... Wanted, the Parochial Board of Fobgue, OLLS Best OATMEAL—to delivered at Fitend- URAHOHT. Offers, per Boil, may be lodged with Mr W tins ter. School of Forgue, before the Bth December. ABOLITION OU REGULATION OF BELL AND PETTY CUSTOMS; AM> and liegulation and Gas Works. GIVEN, that it is inteuded, th ...


... SELECTE]D. -NIRS. HAR1IS'S SOLILOQUY WHLE THREAIDING HEl e NEEbLE. t BY LADY DUFFERI. ( '(Frolm FisAers Dralvinie-yRoOe Scrap Book.) n Ah dearv me! what needles! well, really I must say s All things are sadly altered (for the worse too) since my day s The pins have neither heads nor points; tie needles have no eyes, And there's ne'er a pair- of scissors of thle good okd-fashioued size e The ...


... Iloarp+ o lE Thy ANNEXATION OF CRACOW TO AUSTRIA. eave much pleasure in giving insertien to the ollng spirited lines and also to the author's pre. fol.inar5 remarks, with every word of which we licttiljy concurkd. N. S.1 iwth IeanrilY pinion, the annexation of Cracow is, with- nt txeption, he most barefaced combination of l ence and tyranny, recorded in modern history. ins. is a question of ...


... l'OETRY. R 1~ot10 Vt0t O i @J ~1 otu,,J. Thought cloudls o'ercest our native sky, Audz seemi to diim the sun. We will iiot dowsi tn laoogror I e, Or deemslim to day t~isloole The rum1a enrs we loved lur Sre No less re'll cherishl nowv Aiim erouwii the Imomheet, as of yore, Viltil thonour to time Plought. ho tlheserofir folds. whose peaceful spoil To loithm ant hop~e atre giveii, eltol soelk ...


... FASHIONABLE ENTELLIGENc'7- it WIND OR, SUNDAY Er ara.4 i ndr;c- t aiduring thes vihit of her MiENIty and ite unP st a Arundel Castlei Whichl visit, it ?? expected ?? itTuesday, December 1st, to Fridjy, thle 4th, the Mill taiet 8opruiyot. visiting GIIodwiood, and Petwortha at- 4 shg bc t 6orre Izousie for a few days, prevous iii~r tarn to Windsor Castle. o I o tlj F. 3, Tile following had the ...


... jacett'r. THE SAILOR'd DESTINY.-BY LADY Dfl1FFERIN. ?? offcer who hid dlttiungnlshlc ?? van twice refused the oommanud o a ship-1to firt time ol ?? ground that hoevas too young; the second tile that he was too old.] RtCcl In hops. the brave heart goes To dare the stormny vave, And to IIhs, from England's foes, Either glory or a grave In that roey dawn of litle by poets sung: oie wio ...


... MUSICAL IJNTELLIGLNGE. PARIS.-[Privato Correspondence.]-Two novelties are now delightip ?? amislteurs the first is Pacili's opera La Fida'zacta ( .o(sea,' orighinally prodccdil at the Cuila, in Niples, in. 1843, and now imoported at the Tle 'atre teliCII here, and Clipipsson's opera of Gibb1 Ta Ine(nc- tee sr, representedl last Thursdey, for the fir~t t iee, ut the Roeyal Ope:ra Comiqne. The ...


... P 0 ErT it, Y. A RA1 AND LOYtE. c \Var and Love 6re fierce comnpeers, | 11'ar sheds blood, and Love sheds tears WE'ar has swords, and Love has darts ; War brealis heads, and Love beaks I earts,I '.Vir's a robber, Love's a thief; Vv ir briiigs ruin, Love briligs glief; IV r ai giant, Love's a child i ?? nrt;,d, aid Lo-c tuns wild. W'a r subd[res, aind r.ovc beguiles; War by force, anid Love by ...


... 7ONAONABL6VTFLLIGENVhR. - r or ?? PVaIlICceS ROTALI.._ aturday ?? Annives'ary of the birthday of her Royal dis beenh princeos Royal, when her royal highness corn. rt he erhaving beenhorn onthe 2i ato f November. 4rd berlh ryg ae ustheed In by merry peals from the belle ; Ih, of the royal parisbes of St. Iltartin.un.the 'he or :et, Westminmter and St. Mary Abbott., Ken W¢ 'hich were reperated ...


... ?? The PoldirUal DictionarY ; formi'nq a W~ork of Uni- versal Ref ~renve, b)0th. &nolltlfiionall and Legal; and emnbr'acing the Terms of Civil Adminisitration, ?? Eco710noy, and Social Relations, and of aill the more iinportnt~t tatistical Departments of Finance and Commerce. In two volunes. [London: Charles Knighit. 1846. The sormewhalt com prehiensiive, title wihwe have transcribed above ...


... THEIATWICALS, &c. T11E PRFINCESS'S.-Tho ?? *of Richard IIl. was product here, on Wc'ednesday night. to afford r. Scott an opportunity of di playing his ability as a Shaksperian performer. The houso W; crowded ; and the universal impression, at the close of the curtai seemed to be that the stage bad received a), accession to its preset slender share of real talent. Mr. Scott is not a great ...


... I THE MOTHER'S GRAVE. We're kneeling by thy grare, mother; the sun bai left it nov, Aed tinges with its yellow light yon glad hill'e verdant brow Where happy children spart and laugh,with whom we need to play Jutwemay notmingle wlthtlem noxsince thou wert borne away. Ve're driven from home, mother; the home we lov'd so well; Yfe wander hungry, homeless oft, while strangers In it dwell, And ...