... _- _ __ ?? _ILLt-1I DI PUBLICANS AND BztHarLLEncs._The following parties ti F- were summonoed on Friday before Messrs. Rushton and A In Roslkell for infractions of the Improvement Act:-Miles ig Summer, publican, Crown-dtreet, for selling ale on Sun- a] le day morning, 60s. and costs. Beerselle-r,---in serving bi id le at improper hours on 8unday-John Clak, Ashby- dstreet, G0d.; Elizabeth ...


... POL1CE INTELLIGENCE. leCOcrNCI-HOU~SS, BRISTOL, SA'ADA r, Octeber 10. ce Magistrates present: Messrs. Moffayne, Lunieli, and Newman. ?? Michael Connor was fined 50s. and costs, for a violent assault upon the landlord of the FlItclh of Bacona public-house, Host- 5.street, and on P.C. 232. ie William Sweet, for breaking seven panes of glass at the 2r Workhouse in Pennywell-road, was fined 7s. ...

The Court

... Windsor, Tcesday.—The unfavourable state of the weather prevented her Majesty and H.R.H Prima Albert leaving the Castle thie morning. The Marquis of Lansdowne (Lord President) and the Marchioness of Lansdowne arrived at their residence Berkeley-square on Monday evenine from the Contineat The noble marquis attended at the Council-office morning, and the afternoon left town on a visit to Earl of ...


... Neglect of the Poor ix Scotland.—Notwithstanding the high assessments levied in Glasgow for the support of the poor, instances are frequent in which the poor are shamefully neglected. Many readers may not be aware that there exists in that city a society entitled The Glasgow Association in Aid of the Poor, for the express purpose of assisting paupers in their applications for or endeavouring ...


... BUSINESS OF THE ENSUING WEEK, (Before Mr. Commissioner Bunvoe.l MONDAY, Nov. 2-Mr. Commissioner Burge Will sit at eleven to hear motions and applications. TUvSDAY, Nov. 3s-William lJ. Tempest, Leeds, sharebroker, judgment on certificate; Win, Buckley, Saddlewortb, mann- facturer,judgment on certificate, both at II. . VXDNcsDAV, Nov. 4.-John Birch, Hull, tailor and draper, first dMv; It. and W. ...


... CITY OF LONDON. The Revising Barrister entered the cort at half-past ten yesterday, and proceeded with the revision of the list of parishes in the, ward of Bread-street, Queenhithe, and Viutry. Samuel Godfrey Crook, who sought to be registered for an apartment at 15, Garlick-hill, was objected to by Mr. Browne, Conservative agent. Thomas Dawson wirs examined, and stated that the claimant is a ...


... LAW INTELLIGExcETJILTIIsDAY tit ICE-CIIANCELLOJI'S COURT. Ellefore Sir L. Shadwell.] iii TIlE TIVERPON sciione.srtni ATTORNEY-rsENr.RAL oil V. :nn stAlit. ov flE5?uN AND OTHERS. tie 'Ihe object of ?? intorsiation in this case wtis to reform k, the 53'stern itlirsued at Tiverton Grammar School, founded ii by Peter llliitidell in the reigu of Queen Eliz4beth. The ad priocipid points Contended ...


... POLICE 1N2'ELLIGENlCE-TlH RSDIY. * SGUILDILALT,. Mr. Aiderman Ilootter wais engaged2t for some hours ia the inveotigat~oii of a; el'iarge of asssault, preferred by John M ?? ngainst ( etoc c Botcan, city police-menl No. 222, I wvho haIS recently joinled thle force, but was lormerly in the metropolitan police. df'Nafl1! was charged with rescuinge from Ilae officer a mnan who had~ assaulted him. ...


... HOR1?ID MURXDERIS AND SUICIDE. ?? 'Ako last few days the villages ad~jacent to Foilks. .ust be s tone h..ve been most painfully excited by the corsmis. ;treamsa slot ?? a double murder in the parish of Ethiani, about tf,n~mites distant, and the suicide of the murderer. The fo sntrt nte victims were the wife and child of the brtced perpetrator of the deed, named Sharruck 'gible to Richard Bragg ...

Police Intelligence

... 8oarti ntelliogenu LAMBETH. Joseph Edgill, a cab driver, was placed tt the bar, for fini,.l examination, before Mr. Elliott, on a charge of Stealih,,- lii sovereigns, and articles of plate of the value of nearly £20, the property of Mr. Mason, a respectable tradesman. From the evidence of Mrs. Mason, it ap. peart d ?? on a former day she had engaged the defen- dant Lt the top of Redeross ...


... ,\ 'Vk . - ^ .w ?? SUDDEN DsATHS.-On 'hurilay se'nnight, Elimabeth Dowd, a child three months old, residing with her parents in Parr's-court, Crooked-lane, was taken to bed by her mother, and on the following morning was found dead. Death had arisen from being accidentally over- B ?? the following day, John Coppell, who lived go by himself in a cellar, in Pine-street, was found dead in a bed. ...


... LIVERPOOL OCTOBER 8ESEIONS. IThese sessions commenced on Monday last, before Gilbert Henderson, Esq., the Recorder, when the follow- ing gentlemen were sworn on thle ORAI JURY. Win. Retherharo, REq., merchant, Exchange-street West, ~ Foreman. UhlE Thomas F. Bennett, Esq., merehant, Castle-street. Du! DW' lames Breboner, Esq., merchant, Water-street. Du John Carlisle, Paq., merchant, Chapel ...