... PUBLIC AMUStMENTS FOR THEWiEM AUXHALL OPEN-EVERYIjNIGHT V EXCEPT SATURDAY. GRAND GALAS EACH EVENING. Admission, 2s. Doors open at Eight o'Clock. GRAND MASQUERADE AT' VAUXHAL~t GARES. O-ORW(Monday, Joiy 13). Therarreorgcset that gove ?? T rai~f,,tio G.Monday, the 29th of Jartfe, to op wsard el Seven Thousand Porasons, will be strictly odhered to, and imoy additions nod l~i~e so s varieate The ...


... - otrp* LINES ON THE BANDIERA. drhi5 ay, July 25th, is the anniversary of the death th Bandiera, (1844,) who died for Italy and (I At five itt the morning, Attilio and Emilio libOYera. with seven of their eoPaniona. Nicola BCG;Oti,' Donenio Moro, Anacarsi Nardi, Giovanni Rl cs1 (iacoml Rocca, Franceeo Berti, and V555~o'Lussatelli were shot to death, at Cosenza, ifladors of Naples ) 'Their ...


... MASONIC FESTIVAL-PROVINCIAL GRAND 1o MEETING FOR EAST LANCASHIRE. The Provlicial Grand Lodge of Freemasons, for the Eastern Division of the Province of Lancaster, was held in Bolton, on Thursday last, and excited an unusual degree of interest. The weather in the morning was very wet and unpropitious, but, notwithstanding this circumstance, the attendance of bretihren from all parts of the ...


... QUIEEN'S THEATiRE. of On Saturday evening tiis long-time extremely dirty rl little theatre was re-opened under highly improved aus- IC pices, by Mr. ABINGTON, late Jessee of tle' Southnnipton Theatre. Determined to spare no expense or trouble to deserve success, the le-see mis put the house through a e. thorough course of elenninlr anid embellishing, the etfect of which, combined wilvI good ...


... THE ILLUsTRATED SIAJSPEsrE. Part XVIIT. This part contains the concluding portion of Henry IV (Part II ), thte whole of Hu-ry V.; land the first htalf of 11cm-y VI. (Part I ) The untllerous wood eugrtvings, by M Kenny Meadows, tire exquisite, and the copperplates which it have bseen added in the present edition are also very good. tl g TatE EWGLISHWOMASN' MAGAZINBH. The continuation of the ...


... Mr. Lucas's Musical Evenings.—The soiree of last evening was attended by a numerous and very musical audience. Mr. Lucas's bill of fare consisted of the following pieces—Haydn's sixth Quartet of Op. 60; Onslow's Quintet, Op. 32: Beethoven's Quartet, Op. 127; an'l Onslow's Quintet, Op. 25. Haydn's Quartet is a great favourite of amateurs, from its simplicity and clearness, the beautiful melody ...


... ?? AMO7IONABLl INTZLLIGANCS. The Qusen and Prince Albert, accompatied by th, Prince of Walies, the PrincetS Royal, and the other Mtombelf c the royal fImily, lefithe Ninedmea station of the South Westt, Rallway on Tuesday morntng by a speciat~qlu forGospo.. thence to cross to tile slikoto Wihct. Suei royaltarty let at twenty nifliutes past nine o'clock. The Prince at Leliilge1 accompanied her ...


... ;WWW54 DOUGLAS JERROLD'S SHILLING MAGA. ZINE. JuLy. London: Punch office, 85, Fleet- Street. The portion of the editor's story, St. Giles and St. James contained in this number, is far too brief to satisfy us. The remaining contents are be- low the general average. we have neither Juniper Hedgehog, nor the History for Young England, serious omissions. The best of the articles is Ire ...


... Is _- ?? by The annual meeting of the Burlington Agricultural Associa- Ier tionr was held on Wednesday,-the weather being highly favour- in. able for the occasion, there was a large assemblage of the mcm- in bers arid farmers from thle adjoining districts. The quantity of catkle exhibited far exceeded that of any former shows, and never since the formation of the Society was the quantity ...


... The Potato Disease is spoken of in many of the local papers having made its appearance in several localities. In the west of England and Ireland, the mischief appears to be very prevalent. The \Ve»t Briton says that the blight among the potato crops has again made its appearance that neighbourhood, and has become extensive. The first indications appear to be black spot on the leaf, which, ...


... .-N FJ2SHIONABLB INTALLIGBNCR. PoaRTiD CONTZEPLATBD VISIT ot Itch MAJEStY. C it has for some time past been rumoured, that it is the inten. ,n of her Majesty to bonour the Yacht Squadron stations with visit during the summer. and it is said that she will be present it the Plymouth regatta, and the Royal Western Irish Yacht Squadron will make the!port their rendezvous on tile occasion. ...


... Ip , . I THE OXFORD AND CjAMBRIDGE REVIEW. I This periodical has been about a yesr in existence, stid (tO we think its only fault is, that it does not relieve the weighty 1of with a sprinkling of lighter matter ; in a work of this cha- o recter, a well-written tale very agreeably varies the routine nec( of criticism and review, and every reader will be pleasedl that such should find a place in ...