... I . ra ~ ?? ri b - - I- In the Court of Exchequer, a rule nisi for a new trial ~ I) has been granted in the case MIEwen v. Woods and L- n, others, tried at the last Liverpool ?? the case irn Knight 9o. Barber, the application for a rule was refused. l- In the Court of Exchequer, on Tuesday, a rule suis- iewas obtainedi by M r. Baines, in the case Liston v. St.1 ie Helen's Railway Company, to ...


... TuiE extraordinary presentment sessions for the barony of Lower Vunluce were held on Tuesday, the 17th inst., at Dervock. The magistrates present were, Sir Edmund W. Mac- naghiten, Bart., in the chair; John Alontgomery, Charles G. Stuart, John S. Moore, John J. Burnett, Charles Douglas, Bart. MINaghten, James S. Aloore, and Hugh Locky, Esquirea. Cesspayers-M1essrs. Robert Moore, Thomas Moore, ...


... Welsh Education Inquiry.—This inquiry is proceeding very rapidly; ard, from the facilities given everywhere to the Commissioners, promises to be accomplished in unusually brief time. Every parish, it appears, is being looked into; and its shools inspected where they exist. Thus the return, regards statistics, promises to be complete. ...


... Stoppage of Sunday Trains the Edinburgh and Glasgow Railway.—Amongst the great masses of the population congregated in, around, and between Edinburgh and Glasgow, the heather is on fire, regarding the stoppage the Sunday trains. By the great majority of commercial men, the step is considered illiberal in a high degree, inconvenient, and an interference with the liberty of conscience. A ...


... ,AW JN TEL by ;LI GOESNCE~-Th1 osn . COURtT OF Ch-ANCERYl. IX HItl PE~iNDEt. ThiiS opteal, from an order of the' Master of the Rolls, directing the talxationl of ax salicitor's bill of costs, tinder the aiuthority of the 2d Vic., c. ,3, was opened yesterday. The itile-tion raised by the appeal is, whethler a bill (lelivered, but not signed by the solicitor, comes tnider the 37thl sc- tioni of ...

Police Intelligence

... 2001ife Intriliarna. v MLRLBOROUGE STREET. ELOPcEzrEx.-Mr5. Hambrook, dressmaker, of New a Bond-street, from whose house her nilee'lhad eloped a i few days ago, came to this court to state that all the II attempts of the police to trace the girl had hitherto been unavaling. Mrs. Hasabrook further said, that sheished to make a reply to the statements of one of her aslsis C] 0tants, who with ber ...


... ICENTRAL CRIMINAL COURT-MloN1lAY.I The first session of this court, for the present mayoralty, coinmeveed to-day. The commitissioners present at tile openling- of the session were, the Right Honourable the Lord Mayor, the Recorder, Alderman Wilson, and Sir C. Marshall, thel Sheritfs, Deputy Sheriffs, &ee. There are li I prisoners for trial at the pre.sent sessien 11:3 mein amd 31 wovien. The ...


... LAW NOTICE'S-THIS DAY. ClOt'Rt' OF CgHANCERtY, WESTMIlNSTERSIS-At tenl. AFPPEAr.S-Ilemniingr v Svvinrterten, part lieiitd-Car- michlael v Carmichael (2)-Wnrighison v Macuauley-Law- rentce v Bowle. CAE SES BY ORDIn;R.-GOnmperZ V Gompetrt (3)- Msorris v Hlowea (2). VIlCE-CHIANCELLORS' C~OUlRTS, WYESTMINSTERt- | At ten. | ~Bcfore Sir L. SIIA131VRT.L I CAUSES, &e.-Kintriham v Lee-3lt~dvvin v ...


... LAW INTELLIGENCE-THURSDAY. [loat VICE-CHANCELLOR'S COURT. he [Before Vice-Chancellor Knight Bruce.] Ire WROUcGl{TON V. COIQUIIOUN. MIr. Russell, Mr. Wigram, Mr. Stevens, Mr. Toiler, Mr. Briggs, Mr. Bilton, and other counsel, appeared in this he case to argue a point arisinv unler the will of Colonel Wil- ed liansoon, by which he gave £2?0 a year to Mrs. Charlotte ?? Clarke for life, and gave ...


... COUNCIL-HoutIs, Bnrsroz, SATURDAY, Norember 7. Magistrate present: Mr. J. W. Sanders. Elizabeth Dewfall alias Roach was charged with stealing a length of railway iron, the property of the Great Weetern ?? Company. G. W. Bt. P.OC. 35 stopped her as she was coming with It, concealed under her apron, from the goods warehouee, and took her into custody. Inspector Burton said the prisoner told him ...


... DUBLIN POLICE-YESTERDAY. cEXCfACOG ?? T OFrICE. A person named Pelham, a shoe maker, residing in Bride- street, was committed for trial on a charge of having em- bezzled the sum of 41., belonging to a man named KIelly who resided in the same house with the prisoner. COLLEGESTBEET OrFICE. George P. Gilcreest sammoned, Walter C. Staunton for illegally detaining a waistcoat his property. The ...


... EXECUTI ON OF AN IRESH SEAMAN IN THE AMERICAN NAVY. We copy the following from a New York paper. The unfortunate victim to the extreme penalty of martial law was an Irishman, who, after great provocation, knocked down a lieutenant of the American vessel on board of which he had entered:- Off Vera Cruz, Sept. 25, 1846. On the 17th instant I was one of the edified witnesses of the supremacy ...