sussex, and from the German Ocean to the Irish Sea, the predominating geological feature of the ...


... SWANSEA VALE; VALE OF NEATH; TAFF VALE; MONMOUTH AND HEREFORD; NEWPORT AND ABERGA- VENNY; CAMERON'S RAILWAYS. &c.-A committee, con- sisting of Mr. W. Evans, member for North Derbyshire, (chairman), Mr. Gibson, Lord C. Hamilton, Hon. C. W. Howard, and Lord C. Fitzroy, to whom they have referred the Bills comprised in Group No. 47 of Railway Bills, viz.:—Swansea Yale; Shrewsbury and ...

Enteral HUsicdUns

... Cucumbers are now imported in considerable number from Holland. BRISTOL SUGAR MAnnET, June 24, 1846.-There has been a good demund for all descriptions of British Plan- tation Sugars, this week, and about 1000 Hhds. have been sold at an advance on previous rates at fully h. per cwt. Mr. Dunn, the barrister, has been held to bail to answer a charge of perjury preferred against him for swearing ...


... BIRTHS. June 15, Mrs. Richard Jones, grocer, Market-square Mertlivr of a son. J June I, at the residence of her mother, Mrs. Lort Philinns Haverfordwest, the lady of J. Henry Philipps, Esq., of William- stone, Pembrokeshire, of a daughter, still-born MARRIAGES. „ 29• a.1 Church, near Neath, by the Rev. D. H. V o,a Doaaoue. Managing Clerk to Alex. Cuthbertson, Esq., Solicitor, Xeath, to Miss E. ...


... We learn from Rome that the Pontifical Government has just entered into a contract tor lighting that city with gas. A letter from Vienna states that the celebrated place of pilgrimage, Miria Petrowitsch, in Stiria, has been des- troyed by fire. The beautiful Church, founded in 850 by Luipram, Archbishop of Salzbhrgh, was saved by the exertions of the inhabitants of the neighbouring townsr ...

_ itiUrUtgeitrc-

... itiUrUtgeitrc- UNITED ST AT ES ~ANTT~ MEXIC OT— AKUIVAL OF THE GREAT BRITAIN-Liverpool, June 22 -It is gratifying to announce a most successful passage of the Great Britain, in charge of her indomitable commander, Cap ain Hoskeu, R.N. She arrived this morning, anJ passed up the Mersey with her screw propeller in full operation, having run the distance from New York to Li- verpool in 131 days. ...


... MERTHYR AND NEIGHBOURHOOD. We were visited on Vlonday night with a thunder storm, accompanied with heavy rain, which has greatly benefitted vegetation of all kinds. Three persons were very properly fined at Aberdare Petty Sessions on Thursday in the sum of £5 each for a violent assault. OTTER HUNTING.—-Mr. WM. Thomas, jun., of the Court House, succeeded on Monday in catching a fine otter in ...

BA.NKRUPTS.—(From the London Gazette..)

... Shipping ^utrlUgencf, BUTE DOCKS.—Arrived, the Alexander. Nicholls, Water- ford..J^ne, Goodwin, London..Johannes, Hollander, Dublin ..Speed, Saborawsky. hideford, ballast. Providencp, Phillips, Bristol, light.. Globe. Hodgson. Exetrr.. Peterel, Dusting, Penzance, baHast.Alice. Hampson, Whitehaven ..Capel la, Carh.c, VV hitehaven, iion ore.. Daniel Dyer, Oyer, Oloster. Claudia, rlavard. I.ondon ...

[No title]

... MERTHYR AND NEIGHBOURHOOD. MR. ROBERT THOMPSON CRAWSIIAY'S DINNER.—A full report of the proceedings at Mr. R. T. Crawshay's Champagne Dinner will be found in our fourth page. It will be perceived that the entertainment was one of a most magnificent description, and that the whole passed off remarkably well. FORTUNATELY, we have not a single inquest to report this week. OWING to the intense ...