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The Markets

... fooc itiaructo. E N G LT S I. ONIDON CI0lN-E'XCIlANGE,. FRIDAY, Atic. 14.-The arrivals eonfinun r e-ry sbort of Ell-iiHI Grain, mel of ibreign wo liceo huit mod lerate arrivals. Wheat is the turn better than oil ,%modas', and oats alient Is fiigqher, with a fiiir business dohin. 'rue otbe' grinh prices keep firm, with very little offering. AV'EitA.tti rmcizC OF CORN IN' ttN'L.AIN AND) WALES, ...

Published: Tuesday 18 August 1846
Newspaper: Belfast News-Letter
County: Antrim, Northern Ireland
Type: Article | Words: 1672 | Page: Page 4 | Tags: Commerce 


... THE SUdAR D-UTIES.-THE SLAVE TRADE. It is an old romarlt, that none are more signally enthu- siastic in their support of a principle than they who are the newest converts to that principle. Accordingly, we find that, though Sir Robert Peel and Lord John Russell are mere neophytes in their conversion to free trade, they are ready to pass any ordeal, rather than be the last in the race of ...

Published: Tuesday 18 August 1846
Newspaper: Belfast News-Letter
County: Antrim, Northern Ireland
Type: Article | Words: 821 | Page: Page 2 | Tags: Commerce 


... BElFIAST r1ARKETS..MOXDAY, AUGUST 17. SImCE our report of Thursday last, eve hlava had an opportunity ol seeiig the crops in the baronies of Castlereagh, Ards, Dulfi!rii and Lecalc, in the coulity of Down. Tce Wheat looks well. and, at least, onc liftIl of it is cut down. TlIc Oats is a pretty good crop, but part of themn is not riperinbr regularly - such aIs wvere carly sown look best, and ...

Published: Tuesday 18 August 1846
Newspaper: Belfast News-Letter
County: Antrim, Northern Ireland
Type: Article | Words: 775 | Page: Page 2 | Tags: Commerce 

Trade and Commerce

... glore asnu frmitninerce. REVIEW OF THE BRITIS.H1` CORN TRADE DURING TIHE PAST WEEK. (From. thme London TBritann~ia, Aiiq. 15.) Thonug there have beon occasional showers. thc weather hos not been so wet as greatly to interfere with the harvest work, and in most of the southern coonties the bulk of tho corn is nowv secured. Considerable progrress hais also 1)0011 mad~ze in tiec nor th; still ...

Published: Tuesday 18 August 1846
Newspaper: Belfast News-Letter
County: Antrim, Northern Ireland
Type: Article | Words: 1528 | Page: Page 4 | Tags: Commerce 


... PRICE, OF IR[SH SHIARES. MiSlCEit.rANEOUS SHAItES. Northern Bank .. A Belfat Bank . Ulster Bank .. Provincial Banlk, R lloyal Baml;k ltibernian Banl;,.. Notionial B~ank;, City of Dublin Steaml Comn.. Ditto, Stock of 18:16, Britisb and Irish ditte. Mining Company of Ireland . ...

Published: Tuesday 18 August 1846
Newspaper: Belfast News-Letter
County: Antrim, Northern Ireland
Type: Article | Words: 698 | Page: Page 2 | Tags: Commerce 


... (PROM THIC MARK-LATNE EXPRESS.) Thecomplaintsreepecting the potato crop have become so universal as to create considerable uneasiness, until very re. ccntly we were disposed to believe that the mischief likely to re. sult irom the disease, which bas for the secoud time attacked this crop, had been greatly exaggerated. We were, therefore, induced to take more than ordinary care ih collecting ...

Published: Wednesday 19 August 1846
Newspaper: Freeman's Journal
County: Dublin, Republic of Ireland
Type: Article | Words: 1061 | Page: Page 4 | Tags: Commerce 


... - TIIH DUBLIN N INRNiETS S (AccU77t'rrTLY REPORTED 'OR THtE FnRrEaIAN. 'T'uesday, 18.h Auaaut, stags The Potato Crops -the Dublin iIlaruietq..We verrs mnch regret to have to confirm our former reports of the failure of the crops, ea ly as well aq late, Snd that our worst a,. prehenpions have unhappily been realizer, the disco ta' season being general, and nearly two months9 earlier whereas ...

Published: Wednesday 19 August 1846
Newspaper: Freeman's Journal
County: Dublin, Republic of Ireland
Type: Article | Words: 1449 | Page: Page 4 | Tags: Commerce 


... THE ITAL AN COMPANY. , .. .. ~ ~ I . - - ?? - I'!z In reference to the new attraction provided for the citi- zens .t3Mr. Calcraft, and to follow the presentengagement, by find tne subjoined notice in the Evening Packet of last aight:_ ' Our enterprising lessee, determined to close the summer season with eclat, has effected an engagement at a vast ex- .pense with a distinguished Italian ...

Published: Wednesday 19 August 1846
Newspaper: Freeman's Journal
County: Dublin, Republic of Ireland
Type: Article | Words: 1404 | Page: Page 3 | Tags: Commerce 


... eft,.hd 0F IRISH STOCKS DURING THE WSHK WED. THUk5. FBI. 8AT. MON. TESi. 3 per CtCons, i 5 % 953 95% 96% 9563 9536 Reduced do _ _ _ _ _ 3i per CtStoek O6 % 7/ 96% 51 966%% 963 96%36 96ff 34 I'ebentureo - - _ L Aniniltes *. _ _ - _ - _ Bank Stock.. - 209 2036 208 G.Canal Stock - Do Debs 6pr ct Do Debs bprct a t 9O Debs 4pr e t Do Dabs 4pr ct new ?? Citydo 4 pr ct 85 85 85 Do do 4 pr ct new . _ ...

Published: Wednesday 19 August 1846
Newspaper: Freeman's Journal
County: Dublin, Republic of Ireland
Type: Article | Words: 893 | Page: Page 2 | Tags: Commerce 


... PRIC~i 01; ItUS STALS DURING THR WEEK _ I - - _ I- As TUWS. ier ce 8 per CtCons. 96Y 91 Reduced do.. - _ ng 8j ?? 969B % 1 96 ser 31 tVabentures. - - he L Annuites ..B 8 Bank Stock. - R.CanaI Stock - _ G.Canal stock - Do Dabs 6pr c I _ - Do Debs bprc - _ o DoDeba4pr e I in Do Deba 4prct now .. _ ?? ad. City do 4 pr ct - 85 ish Do do4 prot he now ?? - - 4 pr t BalOff in'i DcbswithGo I re. ...

Published: Thursday 20 August 1846
Newspaper: Freeman's Journal
County: Dublin, Republic of Ireland
Type: Article | Words: 1074 | Page: Page 2 | Tags: Commerce 


... l MONDAY, AIIGUST 17.-The week's recuipts or grain, &e. coastwise and trom Ireland are again of small amount. Thie imports from abroad, however, are large, particularly from the Ullited States and Canada, whence we have received sorice quantity of wheat, flour, and Indian corn. The weitier up to Saturday wa9 very unlhfvourable tbr harvest work. In the southlemn coultieS the crops are reported ...

Published: Thursday 20 August 1846
Newspaper: Freeman's Journal
County: Dublin, Republic of Ireland
Type: Article | Words: 684 | Page: Page 4 | Tags: Commerce 


... DUBLIN AND LIVERPOOL STEAM SHIP BUTLDrMG COMPANY. I h r~rrrsrg:t_ t 'Oe nnit-yeariy meeting of this company was held yea- terday at the office, Dsmestceot, in order to receive the report and statement of a counts for the last half year. JArES M'CuLLAGU, Esq., was called to the chair, who having informed the meeting of the objects for which they assem bled, Mr. C. J. Bagot, secretary, read the ...

Published: Thursday 20 August 1846
Newspaper: Freeman's Journal
County: Dublin, Republic of Ireland
Type: Article | Words: 3638 | Page: Page 3, 4 | Tags: Commerce