Advertisements & Notices

... 3 R. J AM ES IVE LL S,ofthe S1flOY Tabernlacle, Boreo Road, London, -will (D. V.) 'Wednesday, and Thursjnext, July 27tb, 2,9th, 'and 3eth, in the Chapel lately etpe ythe independents, Gortenl- lstreet,- near the llfwyBige,1 Greengate, Salfortd,- ;Service to commence echenig at seven o'clock. THE COBDEN NATIONAL TRIBUTE FUND. T a M E E T IN G of Merchants, Spinners, A anufacturero, and ether ...


... HOUSE OP' COMMONS, July 29. The Speaker took th. * chair at twelve o'clock. The All Souls College Estate Bill was read second time. The ©uthshire Railway Bill (No. 2) was read second time. The Dublin, Belfast, and Coleraine Junction Railway Bill, and the > ankmeu Bill, were read third time and passed. The Lords' Amendments to th ' London and Birmingham Railway (Coventry to Nuneaton) BUI were ...


... HOUSE OF LORDS, Jilt 13. The Lord Chancellor took his seat on the woolsack at five o'clock. Petitions were presented the Bishop of DURHAM against the union ot the sees St. Asaph and Bangor. Lord CAMOYS presented petition against the Leicester and Bedford Railway, complaining of fictitious signatures to the subscription contract, and praying that the petitioners might be heard before the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... A New and Important Bdition of the Silerit Friend. JtiSE FUIPIDISRED, 10 COLOURED ENGRAVINGS, The ?? Edition,price2us.6d.; freebypost 3a. 6d., THE SILENT FRIEND, on NERVOUS DEBILITY, 1CONSTITUTIONAL WEAKNESS, excessive Indul. gence, &c. With Observations on Marriage, &c. By R. and L. Pzaas aud Co.,Surgeons,London. Publishedby tho Authors,and sold at their Residence; also, by Straetie. 21, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 15 , jSS GEflARD begs to inforin her fdonls and the I pt/bic tlot lipi SChOL) will le ro-( peied nll 'l'uesday ;!,l :t. .Ilere is :ivae ,rev a1wled ?? . rellcl 1`11,1se. ?? 17,1: -- [IN IT 1% ) O IA()I NU ANI) DAY SC,110 - (Na/i,;l ?? Mjlr. .1. ?? VA14fiuuvii. r s 'i 1' :ti',s of' tile Lhove SCHl(,hJ will he r-.iim'd I 5. 1 ii: 'Ut: iwSt. f14hb-,1 s itnsi2, .Iuli~ 1 i, it;. j ?? CITl ?? ...

Advertisements & Notices

... W ANTED the BURIAL CERT1F1C&TE of Mrs. GRtIFFITHS, who Died in the latter part oi thel Year 1828 or 1820, it is believed was taksen out of the Island of Gucrisavy, anid Buried at Exetar, o7r ite neirghbourlood. The raid Mrs. ?? is supposed to have ?? at Maljor Lnen's, Woodland Lodge. (Cntel Parish). Alao WVanted, whethmr her Name wns JOANNA and her Maiden Name MANSELL. Any person furnishing ...

Advertisements & Notices

... OUGLAS JERROLD'S WEEKLY NEWSPAPER D of the 18th of July, wis contain the commencement of several Series of Papors of Social Importaincs and Entertainment, by himself and his EMINEN;T LITERART ASSOCIATES; and also a mass of News and Information wel digested and arranged, suitable to family reading. Office, 169, Strand, where Prospectuses may be had, Gratis, arid of any Town or Country ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 1mjETCALFE'S NEWT PATTERN TfOOTHi BUHadSIMYRNA SP1ONGEtS.-Ulseful Inrquiry,- orpo fio te extremeL durability, power of cleaninz, and fruee ernlu sh kalt whou tivs used )fvtcalfe's Btrushtes. Tihe 'Tooth- Irsiprom h tthiut-imupormott office of Searching thororugthlty in d h dI'isI Ifan vleaittitg in rthe muo, x~turti, ltyttlfe lairs never coelctcne, IS. or P etllw uotet rutieg flatr-brtrsltes ...


... HOUSE lords, July 24. lit 5 dock. BANGOR AND MANCHESTER yr. A SAI DIOCESES BILL. _ f the day being moved by the Earl of °° 'fir the thin! reading this bill, Pi'*' is 10 •„ „f said that he wasptr- Tht Mar l 1 ' amK >unce that she should offer no ' • lP progress of this bill. then read third time and passed. ho ~, . presented a petition from the in favour of the Debts Bill. w * n ol ,' !,;.'; ...

Advertisements & Notices

... THEAUTlE' ROYAL, DUBLIN. Third oppearance of the eminent Vocalists, Miss RO MER, Sir. BORRANI, and Mr. W. HARRISON (of the Theatre Royal. Drury-lane). First Night of the new Grand Op~ra. rfIS PRESENT WEDNESDAY, July 1, T18646. will be performed the Neas Grand Opera, vhich ball been long irn n-gnsrnn, called MARITANA. As ornred upwards of 80 successive nights at the (As pert Theatre Royal, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... A New and Important Edition of the Silent Friend. JIT P'UBILIXbED, 10 COLOURED ENGRAVINGS, The 'ourteenth Edition, price ?? free by post 3.. 6d., THE SILENT FRIEND, on NERVOUS DEBILITY, T CONSTITUTIONAL WEAKNESS, excessive Iiidul. gence, &c. With Observations on Marriage, &c. By R. and L. PesaY and Co., Surgeons, London. Published by the Authors, and sold at their Residence also, by Strange, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... IMPORTIANT NOTICE.' ~TIVENS'S ORIGINAL GREEN GINGER ?? W I N E ..-The great, demand for this whole- sy somnew'ine (so stroi gly recommededei by the faculity), where-, %W ever introduced, veryr soon induces venders of the common sti ginger wine to purh off their own article under the same anr iname, imitating as near as possihle (%without actual forgery) bu the hlabels (in the bottles ...