... T.RFEATRICALS, &c. D- HAYMARKET,-A now comedy, in five acts, is, at all times, a subject of interest; but the production of a cosoedy which will last, is a matter of astonishment and public congratulation. The want of dramatic ability, in a tangible shape, is sometimes said to be the fault of themanagers, who refnsc to encouragethe legitimate drama, preferring rather to please the eye than to ...


... I (EXCLUSIVE.) FOREIGNx LYRICAL AND DRAMATIC.-Three weeks' confinement to a sick chamber will, I am sure, be received as a sufficient apology for my three weeks silence. The malady having at last received its congde, I shall, I trust, be enabled to send you my usual budget of continental chit chat about plays and players, lyrics and librettos,ballets and ballerines, managers and melodramas, ...

Published: Sunday 01 November 1846
Newspaper: The Era
County: London, England
Type: Article | Words: 6368 | Page: Page 9, 10, 11 | Tags: Arts & Popular Culture 


... i The Royal family have talken their usual exercise during the week, when the state of the weather per. mitted their so doing. The Royal dinner parties have been attended by her Royal Highness the Duchess of Kent,her Royal Highness the Duchess of Gloucester, the lady in waiting of the Duchess of Ken', the lady in wait. ing of the Duchess of Gloucester, the Baroness de Speth, Viscount ...

Published: Sunday 01 November 1846
Newspaper: The Era
County: London, England
Type: Article | Words: 1263 | Page: Page 12 | Tags: Arts & Popular Culture 


... I I [FROeM OUR owrN CORRESPONDENTS.j 3SiGrTOX.N.Mr. Hooper has afforded the theatrical going t41e a rich treat by the engagement, for three nigats, of ic eestris, Mr. C. Matthews, and Mr. John Parry. They ^itneed en Wednesday evening, when the house was td to suffocation. That admirable and entertaining piece ti t8relup'f opened the performances, and it is almost need- iii add, that Mr. C. ...

Published: Sunday 01 November 1846
Newspaper: The Era
County: London, England
Type: Article | Words: 1244 | Page: Page 11 | Tags: Arts & Popular Culture 


... ' IGNEZ nE CAI eO- A Tragedy in Five Acts. By the author of Rural Sonnets. Hurst, King Williantstreet, Strand.-It, un- fortunately, seldom falls to our lot to read a play of modern produc- lion that We ca greet with a hearty welcome. Some of them are tolerable as closet plays, containing good sentiment, aad conveying it in good, and sometimes highly poetic, langeage, but laclcinig all else ...


... I LITEBATU1?E. TABLES FOI THE CkLCULATION OF EARTH. WORK f1 Sill JOThN MACNEIL. (Hodges and Snyth.) We were not aware of the existence of such a work, un- til the second edition informed us of our ignorance, and of the netivity of Sir John Macneil in another department of intellect, than that of Superintending the manifold iron ways committed to his charge. We certainly were somewhat surprised ...


... Black continues to be the favourite colour, for walking dress- es in velvet, silks, or ;woollen niaterials. Damas will be fa- shionable for soirees as well as the promenade, reps broches. Plaids and stripes, particularly the carreall royal, reps biuet, taffetas d'Italie, &c. &c. rank among the principal materials for winter toilettes. 'Double and triple skirts are not so much used, but the ...


... The winter session of the School of Arts was opened on Thnrsday in the hail in Adan Square, in presence of a con- siderable number of the directors and friends of the institu- tion, and a large assemblage, chiefly composed of workmen, who filled the hall and the adjacent passages, thus affording a proof of the appreciation of the institution by that class of thre community for whom it is ...


... tt I* . , , i-IUIOIjTH, NoVBMBSa 9 Her Majesty packet Seagull, Lieut. arrived from Kio de Janeiro, September » . it' v 17 ; Peraambueo, '29. PassengersMcmm' ' Field and wife, Ferrar, Cumberland, and Captain Key, R.N., and M«. steerage passengers: and freight, in -old jL monds, 43,000/., more or less. 0 d dla Nothing of importance from Kio Janeiro or the nothern provinces. Her Majesty's ship ...


... THgE MfAGAZifNERS FOR NO0VEMlBER'.t Blaclirood's Magazzine.-ln the present number of .Blgckwsode there are several practical papers of more than ordinary value, and one or two essaiys ou learned subjects, wvhich wvill be highly aecceptable to thle man of letters ; but there i3 a deficiency of wvhat to the g eneral reader is moth1 mtore attractive,g~oo verse andjpleastitt narrative. The ...


... A DELPHII THEATRE. +4 Gisefle, after having been served up nt all tbe theatres, metropolitan and provincial, in almcst every imaginable faoshioi, after havinlg been allowed to grow cold, and having been halshed and stewed, and wnrmed and hnshed again, was, last night, produced at thle Adeiphi in an entirelv new dressi-that of a semi-burlesque faiiry spectacle, with the title of Tlce P/inteanto ...

Literary Notices

... Literarp ITotitc0. DUBLIN UNIVERSITY ITAG.AZINE Fon Duhlin Jrnies MllGleusan. AN extremely lively and diversified number, without po. litices or, indted, anything prosy. The writer of a paper on the bite Larnan Blanchard, whose gossiping pen is ?? ns familiar as Do Quincy's, has, we fear, betrnyed himself into one or two awkward revelations about Dr. Magian, and ?? famous, but ...