... The Magazines and &reialsfor July-Third Noticee The critiques in this month's number of the Conaoioalsetl seemi to be very welt and fairly written, and the portrait of Leonardo da Vinci, prefixed to it, is realy an admirable specimen of litle. graphy, snd not many years ago would, of itself have fetehe4 the price of the whole work. On looking at the amount which the Saltemsarh Gallory is ...


... FASHIIONABLE INTELLIGENCE. The Marquis and Marchieness of Dowwnhirs intend to leave East flempstead Park early in the ensuing month for Hillsborough Castle. Viscount Melbourne leaves London the week after next, for Melbourne Hall, Derbyshire, and then goes to Bishop's Close, his seat in Nottinghamshire, to take up his residence at that ancient family seat. There is not the slightest truth that ...

Literary Notices

... SOUTiliY'S IOCSE AT itESivtoK. 1 T'le garden wits neglected ; it showed that he, and fihe also, the allialihe hostess, who had loved to twiid it, had departed. It was uncropped, and going into the ranik luxuria nce of weeds, and showed at every turn the want of the hand of its former mistress, in tho mnidst of onr st oil, amidst its deserted walks, wve saw a workman wvith a ley in his hand ...


... ?? I SONGS FOR TIIE PEOPLEJ.. NO, xi. [In announcing our recent Feast of the Poets , promised to give a notice of the poems and songs of ROBURT NICOLL, and that promise we had intended to have performed this week: certain cireumstances hasve, howev~er, so occupied our time asb to prevent us fel Ilisig our intentious. The promisied notice okaU ate e* shortly. In the mteantime wve give ...


... IIEli .3AJESY'S TISEAiLL'1. Semiraimi(le 'vas given after a strange filslion last nigrit, by 1o 15l cus creditable to tile gicat lyrical establishient of the modern ilabyloun. The composer, called lo sasiN, wbo wrote) this opera, had a notioa thait Ieo created tlrcoa splendlid parts for at prima donna, a contralto, anlld a baritone. Ile liever contemplated, perhaps, that the in- signiiceant ...


... HAY MJARKET 'I'THEAT'RL'. Our stage is fallen on stllugo timaes indeed, when the opera. of Guy M1oimorring is revived for the purpose of ex- hibiting' the tulents ofae young lady ns lleg dIerir'ilies, for upon no other grounds, surely, could the light comedy com- plny of the ?? Theatre bave launched on such a venture. The pursuit of opera under difiviulties may be imagined when we' look at a ...

Literary Notices

... I I t14- I ?, 1,? ?? T J1.0ticro. 'viie C IIAITcF AND)'rt renaot :vim err. IiII' t that oldil 1,1tlier 'rhady turning do~wn the road ? 'ter wa a time when, he said ?? woldd h~iv t breit atirali to have finet tni-bnt as thet old tallow was ?? rwt worth powder and shot, thle ?? ?? llever renewod, and it is out of (iiitCe ths otur Who knows but I'll ktiork. a ?? 011 ci i Iiii, ...


... THE BUCKET. Hlow dear to this heart are the secnes of my childhood, When fond recollectiou presents them to view! The orchard, the meadow, the deep-tangled wild wood, And every loved spot which my infancy knew; The wide-spreading pond and the mill which stood by it, The bridge and the rock where the cataract fell; The cot of my father, the dairy-bouse nigh it, And e'en the rude bucket which ?? ...


... I TO MARY. COME to the shade of the old elm-treo; Colme to the forest, love, with me. rll twine thy hair With wild flowers there, And sing old songs to thee, Mary, And sing old songs to thee. Come to the shade of the beech-wood glade; Come to the wild wood walk; And I will twine My arm in thine, And we will sit and talk, Mary, And we will sit and talk. And thou shalt tell of the fairy den, And ...


... 1) 0) 1NT 1' Y.o l aadidis5 foar4litsl Sc hool, RED HILL, NEAR BEAUMARIS, COQNiIUTEOD BIY PlIrs. M. 1O.NN iE1S. MlHIS School will be re-opened on the 1st of AIUCUST, 1846. COUNTY OF MERIONET1H. R 'i E ED1E' PE8 0 I ? PE RT TO BE SOLD, DWEILLING HOUSE containing two Sit- ring-roomis, and a Kitchen on the ground floor, five Bed-rooms on the upper story, a comn- mioeious Wharf with Buildings, ...


... BLACIWOOD'S EDINBUR(GH MAGAZINE FOR YUL.y. Edinburgh:: Blackwood 6- Sons. The present number of this able periodical opens with an abstract of Von Tachudi's clover book of Travels in Peru-s country as yet comparatively untrodden by the tourist. The next paper is a continuation of the Marl- borough Dispatches, including the history of the great Continental War in 1708-1709-. The sutceceding ...


... ADlLPII THAlEEAT2'R H. We owe many a stirring melodiramna to TMr. PRAKE, but his last iight's Devil of Maerseilles is a demon of a very inferior breed to the lhmous old Bottle Imin. Yet the title was pin avilie, and we entered the theatre in I le full expeetation of bein6 treated to a wondrous three-net legenil of diablerie-fall of Adulpbi-thirilliiig interest, of treniendoesly critical ...