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Advertisements & Notices

... 9 oiltl e l= autfou. , GRAT OLOFLANDS IN BIRKBNHMAD AND fvF, Comraissioner acting under the several i A ct s On af or. P o ur la se nt f u r th e i m p e e v e e n o f th e T o w n . ~,f B l r ~ ~ ~ ~ ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ! STrER NV FlE'.--This IFairis nhilui)iteiv ij tO IJ hold( 011 '1'IIC V LNS ' the r bcII of Julv iistailt All Wool to ble pitullhd Ile Mavrki't Ploce, by 'TPe a'el00or, The 0rvdiiiarp at ele iiig's Aims Ihu, at Three ou'clocl ,s o.rsnal. il,.ir.elP111. JInerrier. Jin'y B. 11140. d' 'I ioltcl,U E CIA LTI(, 4t; ii' il 1] err, IXS~, \V\imrx'~v vk - bfga to ?? tl.L oi C) I N N CII )NNEI wll take ...

Advertisements & Notices

... INDIAN MEAL, .rbRIME QUALITYt in Constant Supply, trSALE p by WMff. MAYNE NEILL. ai, Clicl ester-street, Belfast, 24th July, 1846. (130 ' *alto 1b) auction. ?? BALD Tns!8 DAY. FLAX BY AUCTION. , iBSCRIBER will OFFER for SALE, by .icAII(TION oa the 24th instant, immediately after T itAci'S Sale, ~lors- DnVEFINB d, 25 Tono Irish PLAX. S THOMSON, 1, Jameg's.street. 20tl Jtly, 1t. (126 -AL TO ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Yn1 [ADvYRTISEMrNTS.j e MA ?? ult., the half- it, Yearly prizea were nwarded to the pupils of this academy. Mr. T. I. ayner, tuigeon, of Birista, delivered the rizes, an lie accompaniedt ench gtft 0with r~appropriait~e oe ...

Advertisements & Notices

... *alco trn) Auttorn. TO BE SOLD. 4etcsn~itott ini Ileerpe of the H11kb Couirt ofI (I Iuey nav le IIIc ; tusot 0CT Pittstoon ii Souiowl aind 41hi,'wihtIle e ?? e f Nwi '4AI 'NVI IA~l ~ N163 VTR;'tsire. Olt- .71 1the MI Iters ?? t he I. (It 4'oIitirt I ?? NIIA1AIII rite T.onowi itsN, InI fIresile, Lf, w. U1s1 Comity of ?? ilt ?? Aito .041Union, ?? 5 Lots. IERtTAIN FRtHEIJUL) 1`1xE'3h2N' situ ...

Advertisements & Notices

... .Applications by, leger, i,pertinq adwrtisrnicnts nauust be post, paid, or they nt-ill not be received. Applications ttit'ctied to bie mande at the pr'inter's miust be personal: itt such calses no lsci'ie, con. IMtMIcaliol's cnn be ottendedl t0. P~e~sonot inquiries cannot be ansivered, whent the address is to be by etite,. -VVA'N'TED, a stout, ?? souse.- t T0 JORNYM N LEILL F RSSPRINTERS.-j ...

Advertisements & Notices

... STIVENS'S 0p1IG N1AL IGREEN GINGER WINE. ORIGJON STIVENS &- CO. AVE, great pleasure in Publishing the i i ioa of oue of the most eminent Physicians in Bristol, J OPlO heit GREEN GINGER WINE, whicb is secured by re5~ecover the Cork, bearing a FAC-SI1IILE of their Signa- Eeg'lpseslO i purcasers should always give particular Atten tuj t iill bsoe a spurious Article otfered themn by UH- oiltr tdle ...

Advertisements & Notices

... STIV ENS'S 5 oRIiNAjtGttEN GINGVER WINK, Jon lI0VENS & CO. AVIK~ great pleasure in PubliAhing the fon the itost ernirier tliystcsons in Bristol. * Ir Kn ENiti NCI( KIt ii IN K,, which is secuired t.i crib cork. hearitig it Vsesi if their Scoun, pn- i 'tiichasrias ohi ..Id illwars viv, particular A lien OcC'il have a opuarwts Al title ollered then, by uo- tipf idom5 Clifton, 27th Jmine, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... - *ale0f ? f(uction. ILTON, ORTH WOOTTON, & WEST r PENNARD. Nole~ ireby giveinthat the SA LE of the FARMHOUSlE d DS, advertised to be held at the Queen's Head Inn, ?? W~oottoii, aforessid, on iMonday, the ',itb day of July,. BICARD SbHEPPARD, Solicitor, Wells. Wells, 23rd Juily JIS. g 0 B 3/4 OL D DJB A U C tO IV. ,, TffIIUR~S~ M Xet. the Both of July, at Twelve o'clock, at e n. iC &SON's ...


... Public Income and Expenditure.—lncome during the Year ended July s:—Customs, 19,835,901?. 6s. lid.; Excise, 13,476,123/. 4s. 2d.; Stamps, 7,559,177/. Bs.; Land and Assessed Taxes, 9,229,899/. 10s. lid.; Property Tax, 5,183,911/. 14s. 4d.; Post Officc, 820,000/. ; Crown Lands, 100,000/.; Tax on Pensions and Salaries, 4,620/. 7s. lOd. ; certain Hereditary Crown Revenues, 61,280/. Is. lOd. ; ...

The Daily News

... HER MAJESTY'S THEATRE.—To-moriiow (by desire ind fur the last time this season), NINO. sip. Fornasari, Sir. Coreili' Sig. l!otelli; Mdlle. Corbari, and Mdlle. Sunhioli. Between the Acts La Craeovienne, Mdlle. Lueile Grahu. To conclude with LALLA BOOKH. Doors open at 7J. HAYMARKET.—This Evening, THE BLACK DOMINO; or Sight's Adventure. Messrs. 11. lIoU, Hudson, Caulfield, J. Bland • Madame ...

Advertisements & Notices

... -p CARRARA WATER. FADWVICK begs to inform the Gentry and in- int s of Portsmuth and its cinit that he APPOINTED Wholesale and Retail AV NTy for the Sale ofMAAGHAl'S PATENT CARRARAo WATER, a supply of which can always be obtained at his Chemical and Drug Establishment, 84, High.street t -Carriage free wvithin ten miles. Also, Agent tbr Schweppe's ?? Waters. Brett's Brilliasat Wine'd. TICH old ...