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Glamorgan, Wales

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... NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, THAT the next HALF-YEARLY GENERAL MEETING of the Proprietors of this Company will be held. pursuant to the Act of Parliament, at the PADDINUTON STATION, LONDON, on WEDNESDAY, the 26th day of AUGUST instant, at 12 o'clock, for the general purposes of business. The Chair will be taken at One o'clock precisely. C. RUSSELL, Chairman. The Transfer Books will be closed on the ...


... TyjOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that the Act authorising the construction of this Railway having received the Royal Assent, all persons holding Scrip Certiticates for Shares in this Company, are requested to transmit the same to the Secretary for Registration, at the Offices of the Company, No. 449, West Strand, London, on or before Thursday, the 10th of September next, with their Names, Professions ...


... INDIA AND CHINA. We (the Times) have received by extraordinary express from Marseilles the dispatches in anticipation of the over- land mail from India, brought to Suez by the Hindustan. The intelligence is from Bombay, via Madras, up to the 2d of July, only one day later than that received by the last mail. Ibrahim Pacha reached Alexandria on board the Avenger, on the 8th inst. He was in ...


... MERTHYR AND NEIGHBOURHOOD. WILSON'S CONCERT.—The lovers of music anticipate another rich treat on the evening of the 31st instant. when this gentleman will again appear and give his Songs of Scotland at the assembly-room, Bush Hotel. Owing to the unpropitious state of the weather, it is feared that quantitiesof hay and coru are greatly damaged in the hilly parts of this county. The TafF was ...


... MERTHYR AND NEIGHBOURHOOD. On Friday, the 7th instant, a meeting of the Cambrian Literati took place at Goodrich Castle, the residence of Sir Samuel Rush Meyrick. At about one o'clock up- wards of sixty ladies and gentlemen had arrived, who sat down to a magnificent dejeune laid in the library. Mr. John Thomas and party from Merthyr, accompanied by Mr. Llewellyn Williams, harpist, of ...

[No title]

... FIVE MINUTES' ADVICE TO LABOURERS AND S:\1ALL FARMERS. Consider we1l the importance or habits of frugality, the of muking provision for 01,1 age. when, from inlirmity iid inability tn continue daily I ,buur.. priv. tinn and surf, ring surely overtake the improvident. The effects of want ill :'ie period of 01:1 age, sickness, and infirmity, may generally tv-rfed hy industry, forethought, and ...


... LivERPoor., WEDNKSDAY AFTERNOON.—The Cambria, Captain Judkhis, has again achieved an tf\ ordinary passage, having arrived in the Mersey •little before one o'clock. She left Boston on the Ist' 'j Halifax on the 3d inst.; therefore, allowing difference of time, she has run the distance from u tvtthm nine days. Captain Judkins reports that be #j si^cht of Cape Race, Newfoundland, at seven I ...


... L OF THE LATE LIECr. COLONEL GWYNNE IIALFORD.*The funeral of the late Lieut. Colonel Gwynne Halford, of lvilgwyn, Carmarthenshire, and Buckland, Brecknockshire, took place on Tuesday, the 11th instant, at Llansaintfred, in the latter eounty, and was marked by every tribute of respect and aff 'ciiou that could be paid to one so justly esteemed in his neighbour- hood. Besides a numerous ...


... NEWPORT FAIR was held on Monday last, iii the New Cattle Market, upon whic;1 occasion there were ex!1ibited vast numbers of cattte indeed, it was observed that a greater quantity of stock never was before known at any fair in this place,—a cin-um-raiice which may reasonably be attributed to th? admirable accommo lation afforded by the New Market Place, for the full and efficient ex- hibition ...

[No title]

... MERTHYR PETTY SESSIONS. [Held on Wednesday. Aug. 5th, before J. Wilson and W. Meyrick, Esqrs.] William Walters, of the Miners' Arins beer-house, Caepant- tywyll, was charged by Superintendent Wn :nn with keeping his house open for the sale of beer, See., before one o'clock on the morning of the 2nd inst. Pined 10s. and expenses. Thomas Thomas, of the Balance beer-house, Caepant- tywyll, was ...

(Scnfral fl\iøtrUa1t!!

... ROOFS HEATED BY THE SUN—simple, cheap, and very effective plan for abating the intolerable heat which has, during this summer, caused much suffering, and pro- bably no small amount of disease, to those who are unfor- tunately compelled to work in upper shops or warehouses, especially under slated roofs, is simply to procure a few pounds of common whiting, mix it with a sufficient quan- tity of ...