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Northern Ireland, Northern Ireland

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Selected Poetry

... c?arctrio voctr)). T111' 'IliMEE: VOICi.S. M ittt saith the Past to thev ? \Vevp 1ruth is depiated; fistity lateti d ,i,d like thle dreamn ofa 61cep, Lorsv is linit hetirtedl; Tl ifl-s of Senise, the pro'tfuntdly lureal, S. trio fisot our sp.irits ( ed's hblv ideal- So, .t the fiietal dbll, slow and d(ep, So t lls the I'llst to thee ! Weep Itwl stpoeaks the P'resellt hour ? Act ! Walk, ipwatd ...

Literary Notices

... R-iterarn Notited. TltE NORTH BRlTISHr REVIEW. No. XI. Edinburgh: TV. P. Kennelly. Thr North British Review, though one of the youngest of the Quarterlies, has already achieved a reputation which few of its kindred cotomporarles havo ever at- tained. The old-established autocrats of critical litera- ture have all of them become effete, or nearly so, and have allowed the monthly and newspaper ...

Selected Poetry

... ?? ?? -arirrtai jurlrv. Ill i. Gl IMA\ ''lEACIIER. HY LD.EY DU 'EFIilM. 'Tiw ]beng dla's done ! aid she sits still ; ~.1 ?? I ill the gathelrilg glosmi Wi;:It al( the uinags that till 'Iheose alsent eyes, that sthent room ? Silt winds the latticed caseinetit stir. ''he hard green rose-blds ta! tlie paic like SIerry philvuiltes, btekoloilig her 'T'o j',di tielin ltt thieir sports tgapit Aid ...

Selected Poetry

... *electric l3ortro. BAI.LAD. S,'ti n:d iwl Ilt [el l: itti;c her tll'elIuI she plies; T *1ils or till Nil Nor itt sli(! raise1 s lert es. child ! to thue uorthi that feiud glativc dust thou turn ?? i.. b r isothler-' the fulse sne w ill never returii ! Ah Ieaae, motIier, cease !-I ftel lie is true. * leel weI' ll ?? hsas wol] bh Is valoiir in flilt; 1!, hvlie beP- 'd his ?? aintd dtiblued ...

Selected Poetry

... R-OrctrD Vortri). LIF, DEATH, AND ETIl'NITY. A sfialloow iaving by ose's sidc, 'Ilut wvould a sullstailno seem, Tlhat is, yet is net-thoiih descried Iike s!cik s liene:0t1 the stroeal. A trvo t list's evor iuh tbe blooni, \Whoise fruit is never ripe; A wvish for joys that nevrr comnr, Slilo are the hopes of l. A dark, lievitable night, A Whnli tbat wsill reinoiii; Aweaitiig for tue Inuorning ...

[ill] Intelligence

... rintelligrencic. CO(U RT. The Queen held a privy council at Windsor Castle on Saturday, at half past two o'clock. This day ('iuseay) has been fixed upon as the day for her Ma.latv'si dieiparturo for tlro Isle of Wight. Tho Queen will bo accomparierd by the prince coinsort and tho ro -a) childlren. It is su;pposedl Ilihe court will not lbe a:-. si'it from Windsolri morle ?? a fortnigiht ir ...

Literary Notices

... Literarp ITotitc0. DUBLIN UNIVERSITY ITAG.AZINE Fon Duhlin Jrnies MllGleusan. AN extremely lively and diversified number, without po. litices or, indted, anything prosy. The writer of a paper on the bite Larnan Blanchard, whose gossiping pen is ?? ns familiar as Do Quincy's, has, we fear, betrnyed himself into one or two awkward revelations about Dr. Magian, and ?? famous, but ...

Literary Notices

... Riltrari) Xotlcr0. IhMBlltE AND! SoN, TBy Clhtrl's Dickens. No. 11. Loedon: Bradhurijy ~adl Evans, Mr. I)'Xlicii lias selocted a most judlicious range of ci:ir'eaiv;'s for fis nv stoirv, 'hl'e cohl ant] ?? m rv haut pr 'ol of his piris ann-il of his firm ; tilh 0owed atlul ilislitetl, hut gool inw ia~ol Iii'ot lil-ia r i',la content With rnodiui'r ity anl d vilgar rispevt oili y, and who is ...

Fashionable Intelligence

... -.pawjionatlce Entelligence. COURT. Icr Majesty and Prince Albert arrived in Londuion on Saturday morning, by a special train on the Great Western railway, from Windsor castle. Another special train was ordered at the Paddington station at one o'clock, and soon after that timo heler Majesty and Prince Albert arrivedl from Buckingham Palace, and took their departure for Windsor Castle. Him ...

Fashionable Intelligence

... ?? THE COURT. The sixth birthday nuniversary of the Princess Royal was celobrated at Windsor, with the usual rejoicings, on Saturday last. Trllt ROYAL FAIMILY OF PORTEUGAL.-Orders were iven, before the departure oF the court for tile Isle of' Wiglit, for the immediate preparation of apartmersts il Winudso Castle, in case the Queen of Portugal and th, Killng Consort, first cousin of his Royal ...

Selected Poetry

... Iclrttrb {octro. YES'TER:DAY, 05 RICIHARID 1ItrrWITT. 7'o-rday nbolat IIS is tbe :air (atsaa'aatbiaag groat, al'soarethimag Fairr T'llr ling'rinug ghloy ill r,1laay 01( ifattering, tii etiag yeostir,lay. ThI is step that is il'pressM' and slow, 'I'laee' loelws of life nlaaw filitt allal low, 'Tis hair fast el ahagiag into gray- }lov utherasise brat yatertlay! (,one is thre vigoaur, dead the ...

Selected Poetry

... ,%Cltttctl vortri). b THE TEAR OF GRATITUDEI. DI' FRANCIS ELIZABETHI SIAV1SS. Within the heart, deep hid from view, There rests a jewel bathed hi dew, Peflectisg blessings pure and true In tears of gratitude. It is a Night to angels dear, WYlIeni pity qiuells the sulrerer's fear, And wins the consecrated tear- Tfe tear of gratitude. Ye sordid sonls, whose god is gain, WIho fiel no throes for ...