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Northern Star and Leeds General Advertiser


... ATVE OOLLISION''ON' T ATERN OOUK.g !IE - - TIES WA IAl 0On Itociday, s,it ten o'il ock, Mr. W. Baker, Jun., deputy the coroner for the 556,elrn division of Middlesex, and a Jeri ejopl of highly respectable 5-Iiabitauati of the parish Of Rack. Y'ard ney, comnmeoc LI an lovesetigation at the Doke of Rich. uous , n ?? Dmsltofl, touching the death been of Mr. W. Hond, a gentlemina lately residing ...


... CARLISLE. LAND FEsTIVAL.-The members of the Carlisle Branch of the Chartist Co.operative Land Society held a festival at the house of Mr. James Clarkson, Royal Oak Inn, Caldewgewgate, on Monday evening. the I'Tb inot, in commemoration of the first jubilee held at the Chartist Estate-O'Connorville. The number who met to partake of The good things of this life, which were provided with great ...


... THE NOR1THERN STAR. SATURDAY, AUGUST 22, 13H. The 17th of Augst, 1816, will ever be a day memorable in England. For the first time in the history of the country, or indeed in the history of any country, thousand(is of the working classes wit- nessed what may be mnadle national by a co-opera- tion of their order. The valuable and instructive lesson to be learned from Monday's demonstration is ...


... ops ? SONGS FOA THE PEOPLE. NO0. XXVI. A SONG FOR THE ROAD. On the 17th of August, 1848 : by ?? JJe1l:. We're on to the Ohatrtist farm, We're on to the promised landI For labour has a charm, When it fille the labourers hand. Who' that, at the narrow porch.c #,lth the ]Factory'e long helt-torch - 'Tie the puisepropd lord of trade, Who hurls the long crusadea on the poor and weak, that made ...

Foreign Intelligence

... I{i, wt. |2OORESS IN THE PAPAL ST'l?. T' ,reh liberal policy of the new Pope seems to have uneO iversal satisfaction among his new 6sub. P)t ?.sd renderea him extremely popular. The j ,crrespendent of the Times, under date 20th of July, covesP lengthy arid spirited account of the general re ocinlgs Consequent upon the publioation of the c1esty, and of the enthusiastic manner in which the ', i ...


... Tim week has been again characterized by much work and some useful talk. If our collective wis. dom could only be as sparing of the latter, and as rapid with the former, in the month of March as they are in August, it would be a decided improve- ment in Parliamentary practice. Among the more important of the measures dis- patched this week, may be enumerated the Railway Commissioners Bill, ...


... Egsa.t EixHuritION oF ANoraa BODY AxD IMPOR- TuNT Discovmalts.-COLv aBIMI, Tuesday Night.- Last week we gave an account of the examination ftf a woman named Sarah Cheeseman, before Lord Bray- brooke and other magistrates of the county of Essex on a charge of attempting to poison a child belonging to another female, by rubbinga quantity of salve over and in its mouth, which was found ...


... THE CONVIOT SMITH. Aa appeal for mercy is about to be made to the Crown, on a ground distinct from that of the general expediency of abolishitg capital punishments. The Learned Judge who presided at the trial pof the culprit on Saturday, dis. stinetly put it to the Jury that if they had a doubt whether the deceased had not gone beyond-the use of mere words, and committed some assault on the ...


... Iyrex- ?? 4OTi GREAT FACT. TO THIX SDITON O THU NOISIT s5TA5 Mr. EDITOZ,_I read in the Leeds Afeirp of the 25th nit., that a Joseph Hickin, Eoq, Secretary to the AtL. Corn Law League, had been presented with *sllver In. stand, &e.-aye, Joseph Hickin, Req., mind thS I I knewa Joseph Hickin reiding at Walsall, in Stafflosa. shire, who was by trade (if I mistake not) a saddle tree maker; but ...


... (Coutinued -from thc Era Page.) Two modes of governing Ireland had been tried the first was by coeroioqninstead of,eoneiliation,. and the second was by depriving the Irish; of the same privileges as Englishmeni.aed, Soothbmen. enjoYed. Now he would turn the: tables and try a diffesent system, instead of bringing forward~thjs.odions meoa -sure, againsteiwhich. at a forniernperiod there had ...


... GROSS IINMORALITY IN TUE LUWISUAM UNION | WORKHOUSE. The usually qttiet village of Lewisham has for some days beca in a state of considerable excitement, in con- sequence of certain very prevalent rumours respecting the conduct of Mr. Burroughs, the master of the Unioa Workhouse, towards the female inmates. On the re. porter proceeding to Lewiisham, and making inquiries-on the spot, the ...


... | THE NORTHERN STAR. | SATURDAY, AUGUST 8,.1846. l a, 1 As we announced upon the formation of thie Coa- lition Ministry what Mr. O'Connell's .issionv was, and the way in which he would fulfil it, we may now, 'with some little boast, though not of satisfac- tion, refer to ourselves as some authoritv upon the subject. We announced that the object' of Mr. O'Connell's mission to Ireland was the ...