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Belfast News-Letter



Antrim, Northern Ireland


Belfast, Antrim, Northern Ireland

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Belfast News-Letter


... Lfiterature. S EE C1 ?? E D P O E TR ?? THE THREEl WOItULDS. The Nvorld in whiih we like is bright W'ith beauty and with loveliness; And 11n:1iy a form.with fifo asd light, W ith fairy neise and gorgmeus dress,. A llures with gay and gl:bl dleceit Our I% anderig eyes and roving ftet. The world tcv whilch Nu go is pure I'tto wayworn pilgrinr's home of rest; Its peimeures are Is rich and surc As ...


... BLACIWOOD'S EDINBUR(GH MAGAZINE FOR YUL.y. Edinburgh:: Blackwood 6- Sons. The present number of this able periodical opens with an abstract of Von Tachudi's clover book of Travels in Peru-s country as yet comparatively untrodden by the tourist. The next paper is a continuation of the Marl- borough Dispatches, including the history of the great Continental War in 1708-1709-. The sutceceding ...


... :ADSO, aITAY EVENN(C.-Iler Majesty, accoi by Prince Albert and the royal family, is expect ; Lre Oiborne House, for Buckingham palace, r ly neat. ler Royal Highness the Duchess ?? also tale her departure from Frogmore Hous . Windsor, ol the same day, for Clarence Ious nlihos's. We uiderstand that tire christening of t r'rt princess will take place at Buckingham palace, ?? lurday noat, upon ...

Selected Poetry

... Sietietc Voctrvy. A WISH. (Froml Zayda, anl otlier roems,by Andrew , MEten.) A home in some sweet vale with thee Where ruler sounl, than ripling river Onr cottsge bearth's swept harmony Should come to sarlden never. Wheil telo blithe birld, 'tilst thy employ, Its swellina song thy bosom thrilling, Woulhl vield thee prpsige hrighit of joy Yesear wonld be still fulfilling. LOch eve our joys ...


... 12 ttcrature. SLEL E C TE D P 01 TlU ?? THE \VILL IN THE GPOVE. There's a well iii the glove, amid thick-spreadieg bowers Where alders and hazels weith, hawthorns meet- A imaiden spends near it tier desoltte hours, Antd dreams of the past in that lonely retreat. None there to disturb tier-no fierce tongui to cirtl her, Or chide tier for one who had taught her to love; ' 1was deariln tier ?? ...


... afferatilre, SELECTED POETRY. THE LETTER. ?? M By CUIuLEr. What is she writing ? Watch her now, How fast ber fingers move I flow eagerly her youthful brow Is bent in thought above! iler long cuIr1s, droopinig, shade the light, Shie puts them quick aside, Nor knows, that band of crystals bright, Ikrc hasty touch untied.. It-slips adown hier silken dress, Falls glittering at her feet Unnmarked ...


... T? Uittratutc. rs 1i .. ?? D1' L: T It ?? THEY HAD NOT IIET FOR YEARS. They had not met for msny years, And oh ! those years were fraught With woes that find uobalh in tears, Tlat wiii no hopp from thought; 1'hey spjoke 11o word of former tics; But meni'ry vainly cast A ghmce o'er ail, ind those dim eyes 'lohol volumes of tile past. W ben last thley met, youth's rosy rorn Ilad shed its light ...

Original Poetry

... original J)ottrv. ACIROSTIC. rrestnted to a lady in enmeory of a mu1ch lamented friend, who died under trying eircuinsntnetc, \V lnt shalil we give to memory i since no monomental bust, I n all its toarile pomp a-ray'd, reveals thy mouldering dust; 1. ino alter liue with wordr select from learning's studied store, 1. eaving the chilly record of thy age and death: no more ? I f that were all ...

Original Poetry

... ?? Jumtrp. TO THEl MEMOIRY OF CHARLOTTE ELIZABETIL DalNtc flowers, lovely flowers, 'hioe freshest, tile fairest, Oo mountain and tnoorland, Go scarch for tbe rarest Front Uossy hank and lea Gather them plentcous'y, Strew them profusely, their fragrance to site1t Where Charlotte Ellizabeth sleeps withl the dead, She loved, them when living: How joyful the h1ouirs ShC speint, when entwining ller ...

Literary Notices

... iiterarv Atot'e0. ZAYDA AND OTTIiEtt PoFnSS. By AndrCew MEwen. lBeltast: Published and Sold lky Lamont, Brotwrs. There is a good deal of earnest thought, rich irnaginaz tion, and command over language, displayed in the hanl. 5omerlittle volumewhich now nttractsournotice. especially in the fugitive pietes wlhich follow the principal poeml; b it is to be regretted that the author had uot, ...

Court and Fashion

... court tbFuion, Her Majesty and her Royal Consort took their usual early walk on Tuesday, at Buckinacham Palace. Their Royal Highnesses the Prince of Wales, Prince Alfred, the Princess Royal, and the Princess Alice took their accustomed exercise in the garden of the palace. His Excellenny Sami Pasha, after accompanying his Highness Ibrahim Pasha to Portsmouth. has returned to London, and taken ...

Literary Notices

... futcrarv -noticro. DoMCeSTIC FIOWL; their Natural History, Breceding, Rear- inst, and General Mnangeilent. By IH. D. RiclardSon. Dublin: James MtGlashan. ON a late occasion, it was our pleasing duty to-notice, in tcrmis of high commendation, a publication by Mr. Richard-. son, on the slulject of the gigantic lbssil dleer of Ireland it work which proved the author to be n ?? Rod( aitiquavien of ...