... | We have again to notice, in the moat favourable terms the efforts of the ballet corps, who have been for so many evenings past delighting large and brilliant audiences; and if we have anything to regret, it is that we had not an op. e portunity once more to witness the entire of Esmeralda. le Nothing can he better than the piquant and graceful co- is quetry of C. Grisi in the dance where ...


... poarp. - IMITATION OF A LATIN VERSE IN MILLRERD'S MAP OF BiRISTOL, 1671. [in translating the last twolines of lilieord's verse, read downwards, Watead of right on-a word of each line iln successlon.) Urbs hime, sublimis, spateos, flidells, amoene, DUlils et insignis, prIsma, beitigna, intens. Jurn Deonte. Itngeti ltegieolei, Crtehisa, Pacemi, ?? I. hl. 3BItI ST TO L L. A CITY sie, of high ...


... Atbirbl-4 anc: THE TRUTII SEEKER, Nos. 1, 2,3. Vol. II. He Leeds: F. R. Lees. Burmantofs; London: Chap- pre lman Brothers, 121,Newgat-estreet. (GI Some two or three weeks back we received the to E above numbers of this Magazine; the numbers of the we first volume never reached us. the The Truth Seeker appears to be under the manage- ai ment of Dr. F. R. LEEs of Leeds. whose very talented lie, ...


... SELECT'.ED. TO THE IiFFORlMERS OF OUR0 TIME. (1rroin the Pesgeliedcr.) Stedfast as some roick colossal, clear as stars their lustre pour, Mid tho roaring storm of ages, stands the tfeod for overn ore; Soeptres shiver,tthrones anidiiations bnrstthiniibubbles on the waye, But the Word remains perennial, Faith knows nodevouring grave! Small and great alike must crumblo, engle, lion, worm are ...


... DUBLIN, Jilt 30. Election News.—Yesterday. Mr. Smiikwick, a repealer, was clected for Kilkenny, without opposition, ia the room of the late Colonel Butler. The journals a rumour, that Mr. John Augustus O'Neill, prominent member Coneiliation Hall, will canuiilate for the representation of Dungarvan, at the next general election. Sir Valentine Blake cannot attain offer himseif for the ...


... 1 lant W--tm+ OUR WARNING. Do ERNEST JONES. Ye lords of golden argosies ! And prelate, prince, and peer; And members all of Parliament, In rich St. Stephens, bear I We are getting up through England, All the bravest and the best; From the heatber.bills of Scotland, To the green Isle of the West. From the corn field and the factory, To the coal-balt's hollow zone; From the cellars of the city, ...


... atrutw. I' l ?? - an( THE TRUTH SEEKER, Nos. 1, 2,S. Vol. IL. He Leeds: F. R. Lees, Burmantofs; London: Chap- pre man Brothers, 121, Newgate-street. (Gi Some two or three weeks back we received the to above numbers of this Magazine; the numbers of the we first volume never reached us. tht The Truth Seeker appears to be under the manage- aid ment of Dr. F. R. LUns of Leeds, whose very talented ...


... LITERARY VARIT TIES. C ABISTION.-The road ambition travels is too narrow for friendship, too crooked for love, too rugged for honesty, too dark for science. Nothing has such a tendency to weaken, not only the power of invention, but the intellectual powers in general, as a habit of extensive and various reading without reflection.-Stewart. TiE ENGLIsIH MOu.-Whatever maybe said of English mobs ...


... THE LTITERARY EXAMINER. Life at the Water Cure; or, a /ontle, at jfalvern. A Diary. By Richard J. Lane, A.R.A. With nu- merous Illustrations. To which is added, Tle Sequel. Longman and Co. We have no doubt in the world that Mr Lane's health mightily improved under Dr Wilson's care at Malvern. Whether water to the extent described, or water to any extent, was a necessary part of that treatment, ...


... I PRENCII PLAYS. We were told that M. Latour's tragedy of 'i , ?? was to be regarded as a re-action against the innova- ions of Hugo and Dumas: that it was a revival of convenances and classicalities, in opposition to the piquant and practical horrors of the romantic stage: no violent situations to startle an audience out of their propriety, to be found in it-all smooth, steady, and proper. ...


... votarp OUR WARNING. 51I M5NZ5T JONES. Ye lords of golden argosies i And prelate, prince, and peer; And members all of Parliament, In rich St. Stephens, bear I We are getting up through England, All the bravest and the best; From the heather-hills of Scotland, To the green Isle of the West. From the corn field and the factory, To the coal-belt's hollow zone; From the cellars of the city, To the ...


... EXHIBITION OF MODERN PAINTINGS AND INTORKS OF ART. NWe resume our remarks on some of t~ie more noticeable re pictures its the exhibition, ?? with those in the 1TOc second roomi e- nil 11, Thle Brook-scenie in Yorkshire. E. Willi is, sen. haltt A pleasing sub'ject nlicely treated. (lei 160, TVIce Fox without at Tail. J. Batemxan.-Cl'. er y aind cot effectively painted. 16.3, SOrlttg Castle, ...