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... The annual cattle show of this useful and rapidly im- proving society took place yesterday in the cattle mar- ket, Newtownards. The day was extremely wet throughi- out, but this did not in any way lessen the interest taken in the exhibition, which was one of the best for a considerable time past. The number of black cattle was more numerous than last year, and the quality of every description ...


... I . ( , THE LIFE OF ST. VINCENT OF PAUL. (Duffy, Dublin.) This work, a translation by a Catholic clergyman from the Freach of M. Collet, is remarkable for the chaste simplicity of its style and the extraordinary and interesting tcharacter of its contents. The life of St. Vincent must Ibe a subject of deep interest to all, whatever their creed lor nation, who deplore the miseries of their ...


... I I (FOR THE FREEMAN S JOURNAL.) War I when shall that accursed word Be blotted from man's page of woe ? 1. War I that feasts the carrion bird, f Makes man of man the mortal foe I Lot'#, through the hase of streaming blood, A glanae upon its revels cast; And see what compensating good Y It e'er bestowed for ills so vast. t ?? Bo those revolting visions hid Of Delhi's and Angora's slain; Heed ...

Court and Fashion

... court anD Ja0tion. Sir Robert Peel is expected in Scotland next week, on visit to the Earl of Aberdeeii. The townsmen of Aberdeen propose to give him an entertainment. Lord de Ros. family, and suite, arrived in Warrenpoint, Ay the Sea Nymph, on Friday morning, en route to 'trangford]. The reports circulated of the ilineqs of the King of enmnark are utterly unfounded. His Majesty enjoys ...


... CARRICKIFERGUS AND KILROOT FARMING so. CIETY'S CATTLE SHOW. hlle annual show, in esonexien with this Society, ?? ?? yesterday, in the Market Square, Carrickfergus. The ittellianc, of' agricliturists was large, ;tsd the exhibition of cattle snperior to that of any former year. The blatk cattle, ill particelar, fag of the very best kind, and elicited universal admiration A bull belonging to the ...


... FASHIONABLE IN2TBLLIGENCR. WINDSOR, MONDAY EVErNING.-BIRTsoDAY OF THlE SI DuCssess OF KENT.-~The birthday of her.Royal Highness thle Duchess of Kent was celebrated to day by the Bueheloss of T Windsor, who held their annual revel in their acre in hionour of the event, and, also of hier Alsjesty'S reccession to the throne. in order to deiray thle expense of the revel, amounting to up. wards of ...


... sil O LEJNT TRLLIRNCE The royal dinner party on Monday at Buckeingham Pa. lace included their Majesties tho King and Queen of the Belglans, jer Royal Highness the Dscteess of Kent, the Marquis and Mar- chioness of Lansdowne, tile Marquis of Abercorn, Lady Anna Ndlaa Dawson, the Earl and Countess Fortescue, the Right Hon. Sir lt and Lady Peel, & u. The Lord Lieutenant of Ireland (the Earl of ...


... I LITESAMTURE'. IRTShI GFOLOGY. 10 BY T. ANTISELL. ?? of the Royal College of Surgeons, England; 2 Member of the Royal Dublin Society, and Lecturer on 4 Chemistry. '0 Dublin: James MIGlashbn. d This is an exceedingly interesting little book. It con- Itaine an outline of the science of geology and a description 2 of the various rocks distributed on the surface of the island, with some romarks ...


... FASiHlONABTiLE INTI'ELLIGENCE. I WiTnsoR, TUESDAY EvIENING.-1n ?? narrangemeits having been made for the otparure utic C 'tf lor the sle of Wight totno owro, ristructiens Wtre rec(11,-t Frogrnore yesterday evening frorim Clareice ll Sr cc t tbr the apartments to tie prepared Ior the rce45j5 u Royal I.ighness the Duceess of Real, K nt r is ?? , rive at Frogmore House in tile course of flre ...

Selected Poetry

... ,*tljcttto poetry. SUMMER. This ie the time of shadow and flowers, When roads gleam white for many a winding mile ''hen gentle breezes fan thoe lazy hours, And balmy rest o'erpays tile time of toit; Whell purple hues nod ?? beams beguile The tedious ramcne.s c'f the heath-grown moor; When tihe old grand&ire sees wvith placid smile rhe sunbnrnt children frolic round his door; And trellised ...


... 1IOI.YWOOD AND DUNDONALD FARMING SOCIETY. On yesterday the annual exhibition in conneotion with this society was field on the strand, at the foot of Shorn. street, lolywood. rlie show of cattle, &c. was respec. table, and the attendance numerous. At two o'olock a lecture was delivered to the society by Dr. Hodges on the adlrvantaates of the ?? of the scienr.e of chemistry to the principles of ...

Court and Fashion

... E, ourt aim stiolOoll. 1-ler Alajesty continues in tile enjoyment of excellent hnalth, and will, it is ruooutied, make a sum nor tour some time in the lonth of August. Paris nod Ireland have both been named as under consideration for ?? honour of a royal visit. A cabinet council was leld, at three o'clockl, on Friday afternoon, nt the foreign office. lhe ministers present wcre, Lord Johtn ...