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... THEATRE ROTAL? I After the lively petite comedy, The Lady of Munster, the Viennoise Dancers appeared in a pds de ballet or Dance of Flowers, which they performed with astonishing grace and elegance of movement, like the winding myste- ries of harmony, link within link involved. The beauty of their performances was only equalled by the extraordi- nary expertness with which they accomplished ...


... L I il RA T UBE.' ]BLACK Nvot7.v a, MAGAZINE. This month's ?? is enoellent-the contents interest. ina and va ied. Blacklwooed is a periodical wh'ch is no - nerely--indeed we may say always-calcnlated to gratify it. readers, and whioe.- is sustained at a level and uniform rate of neonllence. A long and powerful paper entitled The Army ori. giriates ii a review of two works, which were ...


... | We have again to notice, in the moat favourable terms the efforts of the ballet corps, who have been for so many evenings past delighting large and brilliant audiences; and if we have anything to regret, it is that we had not an op. e portunity once more to witness the entire of Esmeralda. le Nothing can he better than the piquant and graceful co- is quetry of C. Grisi in the dance where ...


... I LIZERATUIE. I FRASER'S MAGAZINE. da' The admirers of this periodical will find it abundantly pu supplied this month. Many of the papers are continuations bor nal from former numbers, for example, Napoleon'd Cam- the paigns, of the style of which, we have before spoken em fully. A paper entitled, 1 Aristocracy of Rank ; is it Aria, h tocracy of Talent? is the first article which ...


... - I pOEbIS BY CAMILLA TOULMIN. Pndon : W, J. Orr, and Co., Paternoster-row, 1846.) The readers of the periodicals to whom Miss Toulmin's ; contributions are familiar, will be pleased to find h eb has published them in a collected form, with the ?? of some pieces of great merit not previously before ue public. We have not had for a long time anything thtter of woman's poetry than the ...


... I FASHIONA.BLE INTBLLIGENCL.- by 1. DEPARTURE OF THIE COURT F5OR TR ISTHE orX -Tile Queen and Prince Albert, accompanied by the q 0T, the Belgians and the Prince of Wales and the Prl0leen of left Backingham Palace at two on Friday afternoon in e lON and four for Osborne House, Isle of Wight. The Pr- carriage the Princess Alice, and the Princess Helena, accom e~a Lady Lyttelton, were in another ...

Literary Notices

... -miterart) iloticco. DulnlIN UN~rvnsrrY MAOAZI4na AUGUST. Dublin: Juinis M-Gias/ana. Tins is more than an average number. The opening article is an abstract of tihe principal information contain- Pa in two very remarkable books of travel, recently pub. lished-viz., Dr. Coulter's Adventures in the Pacific, aml Herman Melville's Narrative of a residence in the Marquesas. Dr. Coulter's work ...


... I FASHIONABLE lNTELLUNENCE I VISIT OF HER MAJESTY -n Y)- ?? ?? jc't' ' - - 'O'u I TO JJE VONtPORTs. lt,. jesty tle Q een and Prince Albert, attended by thtir a proceed from Obornc House on Tuesday nxt, te nill toria and Albert yacht to Devonport, which place her Ma will honour with her presence uutil the '1911; lemy when, if the weather be favourable for a waterexd}ak HlrY, Majesty will ...


... THE UNIVERTiTCY MAGAZINE The title page of tihe number for the preseut month dis. PI5Y9 a very judicious and well-selected array of articles- It affords us, at all times, much pleasure to bear testimony to tile merits of this excellent periodical, and indeed we have rarely anything to regret in perusing it, save that it is not, in the strict and true sense of the term, a national magazine, ...

Court and Fashion

... Cotirt anti 4Faff)ion. Itir v,,~'sty was to hold a Privy Council on yesterday (Itt :.)alternoon. at Osborne I1oos~. Thle,(.j':unre and Prince Albeit, accompanied by thle Pritive - Vl'al (s an~d the Prbioees Royal, and1 attended by hei r0' ?? i lan dod onl Tuestiea y mnornin g, froln the r Royal V:,1~ois and Albert yacht, and ar-rived at Osboin,? 1-lollw e 1 afteor tenl o'clo~ck.I ?? ir Q`F' ...


... I kASHIONABLE INTELLIGENCE. I RETURN Or HELE MAJESTY TgE QUEEN DowAoEn FRoNT THE CONTINENT.-Friday forenoon her Majesty the Queen Dowager arrived at Woolwich from the Continent, accompanied by her Royal Highness the Princess William of Prussia, both being attended by a numerous suite of ladies and gentlemen. His Royal Highness Prince George of Cambridge is not expect ed to leave London for ...

Selected Poetry

... setiteot lotrt2. TAKE BACK TIHY GIFT. Take back, dear maid! the blusbing flowers Thy gentle fingers placed in mine, Ere they recal the vanished hours Wh en I was chleered by smiles of thine. Take back-take back thy only gift, From wshich my Inlemory ne'er shall part, For, ohl I believe me, it hati, left A lasting impress on my beart. Tahle back,. denr mnaid I the fiatal prize, Thbat still ...