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... LIT ERAT UR E. --I A Jranuaw of Prattical Draining. By HENRY SrTErwESs, F.R.S.E. Edinburgh: William Blackwood & Sons. Mr STEFIvNS~'s name. is already familiar to agricultrisiits, as th 8uthor of that excellent manual, Te Book of the Farm, a isork replete w~ith deductions of acute observation, extensive ex- perience ani souita de resni The present publication con- tain, wlith utwablet ...


... CANADITAN SKETCHES. (From S~ir Francis fhead's 1En-riqrani.) IMajE T HE1! S A S oys. N'orf Tin the sumnrner. the excessive heat-the violent paroxsrens of fl Xed thunidir-the parching droughlt-the occasional deluges of rain- L aj e The sight of bright red, bright blue, and ether gaudy plumaged agair birds-nt theO brilliranrt humiming-bird, and of inunmerabledire-flres some tiliac -at ?? ...


... LITER AT UR E, Blachtrcoods .T1againie.,for AVocember. Tn Is nlumber of our' favturit :niuoithiv opens with an interesting and anl;-wt'ittcn notice ofthe Du'Keof MarTlborough's Dispatches for 1,10-iI. 'hfs great cumnlanler and statesman, it is known, was no stranger to the atrac;,s of petty slander, and court cabal, 2lotaitbstaiiding the bnp'l tnnt seix ices he had performed to his Coanttryv ...


... ?? - (CANiADA AtD THE CANADIAXs in 1846. Byv Sir R. H. Bonny- castle, Lient. Col. R. E. and M. of Canada West. London: Henry Colburn. Sir Richard Bonnycastle's opportunities for acquiring a full and accurate knowledge of the affairs of Canada and the Canadians have been ample, and he has well improved them. This new work on that interesting subject will be found preg- nant with prudent ...


... XXXVI. SESSION.-I. MEETING. The Annual General Meeting of the Royal Scottish Sboiety of Arts was held in the Hall, 91, Prince's Street, on the 9th ?Nqvem- ber, at eight o'clock r.m. . ; - SIR GEoRGEo Disc kAEzz,'Bart., of Coul, ?? President, in the Chair. The PRESIDENT opened the Session with an address. Reptaid, I am happy in having it in my power tocongratulate the society on the many and ...


... PBRIODICALS Fop Novwmnz. BnAcxwooD opens with another paper on the Marlborongh Despatches, conveying to the reader a clear and vivid outline of the military operations of that remarkable man and his celebrated coadjutor Prince Eugene, while ample justice is also done to the able commanders against whom they were pitted. Mahan Laets Life of the Amir Dost Mohammed Khan of Kabul, is the next ...


... Black continues to be the favourite colour, for walking dress- es in velvet, silks, or ;woollen niaterials. Damas will be fa- shionable for soirees as well as the promenade, reps broches. Plaids and stripes, particularly the carreall royal, reps biuet, taffetas d'Italie, &c. &c. rank among the principal materials for winter toilettes. 'Double and triple skirts are not so much used, but the ...

THE COIN OF 1826, versus 1825

... THE COI3N OF IS26, vereus 1825, - I What a sbocikin ! bad hait was once all the go, Without ever thiniling of whluit was below- WVhether braims or a puddle enctumbered the skull, If the hat look'd genteel, the hcal became null; But heads w ichout hats are stimmped on our mvney, For hats wvithout heads would look rather funny 'Tho' a shockinu bad hat would put one in dread. it's nothinlg ...


... ALL-IIALLOW FAIR. This annual mnarket commenced witj, the sale of Cattle on Tuesday, in a field close by thle banks of the ,.ion Canal. n the ?? of Gorgic Stains. The amo)unt if stock exhib;ited numbered no fewer than 7443, )eing about 20oo head cloy5 tile number shown last year. The stock was principallv fro, th1e Xest Highlands, Fifeshire, Anagis-shire and Aerd xhire, the WVest Hi;hianders ...


... I POrTRY OF RAILWAY TR A¶VELLING. ly I f ( rxe F-- P4 PAI E ?? - K.,r ?? ?? - (From dd Poet's Bazarar, by Christitan Adersea.) d I will not deny that I bad previously a sort of feeling which I will call railway fever, and this %was at its height when I entered the immense building from whence the train departs. Here was a crowd of travellers a running y | with portmanteaus and carpet bags, ...


... I liieshc,: Drawl ilu-/ Roomri Scrop-Book . Edited by the Hon. Mrs Norton. Fisher. Son & Co.: London. A per,`ct gem of the very irst water, worthy of the genius, talent, 2an-d taste conibiund in its finish. under the auspices of thehighly- gifted editor. The plates are in number thirtv-six, each being poetiCnllV illustrated wVith most happy effect. The subjects pre- sent a l harming variety of ...


... CALOARL. -The followring satire on the profuse use of that potent drug, calomel, wvas sung with exquisite hrmnr by one of tlie flutchin- son faniily in their laste visit to En'land ] PHYSICIANS of the highest rank- To pay their fees we need a bank- Comnbine all :risdon, art. and skill, Science und sense in-calomel. When Mr A. or B. is sick, Go, call the doctor, and he quick The doctor comes ...