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October 1846
7 17



Leeds, Yorkshire, England

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Market Intelligence

... ?? ilntrligeuct. CORN EXCHANGE, OCTOBEs 12. This morning there was a good show of wheat fresh up from Essex, Kent, and Suffolk, the general quality and condition of which was about the same as last wveek. f The trade opened without nsuch activity onl the part of It the millers, but a good progress was made in sales later g in the day at anl advance of Is. per qr. from this day t week. F.reign ...

Bankrupts &c

... Baankrupto &rc., [Frost the Gazetteof Tuesday, Octobsr 13.] I BANKIRUPTS. Stephen Joyce, London.wall stove manufacturer - Charles Bind!ey, Chapel-street. Spitalfields, trimmimng ma- ?? Pitkeathtyi. Gl!ou'ester-street, Regent's Park, timber ?? Tring, Reading, andBasing. stoke Railway Company, nowv or late of New Broad-street -William Hopeful Lerew, late of Upper Norton-street, Fitzroy-square, ...

Trades' Movements

... crabew Mobrintom rid lhie en 0t Ci CITY OF LONDON IiOOT AND SHOEMAKEERS. A general meeting of the city of London boot and shoemnakers was held in Mr. Duffey's large room, ot. Tuesday the Gtb instant, to hear a charge laiti againsl Mr. Clark, the general secretary, for the enibreelemnout of£14 Dd. tGd., whichl wvs brought under the considera. tion of the meeting by Mr, John Richards, a member ...

Market Intelligence

... flarhet iltdelliellce. CORN EXCHANGE, OCTOBER 12. This morsittg there was a good show of wheat fresh up Ifrom Essex, Kent, and Suffolk, the geweral quality and condition of which, was about the saille as last wyeek. Tihe' trade openled ithout much activity onl the part of the millers, but a good progress was made in sales later in. the dl.y, at au advance of is. per qr. from this day weck. ...

Trades' Movements

... Crabro' ,obtMent0. CITY OF LONDON BOOT AND SHOEMAKERS. A general meeting of the city of London boot and shoemakers was held in Mr. Duffey's large room, ol. Tuesday the 6tb instant, to hear a eharge laid against Mr. Clark, the general secretary, for the embezzlement of £14 9d. 6d., which was brought under the considera- tion of the meeting by Mr. Jolin Richards, a member of the Association, who ...

Trades' Movements

... crabco' j mobernlto. CITY OP LONDON BOOT AND SHOEMAKS0, ~ A general meeting of the city of London boot and R ,khoemtakera evaln held in Mr. Daffey's large room, at ?? 'T'ueeday the Gth instant, to bear a charge laid against -t Mr. Clark, the general secretary, for thle embainzilem~nit or of £14 fGd. 6id., which was brought under the consider. *. tion of the meeting by Mr. John Richarde, It ...

Bankrupts &c

... Baikrupt &t., tnfom tle aitelte of Tuesday, Octoler 13.] BANKRUPTS. Stephen Joyce, Londot-vall stove manuifacturer - Charles Biidley, Chapel-street, Spitalfields, trimnlnig ma- ?? itikeoathly, Gloucester-street, Rcegent's Park, timber ?? Tring, Readieg, and Basing- stoke Railwvay Company, now or late of New Broadstrmet -William Cilpeful Leren, late of Uppar Norton-strect, Fitzriv-square, ...