... MUSICAL IJNTELLIGLNGE. PARIS.-[Privato Correspondence.]-Two novelties are now delightip ?? amislteurs the first is Pacili's opera La Fida'zacta ( .o(sea,' orighinally prodccdil at the Cuila, in Niples, in. 1843, and now imoported at the Tle 'atre teliCII here, and Clipipsson's opera of Gibb1 Ta Ine(nc- tee sr, representedl last Thursdey, for the fir~t t iee, ut the Roeyal Ope:ra Comiqne. The ...


... P 0 ErT it, Y. A RA1 AND LOYtE. c \Var and Love 6re fierce comnpeers, | 11'ar sheds blood, and Love sheds tears WE'ar has swords, and Love has darts ; War brealis heads, and Love beaks I earts,I '.Vir's a robber, Love's a thief; Vv ir briiigs ruin, Love briligs glief; IV r ai giant, Love's a child i ?? nrt;,d, aid Lo-c tuns wild. W'a r subd[res, aind r.ovc beguiles; War by force, anid Love by ...


... I FASIONABLE INTELLIGBNCE WINDSOR, MONDAY Cvstle are all very busy preparing for the removl fat tte to Ooborne House, on Wednesday. Nine o'clock in the rn. ing of that day is the hour appointed by her Majesty for the commencement of the journey, and it is calculated that the royal cavalvade will arrive at the Farrberouglh station f t South Western Railway tnineteen miles), before eleven a ...

PARIS, Not. 4. The Paris papers have spread reports with more or less of truth them on the causes which

... hare determined the king to continue, without any modification,, the Cabinet of the 29th of October. It hat been asserted that M. Guizot s not obtaining the Presidency of the Council arose from a species of veto exerciscd by the British government. The paper which stated this, the Constitutionnel, I believe, only knew half the truth. It comes to this that if the English Cabinet thought it ...


... - THE THREE VOICES. Wbat saith the Past to thee ? Weep i Truth is departed; Bleauty bath died like the dream of a sleep, Love is faint-hearted; Trifles of sense, the profoundly unreal, Scare from our spirits God's holy ideal- So, as a funeral bell, slow and deep, So tolls the Past to thee! Weep! How speaks the Present hour? Act! Walk, upward glancing; So shall thy footsters in glory be tracked ...


... The past week has been productive of little worthy of notice in things theatrical. At Da-URY-LANE, Mr. Lavenu sopera of Lorette, and the now ballet of The W~ags of Wapping, have succeeded in drawing good houses. Madame Sophie Fuoco is an astonishing daenseuse, anid has proved quite a hit.-II. Jullien's concerts are nightly clowdiog COVENT-GARDEN to excess. A nsey quadrille from Mrs. ...


... FASHJIONABLE INTELLIGENCE. WjNjosoR, VonsDAY-Thili day was the anniversary of the birthday of his Royal Highness the Prince of Wales. In the morning the Queen and Prince Albert, accompanied by the Prince of Wales, and also by Prince Alfred, the Princess Royal, and the Princess Alice, were present at the i grand entrance of the quadrangle (fronting the Long Walk), and inspected the Ist Regiment ...


... DIRUI?Y-LANVE 'I'JEA'1E. At lei~hthe ptublic maiy hle congratulated on its aivetil(rt of it x'oung' lad fresh. tallent hin horegraphite net. Tutu after tiune has the first aii ,aht of at oebitante bt een natltt ci fiated wdiih hope, tind the thtiatre hals been 1r ft Iis despair hit rit lliglit proved a zlorious exceptionet to all1 art f (sri'- bodtiigs and their renlization. There eitn be no ...


... iff-e Mfilveiitlt 0A~. In Winfield Castle Mary Stuart passed nine years of hbr sad Cap - tivity. The old Oak, which bears tho name or the Castle, senads directiv to troult ?? Mary's Towor. It was. doubtless, oven in her day a noble tree, and.'stilit Itstands in rugged strength, as ir defying the storms uf nges. It munst have meot tho poar prisonners eye ovona ns oho gazedl forthl troutl her ...


... 7ONAONABL6VTFLLIGENVhR. - r or ?? PVaIlICceS ROTALI.._ aturday ?? Annives'ary of the birthday of her Royal dis beenh princeos Royal, when her royal highness corn. rt he erhaving beenhorn onthe 2i ato f November. 4rd berlh ryg ae ustheed In by merry peals from the belle ; Ih, of the royal parisbes of St. Iltartin.un.the 'he or :et, Westminmter and St. Mary Abbott., Ken W¢ 'hich were reperated ...


... itterature. wh 1Boeoa and Pictures.-.finmes Burns, P'ortman-squaire, London. tali An elegant volume-rich in the truasures of intellect, adorned to I with the resonrces of art, and glowing with gold and crimson of] blazonry. 'The paper and typography are excellent; and the his illustrations, by many of our first artiste, are replete with deli- pio cacy and spirit. It will be found a most ...


... The week has been unusually barren of incidents either for record or comment. It's most noticeable t and most important event, the revival of the as. o ;ociatiou for the Ten Hjurs' Bill, under the auspices c of Oastler the most popular, most powerful, and fl most successful advocate of that great measure, t has been commented upon at length in ano- s L ther column, and it is, therefore, ...