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Aberdeenshire, Scotland

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Advertisements & Notices

... 3 0 A ItD. FERILJSSO N3 Rector of the Wyest-End Academy. has ]rwammodatiou for a ftiv YOUNG GENTLEMEN as per annum, payvble Half-searly, in advance. ,Crow Street. Aberdees, June 20 1846. St Nichaolas H3otcl ad Coffee Room. gIRLES CUMMING. (late Waiter in the Lemon-Tree) gscr atefull to retulrnr his sicere thanlks to lnuis merous W hObavCeso kindlv tavonreld himO with their patronage, wr ,pencd ...

Advertisements & Notices

... !~~~~~~ .A I S I N T lNIS. Gl' t21RI . , AXI) 1'. V F R- R A'NCG ER, M'\- l !IG STM5sET, ABsERDEEN, - ros to a-noallnce to hi- Cxi.tonlers and the Pnblic the far- *-rkrir-iit redl-ti in by thQ31l) l0Wfutyrer in the Price of 3>tiaels of Wi ND'0W' GLAISS, which lbe can now sell at the bet Ur, XW GLASS, per Crate, 12 Tables ..4 4 0 odo. do. 12 1 3 13 Thirrd do. do. I2 do .. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... v ~~AEVERTZBEMET. THE Late JOHN PETERKIN, Carrier in Dufftrown, having Tielt a Widow and. Five Children rinprovided for, it is pro- posed, that a subscription be raised for their behoof; and, from the esteemn in which trhe Character of the deceased was held, as a faithful arid obliging public servanit, and the very genelral regret felt fur his sudden aud melancholy death, it is hoped, that tt ...

Advertisements & Notices

... S 0 a P D. EERG-USON- Rector oflie West-End Academy, has I a for a few YOUNG GENTLEMEN as 30a-.s' 0£40 per annunm, payable Half-yearly, in advance. oj Crofn Street. Aberdeen. June 20 154G. ~~~-ro S~AL lVE qHA~RE3 of MIACD UFF GAS LIGI4T COMI- QAESIlXTEENTHX of Schooner EAGLEJ of .ICuDOuF'. t ItIOB(FERT Au'\s?, Solicijtor, Mlandutt. gfdaff 5th August, l5ki.___ SM'.ALL FARMl TO LET. . F.,ial 0' ...

Advertisements & Notices

... -JEWELLER AND SILVERSMITH, vNION D AUF:RDEFN. 1STREET. - egs to inform bis Friends and others visting Aber- J. denatthe ensuing CATTLE SHOw, that his Stock 'tontvery complete and extensive, and invites their in- - ofit London-made JEWELLERY of every descrip. r large selection of Scotch-manufactured FANTc B BRACELETS, SHIAWL-PINS, A N STDS, BUTTONS, &c. &c., Mounted in aSd id5Geneva GOLD and ...

Advertisements & Notices

... music. S BAI;El, (i~emuber cf ihc Royal Society of AneiieW) iSL a ,ost) cliahluto gtive Lo~ eon the PIAN10FO1TI e>.k~ipla;e. .xbeI ieen, An' lo, iSpi. COLLZCTIOW. se gLEF CNitlxH, SC. PAJ.7I. ST(IEFT, su~l itheanntual collejtion, for the behoof of the 1; E WEA . 511C B.ICANwill lie made during three services. mil BLAtCK\\OOD, of Uctouc CiI , ~i h inthe everi . gi( THE iMtitilIT ]IO-'I il 5 Ot ...

Advertisements & Notices

... LES CUMIIIN;. i(late Waiter in the Leanon-Tree) l..rtgfdlly to return hius sincere thanks to his lnumerous , 4ta',5 5 kin,)2y ittonred him uith their patronage, rir0` j °ethe ahove Eslblishinlent, and begs to inforin reda ('^el l l Ge ftl l.Nl, alId the Pablic that he has now1 trled the whole of Ilki arr angenienits His bedlrooms will be edoekig dertartaen, and q hiet Particsla attention will ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 17 . Tlhis dayieL Published, I L A C 5 W0' V (0 D'S M1 A C A Z I N E, B No. CCCLXX.?or AUGUST, 1ss. Price 2s. 6d. CONTENTS:- I.-The Army. 11.-My College Friends; No. IV. Charles Russell, The Gentleman Commoner. Chapter 1. IL.-The Itomantie Drama. IV.-The Minstrel's Curse. From Uhland. V.-The Mline, the Forest, and the Cordillera, VI-` Moria- mar pro liege Nuatro. VlI.-lesnerik Mountebanks. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Ii E1UNTLY DISTRICT. 13STRACT of ih A ND S oi It I- o UNL [t A DISTRsICT of COMUA TATI~ON RltOA DS5 iu A3NtL; r 1i.ErN.iitnr, for ct45-46, published in termsof tb e St andg9 r Vict., cap.,41. e Th'1e Duk~e of Richmond1lss Lanid.,s, excelusive of.the lTowni of Huntly.I Braneh I.-To Balance in: hand last year, Brmch 22.-To Assessrnent from 1545 to t 1846, - 223 6 7 9-l2ths f Branch 3.-To Highway ...

Advertisements & Notices

... AND TfEL NORILITY GENTRY CLERGY AND FAMLi THROIVGHOUT TUE NORTh 'OF LI IN introdecing ourselves to your notice a few month~s PFLPRso Ei r oss of the TE.A -ESTAE'LI5fl.i;,. 6 -- -I Aberdeen. we said that we should cotid'c 'm~~65 nonStree ciples, as those which had secured to o2ure pree l s share of Public patronage. Those principles have obtieei4 us theutation ofselling an article pre-exina5 ,, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... .XToTICE tS tlERERY GIVEN, that. in virtde of tbe £. powers contained in an Act passed in the 3d and 4th year of his l.te Majesty Ring William the Fourth, intitled, an Act to enable oBurghs in Scotland to establish a General System of Polhie, the Occupiers of Prenises in the Bargh of Huntl3, tnd places adjacent, within One Thousand Yards from the Bounds and Limits thereo;, of the real Yearly ...

Advertisements & Notices

... wurg32S , Si7PsIRITS, LIQUEURSy, &C. ' *FED, AG FNT ro1r IMSsRS: BELL. RANNIF2 e itie' nor ;--7o &1d t1`0 ofsrennodarP dil. Ceresing ; 11Z! fronJ Leifh. 'tl 'rwTSl21PaiU ? .n toni2 7i-'-N@>-`\-FS BR CAN1)Y. (IN, RtUMI LLQlIlCr lS, &c. Mene, i wrXecomewdi, bs ein, of verdi sm;Oerioe e,;,orente in l riOc'. II-' fin Slck is ie o'gprtsol a- g ,xcY.ovi;q cli xIlA ANA (in Qurrls and PI'hd j W S, ...