... I TAIT'S MAGAZINE. Tait usually combines the original and selected in agreest. ' ble variety; but, in the present number, the ?? B the almost exclusively predominates. The lively and versatile oa Mrs. Gore, who has just turned out from her intellectual tifis smithy a new work with a catching title, Men of Capi. unt tal, entertains us in Tait with sundry chapters in conti geat nuation of ...


... The food riots which have occurred in several dis. tricts of Ireland, are a melancholy indication of the extent and severity of the calamity which afflicts that unhappy country. It is creditable to the Go- vernment, that, according to the means placed _at their disposal by Parliament, they are ?? themselves vigorously for its alleviation. The land- lords, too, appear to be loused into aOtivity ...


... THE SABnATI.-The great Dr. Johnson on his death-bed Sl sent for his friend Sir Joshua Reynolds, and required of him, ti on the strength of their friendship, that he should promise three 1 things. The first and the hardest to be observed was, that Sir P Joshua would promise him that he would never paint again on o the holy Sabbath I V Music or NATURE.-Gardiner, in his Music of Nature, has put ...


... PRE'NGH PLAYS. 5 The season of French plays at the St. Jamtes's Theafre V will be commenced on Wednesday, November 11. Mr. if MITCHEsLL has resolved to open ibis campaign at this early eperiod, following the example of lact year, although such .an undertaking, before the large body of his fashionable i' supporters have returned to tow n, requires no ordinary con- rats on the part of a manager. ...


... HER MAJEstY'S VISITs.-TIte Queen anid Prince Al- bert, attended by their suite, left the Castle for Cashio- bury park, oel Iolniday last, oel a visit to her Majesty the Queen Dowager. Onl Thursday her Majesty closed her visit to Queen Adelaide at Cashioltury park, and de- parted for Hatfield hounc. 1aNttiRtUa IN Mfinjl Lisa-The marriage of Lady Charlotte Elizabeth Herbert, second daughter of ...


... LIVERPOOL, Thursday We are in possession of New York papers to late date of the 19th ult., by the ship Marmiou, just Arrived This vessel is not a regular packet ship, and brines f™ despatches. The Cambria steamer, which sailed from thii the 4th ult., had arrived out with further news of the scarcity here ; but it is satisfactory to know that although large purchases had been made, yet that the ...


... I EXHIBITION or THx LIVERP(OL ACADD . ISTHIRD NOTICIL OTHIED HOTICa We are exceeding gratified to find the ?? t t attended, it is a proof of the increasing tute of th t *e F. The members of the academ ...


... it Vffjc gottenas l ni Ofc 01s1t Fromt Douglas Jerrolrl's IUa'gtiine for Oetober. Ile is a little geotle childt. Upon a tender mother's knee, Onl whomt the dawn of life has smtiled In its unclouded illfooey On her Is fixed Ilhe soft blno eye, The wotlered gioe the upwsard look, Astd il hter loving site lie reads The first sweet liage of nature's book. HtIso a little merrV hoy, A creature ...


... ;octrp, ONWARD AND UPWARD! DV E1NEST JONES. Right onward the river is rolling, Its fountains are pulsing below, And 'tis not in human controlling To turn but a wave of its flow! Right onward the freeman may ride it, Anid speed in the libt(of its course, For faction no more can dlivide it, Nor dam it by cunning or force. Right upward the oak tree Is growing, Forth wvaving its leaves in the sun, ...


... jZI S F1O R2 TIlE 3IONIll. I bliihis new number, with an lin- t l~:Ile article ?? the 1 Comtmercial Ile- JI , A elt algo. lhe~r.eaders of the iilfr&'q aelt (IpportoUIttIVs Of IICTOm in g I the vilst field that lies open for pro- omngthe 1 thougind isles'' by Itelion rosin ~~~is studdeiid. Endowed e'hlitte 'Wh~oe exubtrun t ?? al- tilt' Cold ilaO'iiations, of thle diveilers of a''nice: ...


... Alf. JULjIEN'S CO5;CFTS. I.n Ime 1 ii re* eal the the tat tn- the 'ed the Nor Our has the tts at lay Erg ag at 045 4 3 7 10 2 8 .5 0 0 5 l 11 t11 UNIVERSIT'Y INTELLIGE.VCE. a 10 OXFORD, OCT '80. {I 15 PI){B~C EXAao:txATsons9.-Tlreec examninations rem- lt o0 nmene ecn Miondhay next; rthe lice contains the tamons of 187C ttnrlerlttrrtrtales. Atmoor~st them are Cthe Earl of Grosvenor, 0 l ord ...