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... I LITEBATU1?E. TABLES FOI THE CkLCULATION OF EARTH. WORK f1 Sill JOThN MACNEIL. (Hodges and Snyth.) We were not aware of the existence of such a work, un- til the second edition informed us of our ignorance, and of the netivity of Sir John Macneil in another department of intellect, than that of Superintending the manifold iron ways committed to his charge. We certainly were somewhat surprised ...

Literary Notices

... Literarp ITotitc0. DUBLIN UNIVERSITY ITAG.AZINE Fon Duhlin Jrnies MllGleusan. AN extremely lively and diversified number, without po. litices or, indted, anything prosy. The writer of a paper on the bite Larnan Blanchard, whose gossiping pen is ?? ns familiar as Do Quincy's, has, we fear, betrnyed himself into one or two awkward revelations about Dr. Magian, and ?? famous, but ...

Selected Poetry

... Itcrtrtr Votro. GOOD TEMPER. There 's not a cheaper thing on earth, Nor yet one half so dear; IT is worth more than distingnihi'd birth, Or tlonosand's gain'd a-year: It leads the day a new delight; 'I is virtuc's firmest shield; A id adds more beanty to thn nighlt Thien all the stars may yield. It mniiethi poverty content, To sorrow wlisplers peace1 It is a gilt frou- Hleaven sent For mortols ...


... (f rom the London anti Paris Ladies Magazine of Fashion.) Black continues to be a favourite colour for walking dresses in velvet, silks, or woollen materials. Damnas will be fashionable for soirees as well as the promen-ade, reps broches. Plaids and stripes, particulirly the c-a)- reau royal, rops bluel, tatjtas d Itnlie, &o., &.o. rank among the principal miaterials for winter toilettes. ...


... F ASHIONABLE INTEL-LIGNVCi7h, I _ VICEREGAr, CoUftT-Enipf Exceltency the Lord | tenant entertained the followingpartyat dinner on 1i evening at tile Viceregal Lodge, Phocnix Parl :-The Ladie, Ponsonby, Dfuke and Duchess of Leinster, Marquis of Kiwara Lady Jane Fitzgerald, Countess of KLerry, lon. C. Gore tr More O'Ferrall, Mr. Eliot Warrburton, lion. Captain Fcle Sanford, *Ur. Corry Connellan, ...


... FASIi1ONABLE INTELLIGENCE. His Royal Highnes3 Priice Albert has just become the patron of the *Vindsor acid Eteln AlIurteUr Choral Society, the directoro0 oi: wioi is Dr. Ellvey, oruganist to her majesty. The Eari and (Coulntess Vr:bscite bicve arrived at Castle Ilill, Dewo%, from SUicimerile, tiul noble eall s seat near Wateriord. ,IyTblMrZ..buwh 'rhe i;crloc Clere and Lelv 1.ahelie Ficcibboc ...


... FAIRsHi)ISC Jbg.GIN} ~PROS5p-3T I DANinaN. .The annual fair of this place. hii A ` doy, wqs forcibly indicative of thecoodi n thi8b lo lity. It was thronged with pigs, hors's, lean co, e.. a number of poor 9heep. 'May of the landlord 9are ' ing for the September rent, apprehensive of 5Ptjng itlts gether ; the consequence was, all were sellers and not°in bought but by the jobbers, who had a ...

Literary Notices

... R-iterarn Notited. TltE NORTH BRlTISHr REVIEW. No. XI. Edinburgh: TV. P. Kennelly. Thr North British Review, though one of the youngest of the Quarterlies, has already achieved a reputation which few of its kindred cotomporarles havo ever at- tained. The old-established autocrats of critical litera- ture have all of them become effete, or nearly so, and have allowed the monthly and newspaper ...


... r o FASRiONAA~k NTBLLt;EJN i.-? atVICEREGAL COURT.-His Excellency the Lord Lieit. attenant entertained the following party at dinner on yesterda re (Wednesday) evening at the Viceregal Lodge, Phoenix Park,_ The Ladies Ponsonby, the Countess of Kerry, Hon. Gerald Pon. sonby, Captain Henry Ponsonby, Mr. Corry Connellan, if - Charles Gore, Mr. Monekton Milmes, M.P., Mr. Hayden, Prl B. of ...

Selected Poetry

... Iclrttrb {octro. YES'TER:DAY, 05 RICIHARID 1ItrrWITT. 7'o-rday nbolat IIS is tbe :air (atsaa'aatbiaag groat, al'soarethimag Fairr T'llr ling'rinug ghloy ill r,1laay 01( ifattering, tii etiag yeostir,lay. ThI is step that is il'pressM' and slow, 'I'laee' loelws of life nlaaw filitt allal low, 'Tis hair fast el ahagiag into gray- }lov utherasise brat yatertlay! (,one is thre vigoaur, dead the ...


... . . FFAS1iONAVLEINTELLlG~NCB. , . I .. . .1 WINDsoRe, WEflTsNSyAr..-The royal dinner partynat- the Castle this evening will include the Duke and Duchesa of Bedford, the Marquis and Marchioness of Exeter, and the Earl and Countess Spencer. The band of the Seots Fusilier Guards attend during dinner. Her Majesty s private band afterwards attend in the Castle. The day fixed for her Majesty and the ...


... I pAjHIONABLE INT-OLLJGENC9. I The Marquis and Marchionesa of Londonderry and the Lady Alexandrins Adele Vane, after a round of festivities at Wynyurd Park, leave Durhami this week for this country.- The noble marquis will proceed by Holyhead to Dublin direct, intending to communicate with his Excellency the Lord Lieu. tenant, previous to going to Londonderry and Mount Stewart, in the county ...