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Strathclyde, Scotland

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... LONDON, NOVEMBER 2]. The Quaen accotnpaoied hr Prince Albert, the junior arremozers of the Rual familv, and the Court, have re- noved to the Isle of Wight, where, since Wednesday, her IMajesty' and the Prince have been taking their accustomed exe-etse. Sumornonses were issued yesterday to all the Ministers to attend a Cabinet Council at the Foreign-office this day at twelve o'clock. We believe ...

Published: Monday 23 November 1846
Newspaper: Glasgow Herald
County: Lanarkshire, Scotland
Type: Article | Words: 3000 | Page: Page 2 | Tags: News 


... IIONT PEOPLE ITVED BEFORE TIME ErA OF1 POT&TOES. REMEDIES SUGGESTED IN FONMEIr TtMES Or SCAISCITY.-NO. W11. (From shte Ayr Advertiscr.) The English have always been much more of a beer anti bread eating people than either the Scotch or Irish. This affection for these two comfortable solids, and for bacon, cheese, ale, 11an pud- t dings,-as the staple materials for breakfast, dinner, and supper ...

Published: Monday 02 November 1846
Newspaper: Glasgow Herald
County: Lanarkshire, Scotland
Type: Article | Words: 906 | Page: Page 4 | Tags: News 


... The Court still remains at Osborne House in the Isle of Wieht, butfor the last few days the inclemency of the season lhas almost weather bound the Queen and the other members of the royal family from their habitual out-door exerc~se. We are informed that the Duke and Duchess of Bor- deaux are shortly expected on a visit to this country. Their Serene Highness the Heriditary Grand Duke and Grand ...

Published: Monday 30 November 1846
Newspaper: Glasgow Herald
County: Lanarkshire, Scotland
Type: Article | Words: 1423 | Page: Page 2 | Tags: News 


... e W We nnderstand the directors of the Glasgow Gis Com. he pany have appointed Mr. James Ritchie, formerlv of the ri- Gas Worlks, Ayr, and latterly manager of the United Gas ch Company, Sheffield, to be their engineer, in room of Mr. le James Bi. Nailson, resigned. he Unusual exertions .are making at the seaports for pro- 1 la- racn ;r flring f- rar tnc thpa newly commissioned. - The ren- ;t. ...

Published: Monday 23 November 1846
Newspaper: Glasgow Herald
County: Lanarkshire, Scotland
Type: Article | Words: 1917 | Page: Page 4 | Tags: News 


... n, (Fromn Cobbett's Year's Residence in 4,merica.) ;- It is to fashion that the potato owes its general culti- er vation and use. If you ask me whether fashion can make f a nation prefer one sort of diet to another, I ask you what n it is that can make a nation admire Shakspeare WVhat to is it that can make them call him a Divine Bard, nine- of tenths of whose works are made of such trash ...

Published: Monday 16 November 1846
Newspaper: Glasgow Herald
County: Lanarkshire, Scotland
Type: Article | Words: 2476 | Page: Page 1 | Tags: News 


... THE AlIIIY BREVET. Sulrnleent to the London Gazette- 2esd, Norn- inr sin Supplement to the Londona GaucIe, Tuesday, XbVremnber ID. M%~a OFFICE, Nor. 9. Hecr Majesty has been pleased to appoint the following officers to take rank Cr brevet ais undermeorioned. The commissions toi he dated N or. 9. 1846 :- Ge-neral Sir Georgee Nugent, iiart.,andG.C.B. ; General Thos. Grosvenor ;General Henry ...

Published: Friday 13 November 1846
Newspaper: Glasgow Herald
County: Lanarkshire, Scotland
Type: Article | Words: 3599 | Page: Page 2 | Tags: News 


... T FROM THE LONDON GAZETTE OF TUSDY I At the Court at Windsor, the 30th day of October, 1846, pre- sent the Queen's Most Excellent Majesty in Council, this day the Right Hon. Sir Thomas Wilde, Knight, Lord Chief Justice of the Court of Common Pleas. and the Right Hon. Edward Strutt, were, bh her Maiestv's coT1mand, sworn of her Majesty's Most HEnograble Privy Council, and nook their respective ...

Published: Friday 06 November 1846
Newspaper: Glasgow Herald
County: Lanarkshire, Scotland
Type: Article | Words: 1740 | Page: Page 2 | Tags: News 


... THE NORTHERN FISTIERIES. (From tie Correspondesnce of e MwForaiag Chronicle.) Both in Ireland and in the Highlands of Scotland the existing dearth has proceeded from one and the same cause. In both these sections of the empire the lower orders have almost exclusively relied upon the same capri- dious esculent for subsistence. That failing them, they starve. It is a happy circumstance, however, ...

Published: Monday 09 November 1846
Newspaper: Glasgow Herald
County: Lanarkshire, Scotland
Type: Article | Words: 1665 | Page: Page 1 | Tags: News 


... Death of Lot/p C6olqehoz of Lzss._This lady died at Rossdbu, on We11ednesday last, the 21st tilt., in the 66th year of her age, and was buried in the family burial ground there, on Tuesday the 27th. The funeral, by her own desire, was strictly private. Lady Colquhoun was second daughter of the late Right lon. Sir John Sinclair, Bart., by his first marriage, and sister of Miss Hannah Sinclair, ...

Published: Monday 02 November 1846
Newspaper: Glasgow Herald
County: Lanarkshire, Scotland
Type: Article | Words: 838 | Page: Page 4 | Tags: News 


... i ~(From the Liverpool Mail of Saturday.) About three o'clock yesterday morning, a gale comnmenced blowing from the sotith-wAest. It kept increasing in vioteice du- ring the forenoon, and from twelve to two it was at complete hbr- ricane. Ito tide was unusually bigb. prlobablir from itte swell owitsile, and the river presented a terrific appearance. Tlie ferrv steamers, notwithstanding the ...

Published: Monday 23 November 1846
Newspaper: Glasgow Herald
County: Lanarkshire, Scotland
Type: Article | Words: 539 | Page: Page 2 | Tags: News 


... BAILNWiY: COMMTISSION. -it- is L , T . - The Cauhi,n I ~ r'o. 27. ยง The Coaioo mtsin thist morning at ]0.o'oloek. jiw MrrffRAnmtrler; dxn thlieposrtortbe Wet f 6'scatltf& Jusefles and its promoters entered Into an able and lucid review oft thie evidence brought- before ?? respective inte- rests. le firstalluded to the ambigelty-of the words Cen- tral Terminus, which -were suneoptible of ...

Published: Monday 30 November 1846
Newspaper: Glasgow Herald
County: Lanarkshire, Scotland
Type: Article | Words: 624 | Page: Page 1 | Tags: News 


... Thursda1y Eveninig. I This has been settlin,, day in the English Market, but the ac- e count has passed off without producing any material fiuctuations i A scarcity of stceck stil exists, which is increased by the daily 1 purchases of the Government bro'ker on behalf of the savings. f banks. Consols wvere quoted at 93j to l for money, and 94j1 to 95 for the openinw, but they left off a shade ...

Published: Monday 30 November 1846
Newspaper: Glasgow Herald
County: Lanarkshire, Scotland
Type: Article | Words: 708 | Page: Page 2 | Tags: News