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... -a=~TITERd TURE. I NEW QUARTERLY REVIEW. a In this number, ?? more than in ally other ab 0 tchrole of the times we are enabled to descry 5ha-b dows of ?? reforms in the Church and State, likely in subst5nce to produce greater and more permanent, beoause more bloodless, revolutions than any which occurred in the annals of the last fifty years. The 8th article 1 Ire . Ibud, of this able ...


... FIRST ANNUAL CATTLE SrOW. Tina Luragan Farming Society held its first cattle show on Tuesday last, on the mall, Lurgan. Sixty head of cattle wero entered for competition, those exhibited being of a superior description, especially two bulls, one the property of Francis Fforde, Esq., and the other of ir. Berwiclk, whieh was presented to hilnt by his excellent landlord, Sir Robert Bateson, Bart. ...


... GLENARMl FARNIING SO)CIETY'S CATTLE SHOW V. The third annual ce ?? shlvw of the above thrivinZ so- ciety took place onl TI'silay, in the Cast lo yard, kind I1 ,rantedr for the onciasino, by Edmund M'Donnell, Eqq. Tlie h lack cntile were niumerouis, and di pl aveyd superior breeding., 'I'lle hm'rseq wre oiuly of an avi-rage descr'ip. lion. Thern were oiins very fine sheep and swine on thfe show ...


... The Queen and Prince Albert, attended bv the Via. countso5 calniegthe Hon. Miss Kerr, Colonel Rowles, and colonel louverie, returned to Osborne House at three o'clock on Metldy afternoon, from Southampton. Lord John Ruseell arrived at Osborne House on Tues- day afternoon, on a visit to her Majesty. VOCEnIE;GAL COURT.-Tuesday evening his Excellency the Lord Lieutenant entertained at dinner, at ...


... TIlE VAMP'IRE. ?? take the following spirited sketch from a vigorous poem withl the nbo e title in the last number of the Literary (,,izettc, from the pen of Williom Read, Esq., of Killyleagh, crlloty Down,I '-tile Vaonpire is one of a scrics of pcn-and ink portraits, which are evidently taken trom real lif',] itllold tile portrait! truer cnnnot start lrl'oln calotype or photograpilic art. ...


... Ie FASHiONABLE INTEbVGRNPCO WlNDSOR, TflURSDAY EVENING.-.The Duke of Welling. ton arrived at the Castle last night, and jeined the royal dinner party In the Waterloo Gallery. Another banquet, at which torty-seven distinguished personages will be present, is to take place in the same noble apartment this evening, and the Duke of Wellington is among tile invited guests. The Duke of Norfolk also ...

Selected Poetry

... ,elcttciY Voetrp. THE SEMPSTRESS. IN yonder houso there liceth The sempstress, young and fair,. The span of life lleav'l giveth, IThat spanT she spendeth there. 'Dhe house is vast and dreary, And tenanted on high, ]ow sad for her and weary The hours must languish by And lone bihs been the orphan, And wearisome amn long ?? the night, while at her work .She slugs some ohldn song And when the ...


... TllEir1E ROYAL. We can never think or write concerning any one pro. duction of Bellini, without a feelin ?? melancholy gloome that the spiiit of that great composktook so early a flight from this world, which it was illumin;ng by the Splendid brightness of its genius, He has left but few nonlendid behind; but few as they are, they stand forth in cigispics ous splendour, and give assurances ...


... THE QUEEN S ROYAL R'IEATREE. The state of business, tor the past week, at this pretty little theatre, coristitutes the best evidence of the judgment end liberality of the manager on the formation of his new company Or Saturday evening an amusing piece, called The goad of Life, was produced for the purpose of intro- ducing to a Dublin audience Mr. George Wilde, an actor of0o0esiderable ...

Literary Notices

... Riterarp notice. NELSON's BRlITISu LIBnARY. London and Edinburgh; 'hosmsas Nelson. TArts pretty little volume appears to be the second of a series, the first of which has not been forwarded to us - anti, therefore, without any introduction, or prospectus of the publisher's views, or of the scope of his publication, we are unablo to recommend the work otherwvise than as a collection of pleasant ...


... FAS#IIONABLE INI2ELLIGE. 7C flETUm4 OF tIER MAJESTY AND THE COURT TO TRE ISLE OF WIGoT-PORTs.iOUcTH, SEPT. 9--Soen after nine o'clock this morning the royal yacht Victoria and Albert Will the royal standard flying, and accompanied by the Fairy, Blick Eagle, and Garland steamers, was observed Standingg round Egypt Point, West Cowes, and immediately after the batteries at Cowes Castle and Fort ...

Selected Poetry

... cetctcea voctriy. MY AIN Dl.AI. WVIFE. The gentle strounm that murmuring flows Tirough woodlands green and meadows sweet. From welling nprings, ncar where it goes. Fresh strength and fresh supplies du meet; Till, to n nobler volume grown. Some city's walls it wailelds past, And witb a soft and plaintiva moan, Rolls on a river wvide and vast. El'et thls my love's increasiog tide lach d(ay, each ...