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... SELECTE]D. -NIRS. HAR1IS'S SOLILOQUY WHLE THREAIDING HEl e NEEbLE. t BY LADY DUFFERI. ( '(Frolm FisAers Dralvinie-yRoOe Scrap Book.) n Ah dearv me! what needles! well, really I must say s All things are sadly altered (for the worse too) since my day s The pins have neither heads nor points; tie needles have no eyes, And there's ne'er a pair- of scissors of thle good okd-fashioued size e The ...


... , EXHIBITION OF THY LIVERPOOL ACADEMY. ad ?? - d SEVENTH NOTICE, spen Og Since our last notice the exhibition has opened by gas- were de light, and on our visits to tie rooms we find them not stani r, only well attended, but, as to ourselves, we almost prefer ieg ef it to daylight, so brilliant and interesting is the scene. acco !Y. Many pictures which we had never seen or noticed before the ...


... Oil Wedlneslay Btiwee's nielo-draniatic comedy of -1i0eey was played at the Theatre Royal; and the careful exetlitlia- tion of the pie, e, thus by another performance atfoirled ns. but went to strengthen all old conviction that it belotirg to the very lowest class of its althor's imagiunise writlligI. Totally delicient in that meanest vet for a modern comedly indispensable dramatic requisite, ...


... DS, ADYr, N&vHBUHi T.-Preston, Harley, Middleham, Raoh. id dale, Talybout, Taban, Trefrhliew, Howey, Lampeter. af SUNDAY, 8.-Aberconway, Alford, Biggleswade, BDilinghurst' so a- Bingham, Biddenden, Blaokwater, Blandford, Buckingbarm' qi ib Chilham , Chipping-Norton, Cirencester, Dies, Dnlverton, Dun- le in rew, Forest-ROW, Helstone, Hertford, Hatherleigh, Heighley, 0b 01 Heihain, Rendal, ...


... PROSPECTUS OF A NEW TRANSLATION OF J06EPliUS. London: Holliston and Stoneneas. I We learn, from this prospectus, that a new translation of the life and works of the celebrated Jewish historian is aboultt to appear, with notes and pictorial illustrations, Judging from tile specimens here given of the engravings and, letters press, the work promises to be of a very superior character. ...


... IFASHIONS F(It DECELU. I - FASHIO: F Ris m CraDles, Mout- Gauzes ConstantineAtUaJafaOles, DiiU -. selines Lujsa Fernanda, bareges Hayde'e, with organdyst tulles, &C. are the fashionable materials of fall dress; for walking and negligd plaids of every dimension, checked foulards, tafetas chinois in stripes or wares; 1affetai mauves shot with lilac, green to as shot with a different tint of ...


... the On Wednes.lday, ilin/c Aldo about ATothing was represented s; sir, at the Theatre Royal, to an andience far less numerous than IN. might have been deserved by the merit of the perfoirmance, to say nothsing of the matchless fascinations of the drama itself. Benedict was excellently conceived and excellently tents. acted by Mr. Pitt. He played with a light-hearted irre Ve ΒΆ pressible gaiety ...


... Origrinut. THE RISING TOWN OF CRRE.W& to BY WALTgR WALKER. ig- Awake, ye mighty chroniclers, of Who sang in days of yore, E Ily When the cities of our forefathers I n- Their proudest laurels bore I 1 ye Awake, ye bards of modern time, I re, The sluggish lyre renew, I [air. And laud with-me the wonders Er Of the rising town of Crewe. Had ye but known, five years ago,. The spot on which it ...


... THEATRE, ROYAL. I d Whenever, throughl n long rangle of plays, the dramnatist h is compelled to ftlili anly other condition tham that of bestow- n ! ilg poetic pleasure; whenever, in the subject nutl develope- it m ment of his plot his hands ame, so to speak, colntinually tied, even ?? higlhest geni;;s cant scarcely be expected to produce r a series of works that sball possess enduring ...


... in co*~- ur (Freom the london and Parts Ladies' Jlagaqine ! Falhion.) WI Black continues to be the favourite colour for walking dresses th s in velvets, silks, or woollen materiala Damas will be fashionable Wi for soirles as well as the promenade reps broehes. Plaids and gr stripes, particularly the carreau royal,reps bluet, taffeto d'Itali, 80 ia &o,, rank among the principal materials for ...


... POEMS and PICTURES, a Collection of Ballads, Songs, and other Poems, with one hundred Illustra- tions on wood, by English Artists. London: James Burns, Portman-street. FISHER'S DRAWING ROOM SCRAP BOOK, 1847; by the lIon. Mrs. Norton. London: Fisher, Son, and Co. FISHER'S JUVENILE SCRAP BOOK; by the author of the Women of England, &c. London: Fisher and Co. PUNCI'S POCKET BOOK. London: ...


... SELE CTED. THE POET OF THE OLDEN TNIME. LY J. ?? LOWELL. In the old days of awre and keell-eyed wouer, The Poets song with blood marim truth Na' rife; lie saw the mysteries which oirl-CE under The outward shell and skin of dalily life. Nothing to himl were fleeting timanfsio His soul was led by the eternal law en:, 1 ilon There was in hirm no hope offlune, no Passion, But, wvith calm, godlike ...