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Northern Star and Leeds General Advertiser




Leeds, Yorkshire, England

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Northern Star and Leeds General Advertiser

Markets Intelligence

... ;Mftarket Eitdligence. CORN EXCHANGE, JULY 27. The supplies of English wheat by land carriage samples this mornling were exceedingly small, and our quotations of last week maintained; free foreign met an improved demand, and, in many instances, at prices which were unobtainable on Priday last. There was a trifling inquiry for Black Sea wheat to export for Belgium. Flour is a slow sale at ...


... LuzDs.-Ofl Saturday there was a full average amount of goods sold at the Oloth.hIalls, but on Tuesday there was athinnnrattandanceofbuyera, and lesshusines was done. There was very little business done on either day in fine and middle qualities of cloth, but in heavy winter goods, ad fancy cloakinga, there was a pretty fair demand. Prices are without any alteration, and the stocks on hand are ...


... RECEIPTS OF TRE CHARTIST 0O.OPEHATIYE LAND SOCIETY. e0 P~tE MR. O'CONNOR. of SECTION No. 1. u h e FISAREI. £ S. d. n Burrown, perR. Bosworth. .. , 2 7 6 is Birmingham, per W. Thom ., ,. . 0 15 0 MNYorwich, pr J. 'Hurry .. .. .. 2 0 0 Nottingham, per J, Sweet ., .. 1 15 6 - Halifax, per C. W. Smith ., .. - 1 0 0 ir Exeter, per F. Clark *- .. .. .. 2 1 4 Trvietock, per R. HolL. , .. .. 0 10 6 ...


... RECEIPTS OF TIM CHARTIST CO-OPERATIVS LAND SOCIETY. PER MR. O'CONNOR. SECTION No. 1. SNAXlS. Barrowash, per R. Bosworth.. Birmingham, per W. Thom. orwich, per J. Hurry Nottingham, per J. Sweet Halifax, per C. W. Smith Exeter, per F. Clark - . Tavistock, per R. ITo1.. Selford, per J. Millington Aebton-utider.Lyne, per E. Hobson Manchester, per J. burray SECTION No, 2. *ilARUS, £ a. d. 27 G1 015 ...


... '0 1- st le to d ae i- It I, It 0 if 'e EXTI'SCTIONI OPrTn UPOTAMTAOOP-e Such is the heading given to a letter from Clon- mel, published in a Wexford paper, and if the facts set forth be not over coloured the future prospects of the poor are lamentable indeed. For the last four weeks (says the writer) symptoms of odisease were manifest in the potato crop but frees the bloom and verdure of ...

Market Intelligence

... I I . ?? . :. -, :;market flittiltqmf?. ?, I CORa EXCHAiNGE, Auocuszr 3. Tbe supply of wheat fresh-uli to- this me#niag'S market was- very moderate,seime portion of whith consisted:of lei-,samples, svhioh came to hand in good,.ondition, and sold readily fromn48s to 5ilenisr quarter. There is nova. rnation to notice inthe price of oldwlieat, antdthere istbut ilitele- doing in foreign. r learly ...

Market Intelligence

... ?- laarket ? futtilta#Cie.,,!;.: ? ? CORN EXCRANGE, Ausoer 12. c( There wan an increased demand for consumption ths morning for both wheat and flour at thwfuli prices of in Monday; some speculative enquiry was also experienced,. ul founded upon~ favourable reports of the yield of the new tii wheatand accounts of the spread of the potaue disease. pi It did not, however, lead to much actual ...


... Toprovideforremoving the Charge of the COnsta. bulary Force in Ireland from the Counties, and for .Illarging the Reserye Force; and to make further Provision for the Regulation and Disposition of the said eonstabularyForee. , Be it therefore Enacted, by The QUEEN's mo st Excellent MAJESTY, by and with the Advice and Con- sent of the Lords Spiritual and Temporal. and Com- mons; in this present ...

Bankrupts &c

... 33aftdruptl &c., (F.rsa& Tucaay'e Ga-rette, Agitat 11, 18468. BANKRUPTS. Joseph Turner, Ludgate-hill, ?? Tunley andl Richard Stuith Potts, Old Change, comlmon carriers -llenryv Paralel, Monrgatcwatree-Lchaitbers, Mocirgate. street, iiuctioneer-Will'aM Henry Mm timer, Lower lar- leyctreet, wcood paviour - James Hayward and David Adam, Poternsoster-r~ow, ?? Mitclell, Westorhaml, lKent, ?? Bishop ...

Market Intelligence

... ;fflarktt flitelligilm CORN EXCHANGE, JULY 27. t The supplies of English wheat by land carriagesamples t this morning were exceedingly small, and our quotations of last week maintained; free foreigii met an improved a demand, and, in many instances, at prices which were t unobtainable on Friday last. There was a trifling inquiry for Black Sea wheat to export for Belgium. Flour is a slow sale ...

Trades' Movements

... = I ..OW Ifil9 aotmil ltzz. ?? ?? - - . - -- ?? ?? I.. . ?? BOOT AND - nOI-A- E.R-WO iha'ze recoivetd theI following from the City Trade ot Boot and Shoe I makers :I I The late disagreomeut among the different sections of I ou tredo aLoniaon, which bus oawed upwards of 1100 of Its members to q.qrom iii.4eanusi.X ,hba in. flicted a serious irt'y 1 ti1 thatV aottion 6fit iIaat. 1 ~enis, ~irh a ? ...

Market Intelligence

... -, Barkrt ?? -- - ?? CORN EXCHANGE, AUGUST 12. Thr .ass nreased demand for consumption. thisl morning for both a-heat and flour at the full prices of Monday;sme pclt~ nur a also experienced. fone upo efavourable reports of the yield of the now wheat and accounts of the spread of the potatoe disease. It did not, however, lead to much actual business. The duty will most probably advance to ...