... , EXHIBITION OF THY LIVERPOOL ACADEMY. ad ?? - d SEVENTH NOTICE, spen Og Since our last notice the exhibition has opened by gas- were de light, and on our visits to tie rooms we find them not stani r, only well attended, but, as to ourselves, we almost prefer ieg ef it to daylight, so brilliant and interesting is the scene. acco !Y. Many pictures which we had never seen or noticed before the ...


... * Manchester, Not. 19 . A meeting of the liberal dec tore was held last nioi. mthe Free Trade Hall, to the nomination madeta*.' Reform Association of Mr. Bright, as a candidate representation of Manchester, and to hear from him .1 position of his sentiments. There was a verv la»r_ George Wilson, Esq., was called to chair* W Mr Absalom moved, that this nf*. liberal electors of the Wrough ...


... THEATRhALS, &c. DRVRYtLA lN i t:era was produced 'nere on Mondag eroning, uneatr, the ,titlo of tear-cue, a Tale of SeVille. It is the romposition ?? Laveno, of the Royal Academy, the libretto is by bir. Bunn. The incidents upon which the librettist has constructed his opera, are to be found in lies Cent Nouvelims de Navarre, and possess no deep or stirring interest. The first scene is laid ...


... ~oefal!.__ AL CO1VERSATION BETWEEN DAN ANDHIS SON JOHN. Jonas, pear Father,-I fear that delusion is gone, That the era of plunder is over and done, The Hall of pure humbug to eover'd with shame, Is 1nthits of tree booty are spoil'd of their game; This tine hack you know my exertions were great, rush free discussion and hinder debate, - ?? allowed to take place would bring to the light he deeds ...


... PO EM JIt Y. ANSWEb T'lu NI.flA I;Y X.Y.Z. A mower vent ilto re mnc-fead, W'ith Iaughiv g , iris r- iid, AnId *-on tike slewiler fif)c lie broughit ?? lii to Like girwitii. 'ihe d;i ide every nroa-liiag sh'a-es 11i.s asinl e ?? W.liVA, ?? 10i lalie so Shiml ';is deeply Nvorn, IThoUi6 hLiS iniUt:IsI eltS St; , Ti' tireti soldier lonudlvsiots, .\lidAt ?? T;Itii ing poe-erq, Alld titi ' i his ?? ...


... I FASIONABLE INTELLIGBNCE WINDSOR, MONDAY Cvstle are all very busy preparing for the removl fat tte to Ooborne House, on Wednesday. Nine o'clock in the rn. ing of that day is the hour appointed by her Majesty for the commencement of the journey, and it is calculated that the royal cavalvade will arrive at the Farrberouglh station f t South Western Railway tnineteen miles), before eleven a ...


... THE CRY OF THE HEART. Bread I bread I bread I oh father-father, dear I The pining children faintly said; And every pang they bear That father feels, who stands like stone In ghastly, grim despair; A hopeless, foodless man-undone, Opprest with mortal care. It. Bread I bread I bread I oh father-father, dear! Better that we this day were dead Than perishing slowly here I Each small, shrill ...


... DIRUI?Y-LANVE 'I'JEA'1E. At lei~hthe ptublic maiy hle congratulated on its aivetil(rt of it x'oung' lad fresh. tallent hin horegraphite net. Tutu after tiune has the first aii ,aht of at oebitante bt een natltt ci fiated wdiih hope, tind the thtiatre hals been 1r ft Iis despair hit rit lliglit proved a zlorious exceptionet to all1 art f (sri'- bodtiigs and their renlization. There eitn be no ...


... STJA MES'S TR EA TM? ?? p JIJPA 'S I E C PA S ?? Last evening, after Le Roman d'uone lTerfe, a pleasallt little one act piece, ill wihich MU'1 -. II1I0AN fully supported re- her reputation as premir'e sousettv, it ilew CotiediecvatedI us- villc, was presentcd, enititled lc ?? Rtickard/.| Thi* pieee has ri'ceetly beei producud sit the Plalais -Ioal Thea tie, with greiat so 'tess, alld lef re t ...


... FSONBLE[ INSTELL.IGENCE. I Fa1 FRIDAY EVENING.*Late yesterday evening WIND S ordered in the arrangements making for the de. fi Clier ?? and the royal family for the Isle of Wight: td of Taesday, ?? the i81th instant has now D,''3eaS the day for the departure of thle court for Osborne te W It is understood that some alhlira of state have made 110eI dc-irable, but that tile present arrangement ...


... L THE REVELATIONS OF ASTRsONO.'ii.-.HoW few men really of believe that they sojourn on a Whirling globe, and thnt each ci day and year of life is imeasuared by its revolutions, rtgulating the labour and repose of every race of being. How few believe that tile great luminary of the firmament, Whose restles ati-c vity they daily witness, Is an inmmovelable star, controlling, by its solid mass, ...


... MJUSICAL INTELL GBIVCE. DRlU'RYLANFi TPTsnRnr.-Tlie new opera, composed by Ballet, the libretto by Mr. ]3utnr, is in active preparation. Thsevii' the new grand ballet of The Wags3 of 1VOP~hig, which has been performed at the Adiienctie Royanle (le Mtfesqc, under thie title of' Betty, witl be pro- dured, the celebrated Milanese. dansusea, Mladill Sophie l'iOCo, playing her Original part of ...