... MUS'IC AL IN'1LLl a L?NCE. mit A T-COF,VOCATL AND INSTRUMENTML COy- ctr- Is',yceumn 'hentre wits re-opened ]last niiilit, for it loon tb's allls Jvign of' Lousie, undler the mtainlgelnelit of Mr. Alicroft, at speculator whlo has distiniguishied himself by dives coneeres monshl'iu Adlvocates uts we aire for free 11111 0 liid CuiV'lpeition Iin ma tters um.liiale, we ;are gratified. ?? for othe ...


... i1IUSIC?A L IN'J'EL Li U f?NCL. TIhis giginitie in',it 0 lion, solichl POld~ luonet'r 1110't;IIFS Ibr nonly m1101thd in the year, wllil-.t dim ii r teeti t'als only ?? i, our provinces, iii~ eve-li in GermanY, : - nhlilli, useseihbled last nlight ,l E xeter-hlla for the fern- In ii~lli sea1SOn. It is gond for on itld artists that tbeO society is firmly establtesiled withl pleselrt'ri ice ...


... itterature. wh 1Boeoa and Pictures.-.finmes Burns, P'ortman-squaire, London. tali An elegant volume-rich in the truasures of intellect, adorned to I with the resonrces of art, and glowing with gold and crimson of] blazonry. 'The paper and typography are excellent; and the his illustrations, by many of our first artiste, are replete with deli- pio cacy and spirit. It will be found a most ...


... 7ONAONABL6VTFLLIGENVhR. - r or ?? PVaIlICceS ROTALI.._ aturday ?? Annives'ary of the birthday of her Royal dis beenh princeos Royal, when her royal highness corn. rt he erhaving beenhorn onthe 2i ato f November. 4rd berlh ryg ae ustheed In by merry peals from the belle ; Ih, of the royal parisbes of St. Iltartin.un.the 'he or :et, Westminmter and St. Mary Abbott., Ken W¢ 'hich were reperated ...


... The week has been unusually barren of incidents either for record or comment. It's most noticeable t and most important event, the revival of the as. o ;ociatiou for the Ten Hjurs' Bill, under the auspices c of Oastler the most popular, most powerful, and fl most successful advocate of that great measure, t has been commented upon at length in ano- s L ther column, and it is, therefore, ...


... FASIi1ONABLE INTELLIGENCE. His Royal Highnes3 Priice Albert has just become the patron of the *Vindsor acid Eteln AlIurteUr Choral Society, the directoro0 oi: wioi is Dr. Ellvey, oruganist to her majesty. The Eari and (Coulntess Vr:bscite bicve arrived at Castle Ilill, Dewo%, from SUicimerile, tiul noble eall s seat near Wateriord. ,IyTblMrZ..buwh 'rhe i;crloc Clere and Lelv 1.ahelie Ficcibboc ...


... ?? - (CANiADA AtD THE CANADIAXs in 1846. Byv Sir R. H. Bonny- castle, Lient. Col. R. E. and M. of Canada West. London: Henry Colburn. Sir Richard Bonnycastle's opportunities for acquiring a full and accurate knowledge of the affairs of Canada and the Canadians have been ample, and he has well improved them. This new work on that interesting subject will be found preg- nant with prudent ...


... MUSICAL ilL' VJJ?IV. |Asrt/re'rre! cldl Se+vcets for' C'lWT/ rcahcloivr. Nos. 1 to 7. s [Burns. A wise and artistic selection of genunile choir music for the ordinary roeutine of ecclesbistical occasions has~ been ilong wanted. The collections of Boyce and Arnold, pub- l iobedi unider the pseudlo title of'' Cathedral Mlusic, do nrot bear the sligirteat reference to the exigenlcies ef ehorrh ...

Improvements in St. James's.—The devisees of the l»t« Francis Duke of Bridgewater have given notice that it is ..

... to apply, early in the ensuing session of parliament, lor a bill to authorise them to take and appropru;9 portion of Cleveland-square, near the palacc of St. James's, in length, from east to west, about sixty-five feet, and breadth eighteen feet, for building and other purposes, exchange fur certain new streets and approaches made them into the square, viz., widening and improving Utile St. ...


... c ottrp GRACE DARLINGS DEATH-BED. ?? author of the following touching production is the R1ev. H. F. LYte, vicar of BrLchaiu, Devon, who has been designated the Poet of Devonshire.] On I wipe the death dews frond her brow, prop up her sinking head, And let the sea breeze on her face its wonted freshness shed: She loves to see the western sun pour glory o'er the deep, And the mnusle of the ...


... LIT E R A T A E. FRASER'S MAGAZINE. Nick ssons' Regent-street. W e have a sparkling numb' r ?? this month; t a better number of this popul r periodical ve do not remember to have seen. The following reckoning up of MIr. Roebuck, is an es ract from Contempo- rary Orators,'- a series of pap' rs which have excited a great deal of interest, imiast ruch as they tell us of public men who, for ...

Published: Sunday 22 November 1846
Newspaper: The Era
County: London, England
Type: Article | Words: 4026 | Page: Page 11, 12 | Tags: Arts & Popular Culture 


... L1TERA TURE. , !Th~e WorhAs of 'Beaooiud ,=wi [Ielher. Wilit Xnles it and a Bituqr'aplico/ Memir.o I3' the(, Rev. Am'xi xtlm~i DYtl)i. V ols 11 l [ Ifoxon. 1~t len eth Nve nic ?? eol' cratte 'a P Mr'. I) 1.4. ol hig Vii'vu ?? los bo 'll, ilid ?? hb tack The4e twill ?? (I Pjl-' I~ hei lii ~cllr of' our liiit S dtc s they hilt VI. lee ll edel, Hilal' fared so ill at tii e hands 01 of ul ...