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... HAY MJARKET 'I'THEAT'RL'. Our stage is fallen on stllugo timaes indeed, when the opera. of Guy M1oimorring is revived for the purpose of ex- hibiting' the tulents ofae young lady ns lleg dIerir'ilies, for upon no other grounds, surely, could the light comedy com- plny of the ?? Theatre bave launched on such a venture. The pursuit of opera under difiviulties may be imagined when we' look at a ...


... IIEli .3AJESY'S TISEAiLL'1. Semiraimi(le 'vas given after a strange filslion last nigrit, by 1o 15l cus creditable to tile gicat lyrical establishient of the modern ilabyloun. The composer, called lo sasiN, wbo wrote) this opera, had a notioa thait Ieo created tlrcoa splendlid parts for at prima donna, a contralto, anlld a baritone. Ile liever contemplated, perhaps, that the in- signiiceant ...


... CITY OF LONDON. A numerous and highly influential meeting cf the electors of the City of London was held yesterday at the Hall of Commerce, to take measures to promote the re-election of Lord J. Russell for the City of Loudon. The platform was crowded a number of distinguished gentlemen, among whom observed Sir George Larpent, IStrt., Mr. S. J. Loyd, BaronL. de ttothsehild, Baronde Goidsmid, ...


... | THEITATRICAL ERA. ;I THE LOAN OF A WIFE, AT E 1LYCEUM..; * Mr. Wigan is said to be the author ofthe neiw burletta at this theatre, thodgfh, judgin'g from the ingenuity .displayed in the construction of the plots we should imagine the piece; to be of foreign extrac2 'tion, and 'that 'rIT. W. stood in the relation of -its dramatic godfathers rather than the absolute parent of the affair. He ...

Published: Sunday 05 July 1846
Newspaper: The Era
County: London, England
Type: Article | Words: 1317 | Page: Page 3 | Tags: Arts & Popular Culture 

France. —The Fatal Accident on tiie Great Northern Railway.—The primary cause of this terrible catastrophe has ..

... The following details from the Emancipation Beljc were collected on the spot by a medical man, who made the minutest inquiries, and they bear a semi-official character. On leaving Arras, about 600 metres before arriving Borax, the line has an inclination towards Douai of about 4 millimetres in the metre, and then ascends an inclined plana of 14 millimetre. It is at this point that the ...


... Daily New* Office, Saturday Morning. We have received by express the Paris journals of Thursday, with our private correspondence. The Momteur contains several promotions in the army, and various civil appointments; but we record only those which have political character. M. Quenault, a 1 leputy, whose re-election is doubtful, and who not very popular, has been appointed the seat (for life) of ...


... HER IMlJESTY'S TIHEBA TRE. G]usI's ?? Voice wis never perhaps heard to greate ir ad valitage thtan1 lhist itlit it Anna .B7ehna. Iler is drainiatic power, her passionate feeling, her great vocal lls well as histrionic genius, were never more strltingly de- _ veloped. Continued expressions of delight followed her in vO every scene, end she was called for at the close of both ncd acts. She ?? a ...


... Nhwfoundlajid.—Destruction op the Town or St. John's bt Fire.—(The following appeared in a Second Edition of Daily Neics) • —The Pearl, which arrived off Teigamouth on Monday, k«a brought particular! of most destructive Ire John's, by whioh that town was totally destroyed, The fire occurred on the •A of June. All mercantile establishments, from Messrs. Newman and Co.'s, at the head of the ...


... TEIE SHAEx'PEARE Cup.-The famous CUP known as the Stratford Jubilee Cup, presented by the mayor and corporation of that town to David Garrick, in 1769 and used by him at the Shakspeare Festival which he insti- tuted there in the same month, on Saturday last, found its way rgain into the market, at the sale of the effects of the late Mr. J. Juhsnson, of Upper Cbarlotte-street, Fitzroy-square. ...

Published: Sunday 19 July 1846
Newspaper: The Era
County: London, England
Type: Article | Words: 1515 | Page: Page 3 | Tags: Arts & Popular Culture 


... DRURY LANE THEATRE. The Brussels Operatic Company, who so delighted the lovers of music last year, have commenced a series of performances at Drury lane Theatre. They opened with the Iluguensots on Wednesday, and did full justice to the merits of that very fine opera. That charming singer, Madame Laborde, sus- tained the part of Jfcwrqeret, and left nothing to be desired in the execution of ...


... ADlLPII THAlEEAT2'R H. We owe many a stirring melodiramna to TMr. PRAKE, but his last iight's Devil of Maerseilles is a demon of a very inferior breed to the lhmous old Bottle Imin. Yet the title was pin avilie, and we entered the theatre in I le full expeetation of bein6 treated to a wondrous three-net legenil of diablerie-fall of Adulpbi-thirilliiig interest, of treniendoesly critical ...


... TIER MAJESTY'S THIEATRE. -L'JO IN EMBARRAZO. Some twenty years since DoNIZETTI, at thatperiod quite it young' composer was producingr with railroad rapidity, altihoughl the iron hald iot at that epuch d entered people's souls, divers operas. Ills wonderful m facility enabled him to conceive, write, and score a serious or comic opera within at few hours, fbr days were scarcely f numbered ...