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Morning Chronicle


... HAY MJARKET 'I'THEAT'RL'. Our stage is fallen on stllugo timaes indeed, when the opera. of Guy M1oimorring is revived for the purpose of ex- hibiting' the tulents ofae young lady ns lleg dIerir'ilies, for upon no other grounds, surely, could the light comedy com- plny of the ?? Theatre bave launched on such a venture. The pursuit of opera under difiviulties may be imagined when we' look at a ...


... IIEli .3AJESY'S TISEAiLL'1. Semiraimi(le 'vas given after a strange filslion last nigrit, by 1o 15l cus creditable to tile gicat lyrical establishient of the modern ilabyloun. The composer, called lo sasiN, wbo wrote) this opera, had a notioa thait Ieo created tlrcoa splendlid parts for at prima donna, a contralto, anlld a baritone. Ile liever contemplated, perhaps, that the in- signiiceant ...


... HER IMlJESTY'S TIHEBA TRE. G]usI's ?? Voice wis never perhaps heard to greate ir ad valitage thtan1 lhist itlit it Anna .B7ehna. Iler is drainiatic power, her passionate feeling, her great vocal lls well as histrionic genius, were never more strltingly de- _ veloped. Continued expressions of delight followed her in vO every scene, end she was called for at the close of both ncd acts. She ?? a ...


... ADlLPII THAlEEAT2'R H. We owe many a stirring melodiramna to TMr. PRAKE, but his last iight's Devil of Maerseilles is a demon of a very inferior breed to the lhmous old Bottle Imin. Yet the title was pin avilie, and we entered the theatre in I le full expeetation of bein6 treated to a wondrous three-net legenil of diablerie-fall of Adulpbi-thirilliiig interest, of treniendoesly critical ...


... TIER MAJESTY'S THIEATRE. -L'JO IN EMBARRAZO. Some twenty years since DoNIZETTI, at thatperiod quite it young' composer was producingr with railroad rapidity, altihoughl the iron hald iot at that epuch d entered people's souls, divers operas. Ills wonderful m facility enabled him to conceive, write, and score a serious or comic opera within at few hours, fbr days were scarcely f numbered ...


... QUIEEN'S THEATiRE. of On Saturday evening tiis long-time extremely dirty rl little theatre was re-opened under highly improved aus- IC pices, by Mr. ABINGTON, late Jessee of tle' Southnnipton Theatre. Determined to spare no expense or trouble to deserve success, the le-see mis put the house through a e. thorough course of elenninlr anid embellishing, the etfect of which, combined wilvI good ...


... THE ?? RCHI 0INESS OF IANSD0 1VNE'S CONCERT. I Last nighdit thea Marehioness of Lansdowne gave a grand c1oncert ot vocal and instrumental music at Lansdowne llolse. m Their Royal Hirtlinesesa tie Duke mid luchess of Cam- bIidge, meolinpanied by tbe Hlereditary Grand Duke and Granid Dunehess of' Mecklenbiurg Strelitz, arrivedl st lhilf is past t.ll oclorcl, attended by Baron Knisebeck, Lady At ...


... MR. K(NIGHT'S PUBLICATIONS. The IHistoy of' Fngiand du11rinq Thirty Years' Peace, 181.5-1S45. By CHrARLES 'KNIGHT. Part I. [Knight. HW' Welwee to prefix to the present notice at list of' thle Works to WhiCh. it referS, thle CatallogIe Wouldi be as long as that of many a cireulatingI libr'ary, whist ?? would lie found to etio Itititost every depatmnient of' litert)tul't indl sciencei TIhu ...


... MIUSICA.IL IN'I'ELLIGENTCE. 'TM1E B3RUUS LS OPlERA COMPANY. ,, 111M tx SL11311 Jfliguenlots wvas repealted list Ili'Ilit. M. e 'Ii ~ssor nlapuoeartnt in the part of Nevews, the operta tain- 1 iiA ?? by this accession. Ills issumltion of the soxromb in the first net waB s'dmirable. ?? delivery of on the lines, Vraiinent l'n lic peut croire et (q1el peint IT, e qili'e jour je utits perseciut6 ...


... EGYPTIAN EPLISILES-No. lIT. lull. Sir I II ELIB EFFENI)T, TO CADlR BEY. Ith Diffeirent gifts to difleren t unatiois evre l be Holy Prophet thiilts fit to send. litt, (Sacli wqas the ehief of iny' ribserviclions MNll As T qsunk to slee) llt a ifl'a vwil, %,soln At wvicie by al seet of iltics English Giaours IMJ. 11hIo worslhilp a Spirit they (:lil Reform, nt- In it hlll that beaftS those hlalls ...


... AIW YAl IIKE'l' T'IIEA TRlE. IREVIVAL OF THE PIROVOKED IHUSBAND. It is well for dramatic authors that their works are not immortal. If it were olherwise, the generation, of neces- Sity, would soon become exthict. The author of our own day seems to be pretty keenly alive to this important truth, and skilfully produces his happiest effort with just suflicient powers of vitality in it to carry it ...


... LIT'ER ATUREL. I'l.Pr'se ftonitheSouth. ~IyJOHUNEDCIUNDRIEADZ, 0s1i1 author of' ?? Italy, &c. Illi two0 vOlUmes. AIL [London: Charles 0ilier. th ?? of Switzerland and Italy, the(, thing ter- nlow 'Nantedtis1 not meic description, hut ant esti- 1i, mate, correctly stalted, of the(, moral value of what is Ist. ?? This is wli t ?? Rlade hals at fempited, and iii) Ill in 04: cases, ac hievedl, ...