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... * Manchester, Not. 19 . A meeting of the liberal dec tore was held last nioi. mthe Free Trade Hall, to the nomination madeta*.' Reform Association of Mr. Bright, as a candidate representation of Manchester, and to hear from him .1 position of his sentiments. There was a verv la»r_ George Wilson, Esq., was called to chair* W Mr Absalom moved, that this nf*. liberal electors of the Wrough ...


... THEATRhALS, &c. DRVRYtLA lN i t:era was produced 'nere on Mondag eroning, uneatr, the ,titlo of tear-cue, a Tale of SeVille. It is the romposition ?? Laveno, of the Royal Academy, the libretto is by bir. Bunn. The incidents upon which the librettist has constructed his opera, are to be found in lies Cent Nouvelims de Navarre, and possess no deep or stirring interest. The first scene is laid ...


... DIRUI?Y-LANVE 'I'JEA'1E. At lei~hthe ptublic maiy hle congratulated on its aivetil(rt of it x'oung' lad fresh. tallent hin horegraphite net. Tutu after tiune has the first aii ,aht of at oebitante bt een natltt ci fiated wdiih hope, tind the thtiatre hals been 1r ft Iis despair hit rit lliglit proved a zlorious exceptionet to all1 art f (sri'- bodtiigs and their renlization. There eitn be no ...


... STJA MES'S TR EA TM? ?? p JIJPA 'S I E C PA S ?? Last evening, after Le Roman d'uone lTerfe, a pleasallt little one act piece, ill wihich MU'1 -. II1I0AN fully supported re- her reputation as premir'e sousettv, it ilew CotiediecvatedI us- villc, was presentcd, enititled lc ?? Rtickard/.| Thi* pieee has ri'ceetly beei producud sit the Plalais -Ioal Thea tie, with greiat so 'tess, alld lef re t ...


... MJUSICAL INTELL GBIVCE. DRlU'RYLANFi TPTsnRnr.-Tlie new opera, composed by Ballet, the libretto by Mr. ]3utnr, is in active preparation. Thsevii' the new grand ballet of The Wags3 of 1VOP~hig, which has been performed at the Adiienctie Royanle (le Mtfesqc, under thie title of' Betty, witl be pro- dured, the celebrated Milanese. dansusea, Mladill Sophie l'iOCo, playing her Original part of ...


... MUS'IC AL IN'1LLl a L?NCE. mit A T-COF,VOCATL AND INSTRUMENTML COy- ctr- Is',yceumn 'hentre wits re-opened ]last niiilit, for it loon tb's allls Jvign of' Lousie, undler the mtainlgelnelit of Mr. Alicroft, at speculator whlo has distiniguishied himself by dives coneeres monshl'iu Adlvocates uts we aire for free 11111 0 liid CuiV'lpeition Iin ma tters um.liiale, we ;are gratified. ?? for othe ...


... L1TERA TURE. , !Th~e WorhAs of 'Beaooiud ,=wi [Ielher. Wilit Xnles it and a Bituqr'aplico/ Memir.o I3' the(, Rev. Am'xi xtlm~i DYtl)i. V ols 11 l [ Ifoxon. 1~t len eth Nve nic ?? eol' cratte 'a P Mr'. I) 1.4. ol hig Vii'vu ?? los bo 'll, ilid ?? hb tack The4e twill ?? (I Pjl-' I~ hei lii ~cllr of' our liiit S dtc s they hilt VI. lee ll edel, Hilal' fared so ill at tii e hands 01 of ul ...


... MUSICAL INTELL1G RCCE. t P.iaes (PnrVATHi Caln es ete- le ast frune- rill linouri were paid to tire? Mcbltrtted cartpaser Cherubini onl '1IThrs~lay loot. 'This rattaiciiin, whlo twra born fin Flo- rinee, Spte rube 8, 1760, died inl Paris, M1arch I 5, 1842, and his reimains were deposited in a taint: in the cemetery of Pere ]n (lilme, ?? tin' tombi, to be ~cretetd by StltO~Cril)- Otto, wf55 ...

CONSTANTINOPLE, OCT. 29. The following memorandum has been sent by the Porte to the different embassies: The ..

... learned from official reports that the agricultural productions of the province of Bigha are insufficient for the population, has thought it advisable to prohibit the exportation of corn from that province. In pursuance of established right, it is forbidden to buv or export all sorts of grain from the ports of Cara, Bogba, Lampeaque, Tchardaq, Calci-Sultanie, Coum-Cale, Gliikli, and Aivadjid, ...


... DUBLIN, Nov. 17. Condition of the People.—The perils of the crisis arising from the delay in the public works are over. Employment now very general throughout the country, par ticularly in the southern and western districts At first the peasantry were indisposed to task-work, but a short trial inducted them into the benefits of the system. The old rates of labour are changed. Instead of the ...


... LIT'ERA TURE. -Ther Bonnparte Li tters and LDespaitches, Secret, C'onfi- 0 den tied, (and Official;frtome rtse Ordqinals io hid Pri- 4 vate Cabinet. Two Volumes. [Saunders and Otley. 6 1This ptublicaition is no doubt suggested by the niany col- lriections of letters and despatches of' our own celebrated 4men, whjici., have recently appeared in this country. If it p) be proposed to include in ...


... pUBLIC AMUSEMENTS FOR THE WEEK. LYCEUM THEATRE. PROME-NADE C INCERTS FOR ONE MONTH ONLY. M R ALLCROFT'S PROMENADE CONCERTS will cmec TO-a MM11ORROW (M-OdaY, Noveosbo, l0th), and costtinae for ONE MONTHI ONLY. Te Rood -i11 consist of EIGHTY first-rate Artistos; in addition toc wthich, thle celebrated Vocalist, Mn. HENRY RUSSELL,I witl aop..s. for Twelve Nights orly. Also, ?? DISTIN FAMILY, and ...