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The Daily News

... ADEL.PIII.—Tins F.tkxixu, TIIE MYSTERIOUS STRANGER. Mesirn. Bovce, Selby, Worrell, Cultenford, Wright, O. Smith; Madame Celeste, Miss K. HarUnif, and E. Chaplin. be followed by JUDGMENT OK PARIS; or, The Pippins; and ABRAHAM PARKER. Door, Open 61- PRINCESS'S.—THIS Evixino, MERRY OF WINDSOR. Mefwrs. C. Mathews, J. Vinin-T, Kyder, Compton, Granby, Madame Mrs. Stirling, Miss and Mrs. Fosbroke. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... IMPORTANT NOTICE TO THE WORKING CLASSES. Fellow-brethren, read the following Testimonial. o0rrearers will perceive, ii our advertising columns, a prospectus ?? of Oak Benefit Society.' The value of these unions eepends en the respectability, not the wealth, of ihs members; and as call advisedlv state that the care taken to preven t the admissiot I:sersons of dissilute habits, and the high ...

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... PUB LICATIONS. NEW WOREK BY MIRS. ROMNIER. Now ready, anld snay be hat of Dll booksellers, in 2 vols. 6vo., with siomerosis Engraviogs, A PILGRIMAGE TO T HE TEMPLES and TOMBS of EGYPT, fl -NUblA, ,aid PALESTINE, in 1845-G. By Mrs. ROMEIR, Author of ' The Ehotne, ttio Darro, naid the Guadalquiver, Sturmer, &c. Mrs. Romer had opportunities of beholding in the East many sichts which aire ...

Advertisements & Notices

... PORTUGUESE FINANCE.-T1hO Financial Agency of tue Portegueso Government, in, cuoferrflit)f witlh instructions rocoivod from tire said Governrment, hereby makae public lier Majesty's Decree of tre 2lts August lust, rind oilier official doco- enrets thorens mentioned, containiog thle niensuros adoptod by thle Partugueso Government wvithl a view to Insure till punctutal PAY- MENT of the Publie ...


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The Daily News

... ADKLPIII.—Tin* EvK>nfo, EUGENIA CLAIRCILLE; or, The New Fount Home. Messrs. Paul Bedford, O. Smith, Munyanl, CuUrnford; and Madame Celeste. To followed by USED UP. And THE JUDGMENT OP PARIS; or, The Pas Pippin*. Soon open 64. PRINCKSS'S.—Tnts Etmxiho, LOVE'S TELEGRAPH. Mean. Charles Mathews, Compton; Madame Vestris, Mrs. H. Hughes, sad Miss P. Stanley. To be followed THE BARBER BRAVO; •ad A ...

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... OOPER'S DANDELION,orTARAXACUMI, In COFIE2, COCOA, &sc., is in dasily use br tle rnost C'll- nent of tle~ facuflty, to lvrhoqe testimionv tlhe purblic is~referred. 1rr. l Proou, lRigby, Chambors, llitlt, Latidam, Wtalse lebsonl, tin dd others extol ihe extracts and other reimedial agents ?? ins, or Dandelion, as prelpred by Mr. Hooper, in conmplaints of tile il, liver, bilious and nervous ...

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... MU S I 0.-HAMILTON'S PIANOFORTE TUTOR, with exercises, and thirty-six airs fingered by C zrny, price only 48. o This work o is clearyi written, and inldt- ligible to the most ordinary capacity, and the book is worthy the attention of ?? No, 44 Musical World. Also by Ha nilton, his Miniatare Coorse of Harmony and Composition, 6 vols., each 2s. and Bo.; Dictionary of '7,,00 Musical Terms, a.7; ...

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... PUBLIC AMUSEMENTS. PRINCESS'S THEATRE.-THIS EVENING Will be performed the rew dromta, LOVE'S TELEGRtAPIH. Arthur de Salherg, Mtr. C. Mathews; Couit Theodore, Mr. J.Vining; BHron; PUnspernickel, Mr. Compton-; Alice, lrs. H. Hughes; Marguerite, lI~iOF E. Stanley;* anid Pl'incess Ilmchie, M~dazisi Alestris. After wshirh, .; ClflUOUJ CAS13. Twiggleton, Mr. C. Mathews; T; c-nieat;de siiith Mr. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... r1 UNTER'S REAL TURTLE SOUP, 7s. 6d. G1l' the quart, and 3s. Oct. lile pint case, ready for immediate use. Also Gientr's Honduras preserved tuille, in canisters 14s, earh, sufficient to make soulp for Ill ?? be peocuired of the agents, 'rtYLOR and GRIGNXON, 2, Sullblik-street, Pail-mall P.ast. Also agents for Goldner's preserved satsps and etiado dishes. These evill keep any lengtli of thne, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ';50 HE TAILORS; the History and the Rights! !. and Privileges of their Trade; being the commencement of a Series of Articles olS the variotis Tra es, every SnturdaY in Re, DOUGLAS JERROLD'S WEEKLY NEWSPXiAPERU, conturd tg P elso numerous originitI articles, and all the New, of the Week.- Id, Order of any newsmin. ,r Fr r[nHE SONGS of' CZAPEK.-Eiglhteen Songs by, T i tlis talented composer, ...