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North Wales, Wales

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Advertisements & Notices

... MR. CHPAMAN, ' Portrwait anm ?? Painoter, . D}ErS respectfullv to acquaint the Gentry and c Inhabitants of Bangor nud its Vicinity,tliat lie intends staying for a Shrlxr time at Mr. Tlhoazs's, rlgrttggirt, next donr to the Iiverpool Arms, for the lpo of taking ler ?? in Oil and r ater Caolcurs, at the following prices WATrE&R COLOUaS. e ?? s. D r Bl'uek ?? .. ?? ?? 0 1 G t L rontze ?? .. .. .. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... - ?? ; so A R oJ. l N 0 M - SILVERSMITH AND JEWELLJEIt N BERLIN HOUSE, BANGOR. IN returning thanks for the encouragement lie IsII hitherto met wvith, begs to offer for i a List of some of the Articles sold at his Establishment:- C-old and Silver Geneva and English Watches. Britannia Metal Goods of every descrip: Best London-made Eight-day Clocks, from £3, Tea-pots, Coffe-tpots, Crcann-jugai ...

Advertisements & Notices

... e Carnarvonishflie & AuglesleYy ?? ntary. r HRI-IRE is a Vacancy for a HOUSE SURGEON .TLat the above Institution, For furtherlparticularsapply toll .A. ROBERTS, Esq., Secretary. A Medfical Asisitant DULY QUALIFIED, TS wvanted on or before the 1st of JULY, by a Medical Officer of the Corwen Union, North Wales. The Salary at present reasonable, but likely to be increased. f The Ass istant may ...

Advertisements & Notices

... T1 r U N P, iAIR horse Coach, ivill leave onl and after the LIst of JuNrE next, the I)inorben Hotel, AM- LWCHI, via LLANE5iUHYMEDD, LLAN- GEFNI, to the MlKENAI BRIDGE, to meet the departure and arrival of the Packets. May, 1846. Rrynlbellal 191ll,~ Vvile of Civ y'dt. I C TO BE LET, (Furnishledor V'?tftinished), and v ,entered upon immediately the well-known t 5Nansion of e r; E, El r S E1t IE ...

Advertisements & Notices

... - a RAAT NOVELTY I lo INEi's, AT THE CLOTH HALL, BANGOR. TH 31OMA~iS E:VANS N returning thanks to a discerning Public for the extensive patronage which he has been favoured with, respectfully invites attention to a new arrival of elegant novelties in the Shawl, Muslin d Laifie. and Print Fabrics, an extensive stock of which, together with other articles in the 1 kool en and Drapery line has ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ck Now ready, price 6d. . THE BROAD GAUGE THE BANE OF T'HE GREAT WESTERN RAILWAY COMPANY.-With an Account of the l'resent and Piospective Liabilities saddled on the Pro- prietors by the Promoters of thatpeculiar Crochet. By £ a. d. ds A barbe de fol, an apprend a raire. he [Which, being translated for the benuefit of Coun- rY try Gentlenied, mnhansj- ed ?? Mr. Brunel has lelarit to shave on ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Liverpool and MI enai Bridge. ?? 8.r Tl11 POWtERFU'tL AND FA8T SAILtNCG NiCW IF-ON STE.AMERl C A% . B lP I A, Captain JOUNT HUNTER, E TILI, sail front the Menai Blridge on TuES- WT DWAs, TnURtSDAYS, andISATUlDAY'S, at Nine in the norning,, and will leave CGeorge's Pier, Liverpool, ol oAIOxNDAYS, WEDNaESDAYS, arid Fax- I)Ays, at Eleven ill the mllorrling. rg At the MKenal Bridgge apply to Mr. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TPo be §old by lfuetifln, At the RECroTY HOusE, Ll.ANYSTYMW'Y, onI the 22d of JoNE., 1846, at 10 o'Clock, the Farmaing Stock, Implements, and Household Fu~riture: C ONSIS'lING of Five good Milch Cows, one Heifer, a young Bull, four Calives, Mare and Foal, Pigs, SoW with a Litter of eight; Carts, rrlowvs, Ploughs, Winnowing Machine, Turnip Sheer, Cart Harness, Wheel-barrows, Cheese Press, one ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ?? C.ault2ion '.Unprincipled individualsprepare the 11est spulrious cuipo unds ui ler the samre ;;air-s they copy the labels, bills, advertisemelts saeld testinulltils ot' the origirial ThoMnUs's Sue- eeclanicurn. It is therefore highly necessary to ?? that tihe words Howard & a'Tomas tire oon thie w vrpper ot each article. * - All others are fraudulent imitttion. I'Olt STOPPING DECAYED ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Winine and Spirit TFradte. TO BE DISPOSED OF, N excellent and long established Business in l5 this Line, which in the hands of all active proprietor is capable of beiiig doubled, in one of the first Mar'kt and Seaport Towns in the North- ?? of Wales, the present Proprietor desiring to retire, tor reasons which can be satisfactorily explained. None but parties vith a moderate capital at ...

Advertisements & Notices

... WM. AND GEO. SMIITH'S COACIUNG ESTADBLISHIMENT Opposite tire R1oyal ldtel, Chester, fRAVELLING TO NORTH and SOUTH T VALES, &c. &c. On and after the lst June, 1846, The SNOW- DON Coach to DOLGELLEY AND BAR- AlOUTH, through Wrexham, Llarigollen, Cor- ven, and Bala, will leave the above Office every morning (except Sunday), at half-past ten o'clock, and will leave Barmouth at seven o'clock n ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Ci 11cr 1.lfelrjcs~t Royal Le~cro 1'!cnle. (:CN~TA1NLNGC PUREI3')JSA`I orCOIPAIB A. ,1HESEL CapsuleIs xciii ire foniud superior to usuaq ll y bade xvitli Gelatino. 'They ro- It, 'till cot ire 0111t11 tliter hiave passed through the cli100 into 1te iittctiis , and the medicine Using el~lieiclit.y biowulit iil contact ?? ''15itisI ttci 10(1 to ccclt the usial isausca anti nilpic, sittit (uOSIO00 ...