... LITEJA TURlE. Life at f/ic Voter Cure. h An elaborate picturve o' t a pump ornamientsth prefifce to thiS voIlunie, Which a good deal resembles the enmbleatr which the good-natuired author hias Ire- fixedl to it-the contents being exceedingly brisk, fresh, voluble, wholesome ill tenidny, anitm 5bit added, insip~id in flavour. It' thu(, Chronicling ot' I small beer' Ims afforded matter for ...


... I THEATRE ROYAt-ITALIAN OPERA. _ There shone last night in our theatrical firmament a con- stellation of vocal talent hitherto unknown to us in Dublin, ( and though, perhaps, less bright than those stars that have so often dazzled us by their effulgence, yet it is measuring thl out but small justios to say that they are of a very transens- ful daut order. They possessed the additional feature ...


... P1 i) II, I? 11 Y. A PO0ITS ~U~~ fly I 'Oi;TS. ( . A PIt. 7 'oll Nviihonnt profit, Libour ;itihoot [ -tl Ile tilinTI i lihillo t anid Can willyv Splloel, I ivt- l'd1l a : nri it f' h ?? il I I'all', I f li. iS dtltib d 1i lloc h iietol ir a foil hilot shlew&r ?? ?? at Lis lathoilld1 voric, il' livies }l Illoitn )nltlt ?? they fill 11Teir pilli-s, Y\et Ihe s ricco on. ?? iii I, StI :I do\wy a ...

Court and Fashion

... court aizi ;0300011. Th[e Queen has beeu pleased to grant to Win. Bunbury MI Clintock, of Mantor llighgate, in the county of Ferta- nagh, Esq., comniander in the royal navy, her license to usie the namne of Bunbury after that of M'Clintoek, and bear the arms of' lunbury with thnse of Ml'Clintock, in complinice with the * ill of his uncle, Thonimas Bunbury, late of Lisnevah and Moiyle, in the ...

Selected Poetry

... ?? Ioctrl. THlE YOUNG GIRL TO HER LITTLE SISTER. VICTOR MARIE }lUaO. Sweet sister, if vou knew, liko mc, The charuin of guileless bufincy, No more you'd envy riper years, or smniles, more bitter than your tears. But childhood passes in an hour, As perfume from a faded flower; 'Ihe joyous voice of early gleo Flies like the l'ulcyun, o'er the sea. ,enjoy your morm of early Spring; Soon time ...


... TllEir1E ROYAL. We can never think or write concerning any one pro. duction of Bellini, without a feelin ?? melancholy gloome that the spiiit of that great composktook so early a flight from this world, which it was illumin;ng by the Splendid brightness of its genius, He has left but few nonlendid behind; but few as they are, they stand forth in cigispics ous splendour, and give assurances ...


... L17'1?A1 LTL'JE. A Sketch qf/the Lives of'i-o'd S a llad Fi'd-n ; eumpIinq, wi/h fleldliainal mo//er, Some ecree- /17 ifM.Twijss's work on the Cho ncf f/or. By WILLIJAM EDWARID SUiRTEiS, D.C. L., 13arr'iter- at-Law'. [Cihapim in and H1allI. This is t v'mry interesting accession to the public, stock of' inflrmat'i'tof onl it mb-jilt which will ialways command attention. TlW~ steps by w~hich two ...


... LITERAT UR E. Guide to Deeside. Aberdeen: Lewis Smith. NE w and corrected edition of a ;vell-known and popular little work, indispensable to all Deeside tourists, at the present selaon. The TO-CL Hares: and Other Pieces. By PATRICK NOX Aberdeen: Lewis Smith. MOsT of th;se pieces have appeared occaOsiOnlfly ill the columns of the local press. Some of them were published in a sepatate torm, a ...

We have received our private correspondence and the Paris journals of Monday. The Moniteur de FArmee publishes ..

... a major-general to the rank of lieutenant-general, and of six colonels to the rank of majors-general. Among the colonels promoted we remark M. Heraclius de Polignac, who has occupied the rank of colonel in the Russian army, and is a relation of Prince Polignac, the late minister of Charles X. It said that Admiral Dupetit Thouars will be promoted to the rank of vice-admiral. The Duke and ...


... FASIIIONS FOR SEPTEMBER. (From ?? and Paris Ladies' Magazine of Fashion.) The materials for the present season are taffetas glare cuit, and pekin. Plaids in every variety. Bareges taffetas de filt checked foulard, tafietas Chine in narrow stripes or satin a waves; gros de Naples of mauve shot with violet or dark e green shot with a lighter shade. Very dark plain bareges are t worn by young ...


... ?? To A cHILD. A- --II ,iqas a ?? Thy I'l , o'er. my mind, of Ioe co e el Tb As deiv upon the pP e bell, .& efm on the Nvind; condi As pm-rictlte sa Nocti As snhn on the reises I by th mot en , Tlh So salibefree.shoul I hea thy ?? whand Is ntra streams awd c Lis t crisis. I o Aft SC 5 s wen miete And ?? eye s f meno Like an5)'ower and fring house Thy su' to heav'en ljath fled, ae whil ea ...


... MUSIC IN IANCIIESPER. [FROM ou0 CORItESPONDENT.] MA NCIESTIl, TUiESDiAY-It DIlly be presumed thliit tbe arateur who h1s8 had a week's music nt a Biramillghllm Festivil could not be overa nxious to beiar ailin ?? Sweel sounds for some thue to come, but duty must bs the inceative to action before inelinaition, ond hearing that th're were to be two concerts at MancIhester, of propor- tionn ...