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Advertisements & Notices

... t'isT OFFICe Iurttec. ?? hne o i tom uni T I cation, and for the envelope ho has enclosed. Wsallteor boe 8to our subjant according to promrise.-J. B. sand others. Everytob thing that depenads upon ourselves Is done to ensure the de. teI I livery of the.Mercury to distant subscribers, at the veres carifest ifore' moment. Wo, and nll our coetemporaries, have the greatest Rasell 0 reason to ...

Advertisements & Notices

... . CCATHOLIC SCHOOLS. Charity seranons. OWN SUNDAY MoirXIN a, JUNE 21, HIGII MASS Will be celebrated, at ll o'clock, in ST. W ILFRID'S, And the R v. W. C O B B, S.J., Will preach the S E R M 0 N. In the Evening, the RE v. R. C A R R O L L, S.J., Will also preach in the samle chapel. Service rill commence at Six o'clock, and conclude with S O L EMNi BENr.DICTION. Collections will be made after ...

Advertisements & Notices

... RADCL1FFz], INFJIRIARY? OXLFOD1W rjpHE NN1EUSH~ lv E 1I NGOof' the, Go VEROR~illbe hio'den cilT 'I ESD)AY th0' rwr,_arv- TrIMID ofj Jtl-'N', whenl a tIRM will hopeahd ilI LORD BISOP OFCAL.Cl'TTyA Tho (;evertxers are decired to meet at the fladuliffe Library at half [ast Iran S'l e.drevice will begin at, Elevyen. Aftier tlo Side'iioii a eu.llec tiuin wit I be i-n de for tli beneiit of the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... INDIAN CORN MEAL AND FLOUR, &C. fIiE SIJIISCRIBER hai made such arrangemelnts .T as wvill secure to him a regular supply of Prime and Sweet Indian Corn, BO'TH W I lTE AND HIElD, Whivii he wvill haive grouind, from ?? to tiny, lv one of ttbe lfist Millers ill the North, so as to se A RE ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 1T11.11f MART. TIlNl \ II V -Yfll PET, I pI 4 TO FatAl'DlES JA 418&' OTiiEliS. l TInI .1 U I'115 'sf15 Mooro TI. null1 ?? I1.IA IIWCI ho li IpI 4, 114.1,'I v~lSlit, GY AlICU lb N, To'''lo'I X:Vcd:y ~44 .l'os, I11141:, as~ lthe M in 'i')'1421 r.'iY .Lie VII,, GUT (CASES (IF Soilll., 1.1.0 i'operty of in ho! I:lint Igo ti,,rai'i toll Iit0u! 11Lt ti, it' 11,11110 4i3 shllt'. ten tilprodiced, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... HEANNIVERSARIY OF THE EAST TILANOASI-14E1 AUXILLXRY TO THE LONDON MIS. SIO\NARy SOCIETY wvill be hold as, follows: On Saturday E,,enieg, June 20t, 1846, there will Ilioa Special PRAYER ~MEETING, in Mosley-street Chapel, ait which thle 11e,. Dr. Alexander, of ~diiibuirgb, will presido; to (commen,01co at half- iast gi.~ o'clock. ON LOID'S DAY, Jime 21, SERMONS will 13e Preachedl, to the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Jitpubisd ?? Efioiof''.'-- THE 1ROUTF --BO(K OF DEVON; Or, COMPLETE GUIDE .to a he. STRANGER and TOURIST; With Maps of ths Roads and Co gty of Devossirahd Plans of the City of Exeter, Plymouth, ))evonport; 4-c. - 1 rj'HIS Edition, withoutincreasing the otiginal'price of T the Work is bound in cloth, and bas an addition of more than thirty pages. - The new, matter includes Trips an the Bristol ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Duty Free.], ST. TROMAS UNION.' TO PAINTERS. r [HE 'Guardians of this Union are desirous of,rqeelv. Y ing TENDERS forPAINTING the UlON: WORKHOUSE. Furtherinformation may be ' obtaied, and the ferm.9ot, Coutract seen, on appllcatiou at the. Clerk's Office, w.her' Sealed Tenders, containing the' Nime and Address af' Security, for the performance of the Cebtract, unitbe nf on or before SATURDAY. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... LAP, PVE SEOURED BY ThAT POPULsk Jp±ukuf | N O Medicineyetoffered to therworld ever su rapidly attainad suelt distinguished celebrity it is questiona. ble if there be now any psrt of tih civilised globe where Its extraordinary healing virtnes have not been exhibited. This si eiial success is not attributable to any systen of aedertis6ls, but smlely tothe strong reuernmnendatiolsof parties ...

Advertisements & Notices

... P AS? ElGERS 101: MA enthark ?? Mot1.iay, till) li;ni I'ltl Iias sje wilt saillat nioliottl Tuesday. kP, 0J antd CO., 04, Corsltill. STEAM\ to S-T. PETEHZSBjji> tund COPEN- ?? plendid and powecrful s ,te hipl VICTORIY, 550) tones, OdI horse pIower, A 1 t JLhovd't,;Iill.'ighly3 rellitited np Ivith new boiters, &e., WritItm Puennml, C0o111tnildtd. 03 lii'tid('tl -sail from llotigst1sde ...

Advertisements & Notices

... I I RILAYCONVEYANCE.-ShITP- T itN otl . tog, rustlelftiflly to inform tiiir frieriN itontd th ttli- ittlot 1)tote cotitittted ttrraugtetttrttts for the, DIt~LY 'ftN~teoN 49f ?? biltetlei L,(t't)O anti WOIICES- Tt-:tl ot nirtl t tu, ?? (if the .oitdott ;titt 131tttititgit~iai antid ?? titt Gtoriot~str ?? and tirust that their Vott&itieO-u I-tuatttottr On 1 tiiictatity iii ttte delivery vI ...

Advertisements & Notices

... T ;O;, A ND C AC T T r W I LL B I: US i D. Glasgow, 25th June, iS46: FOU ND, On Wednesday. tie 24th current, in Buchanan Street, A B U N C H of K EY S.-Apply at thee Glasgow Police AOffice. FOUND, AT ARROC -I.R, A Small Brown SCOTCH TE RRIER- If not cained witlhin A eight days, it will be sold to defray expenses. Apply to D. De K,.r, Kirkfield, Akrruch,.r. 25th June, 1846. FOUND, u mflITE ...