... CANADITAN SKETCHES. (From S~ir Francis fhead's 1En-riqrani.) IMajE T HE1! S A S oys. N'orf Tin the sumnrner. the excessive heat-the violent paroxsrens of fl Xed thunidir-the parching droughlt-the occasional deluges of rain- L aj e The sight of bright red, bright blue, and ether gaudy plumaged agair birds-nt theO brilliranrt humiming-bird, and of inunmerabledire-flres some tiliac -at ?? ...


... Oil Wedlneslay Btiwee's nielo-draniatic comedy of -1i0eey was played at the Theatre Royal; and the careful exetlitlia- tion of the pie, e, thus by another performance atfoirled ns. but went to strengthen all old conviction that it belotirg to the very lowest class of its althor's imagiunise writlligI. Totally delicient in that meanest vet for a modern comedly indispensable dramatic requisite, ...

Public Amusements

... 3Ult Zi-o - - clft-tsi e ASTLEy's AMPHITHEATRE. An equestrian drama called Le Cheval du Diable, which has been played with great success at Franeoni's, has been adapted to Astley's, with the title °d 'tlhe Demon -lotse. The human hero of this drama to a young miller of ambitious views, who, by a compact with the powers of evil, becomes poszesse of a deoan liorse, on co0dition that every ...


... Falmouth, Thursday Evening.—Her Majesty's steam-ship Gorgon, Capt. Croutch, put in here to-day for coals her voyage from Buenos Ayres for Portsmouth. She left Monte Video on Sept. 12th, Rio de Janeiro 22nd, and Bahia 30th. Of course the chief topic of inquiry on the landing of her mails related to the definite settlement or otherwise of the River Plate affairs. It is said that Mr. Hood the ...


... # octry. I N OVEMBER. Give to the poor, warm clothing, firing, food, At once, unsparingly, and humbly give I prevent the winter's cough, the frame-chill'd brood Of throes which make It weariness to live; For, lo I November, drench'd in fogs and rains, Glooms on the air, and incubates the earth: Days, short and fickle, nip the labourers' gains, And bring increase of suff'ring and of dearth. ...


... PROSPECTUS OF A NEW TRANSLATION OF J06EPliUS. London: Holliston and Stoneneas. I We learn, from this prospectus, that a new translation of the life and works of the celebrated Jewish historian is aboultt to appear, with notes and pictorial illustrations, Judging from tile specimens here given of the engravings and, letters press, the work promises to be of a very superior character. ...


... -- 2LITR TUB RB7 BLACKWOOD FOR NOVEMBER. The number for this month opens with a paper entitled ,it rlhboroufhs Dispatches, which gives a clear and in- terelt 1g detail of the campaigns of that celebrated corn- oander in teo years 1710 and 1711, as well as of the party ~riguesCat home daring the same period. The fame and of Marlborough excited the envy even of his own perareetle W~higs; but it ...


... FASHJIONABLE INTELLIGENCE. WjNjosoR, VonsDAY-Thili day was the anniversary of the birthday of his Royal Highness the Prince of Wales. In the morning the Queen and Prince Albert, accompanied by the Prince of Wales, and also by Prince Alfred, the Princess Royal, and the Princess Alice, were present at the i grand entrance of the quadrangle (fronting the Long Walk), and inspected the Ist Regiment ...

The Madrid journals of the 4th, which were received in Paris late on Monday afternoon, contain little ..

... the news from Portugal not being of a date more recent than those already received by the last steamer. Multitudes of contradictory rumours respecting the instability of the Spanish ministry continue to be in circulation. HlJEspanol, of the 4th, states, that the exile of a certain influential member of the royal family (meaning the Queen-Mother) was resolved on, and that her husband would be ...


... LITER AT UR E, Blachtrcoods .T1againie.,for AVocember. Tn Is nlumber of our' favturit :niuoithiv opens with an interesting and anl;-wt'ittcn notice ofthe Du'Keof MarTlborough's Dispatches for 1,10-iI. 'hfs great cumnlanler and statesman, it is known, was no stranger to the atrac;,s of petty slander, and court cabal, 2lotaitbstaiiding the bnp'l tnnt seix ices he had performed to his Coanttryv ...


... The week has been unusually barren of incidents either for record or comment. It's most noticeable t and most important event, the revival of the as. o ;ociatiou for the Ten Hjurs' Bill, under the auspices c of Oastler the most popular, most powerful, and fl most successful advocate of that great measure, t has been commented upon at length in ano- s L ther column, and it is, therefore, ...


... FASHRONABLR lrVTBLIGENCE- he WINDSOR, WEDNESDAY.-TIe royal dinner party A the Castle nlis evening will include her Royal Higess tiab Duchess of Kent, her RoaRihei t uhs of Ci :-bridge, Viscount Palmerston, Lord and Lady Holland, Lord he Portman, &o. None of' the distinguished personages who arrived at the ge0 Castle on Monday last, in celebration of the birthday of tht he Prince of Wales, have ...