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... I FASHION,4BLE INTELLI The Qiieeni will hold a Privy Council on 9atbi f noon, at three o'clock, at Buckingham Palace. a'ter. lier lsl jesty nnd Prince Albert, ant the l Queen ot the Belgians, honoured the Italian opera sviti re presence on Tuesday evening. tber The Countess of tharlernont haq ?? the ?? of Desart as the lady in waiting to tue Queen. The Erla morley has succeeded Lord Byron as ...


... i'OETRY. TVl ER XET~O PLYIU-OOYOT.) (A MiaT~t~t1ULitBoDY,) I'm loa '¢ttihe cpzhee imoiipledt withl mites, And wheat thso' h ,Ilgalnc. be ¢un~ruly tA disciplo ofti',AfCgt i'lt bo. I'm a lau, hi~ng Plhlloo9op~ihOr1 itSbrly, ?? thorni dulty, t I nlever meet trouhles halt wvay. If they come, they're uc'er anxious to stay, The Grumhler who never estoys. The boautles bestowed upon narth, Who ...


... TIER MAJESTY'S THIEATRE. -L'JO IN EMBARRAZO. Some twenty years since DoNIZETTI, at thatperiod quite it young' composer was producingr with railroad rapidity, altihoughl the iron hald iot at that epuch d entered people's souls, divers operas. Ills wonderful m facility enabled him to conceive, write, and score a serious or comic opera within at few hours, fbr days were scarcely f numbered ...

Selected Poetry

... Sietietc Voctrvy. A WISH. (Froml Zayda, anl otlier roems,by Andrew , MEten.) A home in some sweet vale with thee Where ruler sounl, than ripling river Onr cottsge bearth's swept harmony Should come to sarlden never. Wheil telo blithe birld, 'tilst thy employ, Its swellina song thy bosom thrilling, Woulhl vield thee prpsige hrighit of joy Yesear wonld be still fulfilling. LOch eve our joys ...


... . ?? - .k ?? I. ?? ?? A SCENE NEAR ?? see Little old Hamlet'1 thou'rt a favojjrd place, of A nest within a nook beloved of Irature, A dimple on the landscape' smiling face, ...


... There will be exposed to public roup, on Saturday the Ist August next, at Berryhillock, Dauneyshowes, Highlandman's Park, Dam Park, Powis, and Old Aberdeen, CEVEKAL ACRES of OATS and BEAR, in excellent con O dition. be put up in lots to accommodate Purchasers. The roup will commence at Berryhillock, at Two o’clock. P.-V Credit will be given on Security, as usual. Powis, 14th July, 1846. sale ...


... fol- sees- that eat. un- g it, son, sefit add rays 7 be no s of iole the an I to iris. :ing ,he ory :ted ne- ible for nk- bid who ray leir rho 08e no ent egs I to kal ks! C, ses. I as the ive ...


... SADLER'S IWELS THEATRE. Df We are happy to perceive that the season at this de- 13 servedly favourite house has commenced, and that it )appears the intention of its mnnager to continue the same 's course which has already won for him an honourable name Is in the dramatic world. Sterling plays and good acthig, dwith appropriate scenery aind other adjuncts, are thle attrac- Ie tions he offers. ...


... i P iASHIONABLE tNTBLLIGBNCR. Their Majesties the ying and Queen of the Belitan, attended by Madamne la Conitesse Vilain XIV., Duke du P l it and Major A. A. Hanins de Moerkerke, Officler ?? landed at Woolwich, at two o'clock on Monday afternoon fron the Garland steam-packet, from Ostend, and in a few minte entered one of tile Queens carriages and four, and proceeded to town on a visit to her ...


... in THE 313RUSSELS OPERA COMPANY. nd HALEVY'S celebrated opera, of Lea Jnive was given of last aight at Druiy-lane Theatre, for the first time in this be country. We oeed scarcely remcind our readers that the ek gorgeous spectacle put upon the stage by Mr. BUNN, in It. 1835, under the title of /ic Jene.mss, was nmerely a two act adaptation of the five act opera, and that HALEVY'S mUSiC .ee was ...

The Family Companion

... CJo a12X+-|1lpan, tt' ?? OJrIGINALA.ND .SRECEJ( I b THE LAST HOUR OF TIlE LEAGUE. RICHARD CoBDrN, JoHNr Buirorrv, AND -THE MAN OF t THlE f, UTjrrsnt Roost,-Tlie following is from an article 01-,O by'ElflrU Bnrritt, nt as number ?? ii Wfeehl~y New-fiaper- A gelieral outburs't oi ec now grected thle entranet of soin. I~in on t la ?? i arose from their seatsb to make way for him, a mo'ee t the ...