... ?? - (CANiADA AtD THE CANADIAXs in 1846. Byv Sir R. H. Bonny- castle, Lient. Col. R. E. and M. of Canada West. London: Henry Colburn. Sir Richard Bonnycastle's opportunities for acquiring a full and accurate knowledge of the affairs of Canada and the Canadians have been ample, and he has well improved them. This new work on that interesting subject will be found preg- nant with prudent ...


... MUSICAL ilL' VJJ?IV. |Asrt/re'rre! cldl Se+vcets for' C'lWT/ rcahcloivr. Nos. 1 to 7. s [Burns. A wise and artistic selection of genunile choir music for the ordinary roeutine of ecclesbistical occasions has~ been ilong wanted. The collections of Boyce and Arnold, pub- l iobedi unider the pseudlo title of'' Cathedral Mlusic, do nrot bear the sligirteat reference to the exigenlcies ef ehorrh ...


... FASIi1ONABLE INTELLIGENCE. His Royal Highnes3 Priice Albert has just become the patron of the *Vindsor acid Eteln AlIurteUr Choral Society, the directoro0 oi: wioi is Dr. Ellvey, oruganist to her majesty. The Eari and (Coulntess Vr:bscite bicve arrived at Castle Ilill, Dewo%, from SUicimerile, tiul noble eall s seat near Wateriord. ,IyTblMrZ..buwh 'rhe i;crloc Clere and Lelv 1.ahelie Ficcibboc ...


... STJA MES'S TR EA TM? ?? p JIJPA 'S I E C PA S ?? Last evening, after Le Roman d'uone lTerfe, a pleasallt little one act piece, ill wihich MU'1 -. II1I0AN fully supported re- her reputation as premir'e sousettv, it ilew CotiediecvatedI us- villc, was presentcd, enititled lc ?? Rtickard/.| Thi* pieee has ri'ceetly beei producud sit the Plalais -Ioal Thea tie, with greiat so 'tess, alld lef re t ...


... ?? The PoldirUal DictionarY ; formi'nq a W~ork of Uni- versal Ref ~renve, b)0th. &nolltlfiionall and Legal; and emnbr'acing the Terms of Civil Adminisitration, ?? Eco710noy, and Social Relations, and of aill the more iinportnt~t tatistical Departments of Finance and Commerce. In two volunes. [London: Charles Knighit. 1846. The sormewhalt com prehiensiive, title wihwe have transcribed above ...


... .. THROUGH. song for the brave working men of Geneva, which moy be sung by ay llop'e whofi Bad the words suit their condition. BY RSNEST JONES. boen diCg! for your rights aspiring! Bon rriors I to your colours true ! Would you gain your hearts' desiring, Take the gallant watchword: Through. *Throlugh old prejudice and folly, That around you. Palsied, Tstad, Send the truth-eoy's deadening ...


... MUSICA L IN'TELLI GEiNCE. M. JULIIEN'S (ONCPETS.-Tie last conct rt of the tmouth's season was giveii ot Saturday night, at Civelit i ?? Theatre, whicii was crowded to excess. 'b ?? did not display iny signus of impatience or disordir, as oil the two previouus evenirigs, and the progratmme WIIS list, ned to with great liten ion, the Alltgr'tto of BeDi- hoven's symiphony in F bhtig eniored, anid ...


... , Lancashire. of the ow ' address t0 the electors fipptkmnTl ? udden but not unexpected coalition of a small pa Wlth the Tor;cs hLS b«n followed ine whiSi >lamn of the ...


... FSONBLE[ INSTELL.IGENCE. I Fa1 FRIDAY EVENING.*Late yesterday evening WIND S ordered in the arrangements making for the de. fi Clier ?? and the royal family for the Isle of Wight: td of Taesday, ?? the i81th instant has now D,''3eaS the day for the departure of thle court for Osborne te W It is understood that some alhlira of state have made 110eI dc-irable, but that tile present arrangement ...


... tt I* . , , i-IUIOIjTH, NoVBMBSa 9 Her Majesty packet Seagull, Lieut. arrived from Kio de Janeiro, September » . it' v 17 ; Peraambueo, '29. PassengersMcmm' ' Field and wife, Ferrar, Cumberland, and Captain Key, R.N., and M«. steerage passengers: and freight, in -old jL monds, 43,000/., more or less. 0 d dla Nothing of importance from Kio Janeiro or the nothern provinces. Her Majesty's ship ...

Selected Poetry

... c?arctrio voctr)). T111' 'IliMEE: VOICi.S. M ittt saith the Past to thev ? \Vevp 1ruth is depiated; fistity lateti d ,i,d like thle dreamn ofa 61cep, Lorsv is linit hetirtedl; Tl ifl-s of Senise, the pro'tfuntdly lureal, S. trio fisot our sp.irits ( ed's hblv ideal- So, .t the fiietal dbll, slow and d(ep, So t lls the I'llst to thee ! Weep Itwl stpoeaks the P'resellt hour ? Act ! Walk, ipwatd ...

Literary Notices

... R-iterarn Notited. TltE NORTH BRlTISHr REVIEW. No. XI. Edinburgh: TV. P. Kennelly. Thr North British Review, though one of the youngest of the Quarterlies, has already achieved a reputation which few of its kindred cotomporarles havo ever at- tained. The old-established autocrats of critical litera- ture have all of them become effete, or nearly so, and have allowed the monthly and newspaper ...