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Shipping Intelligence

... DUNDEE SHIPPING LIST. December 22.— Winds, a.m., N.W.—p.m., N. Arrived—Jean and Jessie. Robertson, London, loam; Elbe, Gray, London, goods ; Firefly, Lyall, Boston, wheat. Sailed—Commerce, Drvburgh, Wemyss, ballast; Nelly and Kettie, Hogg, and Friends, M'Laren, Alloa, ballast; Nelly, Greenlay, Alloa, goods; Friends, Young, Bo'ness, grain. December 23.— Winds a.m., N.E.—p.m., N.E. Arrived—Mary ...

Published: Tuesday 29 December 1846
Newspaper: Dundee Courier
County: Angus, Scotland
Type: Article | Words: 1072 | Page: Page 3 | Tags: Classifieds 


... PALMER & CO’S. BATSWING 3101 CANDLES, SIX TO THE POUND. BURN with brilliant white flame, do not require snuffing, and one gives as roach light as two ordinary Moulds.—They consume slowly, may used in candlesticks, or in the candle lamps, and are bard enough to resist the influence of or hot climates. Price, 9d. per Pound. OCTANE CANDLES. These Candlea/lre Eight to the Pound, require no ...

Published: Wednesday 02 December 1846
Newspaper: Blackburn Standard
County: Lancashire, England
Type: Article | Words: 381 | Page: Page 1 | Tags: Classifieds 

ADVERTISEMENTS. ON Lord's Day Evening next, December 13th, a SERMON will be preached in Westgate Chapel, ?? by ..

... B. GODWIN, D.D., on behalf of the Funda of the Bradford Infirmary. Divine Service to commence at Half- past Six. 1 \- © Ciiand Concert* forthe Benefit of the Bradford I nfi » ins tr j . UNDER the Patronage and Liberal Support of the follow- ing Gentleman, and a numerous list of Subscribers ~ COL. P. TEMPEST. -, S. LAYCOCK, Esq. j G. HORSFALL, Esq. j Dr. TAYLOR. JOSHUA MANN, Esq. I S. SMITH, ...

Published: Thursday 10 December 1846
Newspaper: Bradford Observer
County: Yorkshire, England
Type: Advertisement | Words: 14844 | Page: Page 1, 2, 4 | Tags: Classifieds 

S^FIELD CLUB PRIZE CATTLE n 1,121 - Catti r ! B4 ' i —The ANNUAL EXHIBITION of 'I'Hls ?? i

... :, Se eds. Roots, Implements, &c, will take ISE ?? *i le THR EE FOLLOWING DAYS, at the _?'Per_,„„, k R -, Ring-street, Portraan-square. A hand- ,:r*-cted , i b, vi *dmg, in place of the usual tent, was last i_. xt **Btl ov-» i i . lm P*e--ent Galleries are, this year, made f-_. fcna„„- ouble the space formerly so occupied. Ladies rt** Open fw. l v thl ' i National Exhibition with ...

Published: Wednesday 09 December 1846
Newspaper: London Evening Standard
County: London, England
Type: Advertisement | Words: 2734 | Page: Page 1, 2 | Tags: Classifieds 

LANCASTER DISPENSARY. On SUNDAY Morning, the 20th of Deceiibeb instant, A SERMON will be Preached at the ..

... the Rev EDWARD THCRTELL, Incumbent of Cat* : after which a Collection will be made in aid of the r -nds of the Institution. Lancaster, Dec. 12th, 1846. HAMILTON & DAVIES^ TEA MERCHANTS, Ko. 1, KANELEG [.-STREET, LIVERPOOL. list or -GEXTS. LANCASTER :— Mn. John Whimpbat, Druggist. Accrisotos James Elliott, confectioner. Aomastoh Richard Tew. _ LT * James Dobbie, druggist ~ H ?? Wm. Cuthbertson ...

Published: Saturday 19 December 1846
Newspaper: Lancaster Gazette
County: Lancashire, England
Type: Advertisement | Words: 6742 | Page: Page 1, 2, 3 | Tags: Classifieds 

JjANCHESTiiR and LEEDS RAILWA Y.- Ai *l.oi/h' J),r( ?? ( ' t »rs having passed a resolution, making a •i*

... d She li 0 f 51. per share onthe Hudderttteld ?? J ; ' l Junction Stock 501. shares held by them re- ; ■''hcall to be paid on the liitb of December, 184fi, Htors of such shares are hereby requested to pay the , lf, e day appointed to one of the ondermentioned * 1! ?« m default thereof they will be charged with ,'• '•te until A rato of l[vv Per cent, perannnm, from the above re! Hi, l,i ...

ADVERTISEM ENTS. CHAPEL-LANE CHAPEL. L'NDAi _ . ?? L.G LECi'oiiJuS, On Pre flout Questions O Affecting ..

... Church. The next Two of the Series will be delivered as follows : — Dec. 6. Christianity a History, not a System. „ 13. The distinction to be made between the local, the temporary, and the human ; and the universal, tbe everlasting, and tbe divine ; iv the first a. c of the Church. Bradford -Iccltanics' Institute. >*T**HE Members and Subscribers a*, respectfully informed 1 thatTHREE LECTURES ...

Published: Thursday 03 December 1846
Newspaper: Bradford Observer
County: Yorkshire, England
Type: Advertisement | Words: 13988 | Page: Page 1, 2, 4, 5, 8 | Tags: Classifieds 

M^JESTER and LEEDS RAILWAY.- »i*M on th o sectors havinjr passed a resolution, making a SSJ 1 Shel*Fii-,?,* ,, ;

... o P ri etors of 51. per share on the Huddersfleld ?? s L Ul ?, c tion Stock 50. shares held by thorn re- w-^'op-l.tnJ: i lll t0 be Pa*don the 19th of December, 1846, ff__ c *Uon thl i such share s are hereby requested to pay tho Rc ker *; i„,i * -_ appointed to one of the undermentioned S^atthi- o . default thereof they will be charged with le natil tl a, of five Per cent, per annum, from ...

FURS, SHAWLS, Scarfs, Plaids, &c. M MAUGHAM begs to call the attention of the a Public to his Stock of

... FURS, which, for extent, variety, quality, and price, he confidently asserts is not equalled in Sheffield. Considerable reduction has taken place in some kinds, particularly Sable, Mink, and Mus- quash, not owing so much to the alteration in the Duty, as to tbe number of those Animals caught, and Skins im- ported into this couutry. Each Article is warranted new, perfect, and made by the first ...

Published: Saturday 26 December 1846
Newspaper: Sheffield Independent
County: Yorkshire, England
Type: Advertisement | Words: 19479 | Page: Page 1, 3, 4, 5 | Tags: Classifieds 

£800 -**££. _? 1 ** re * d > t0 b * »°vanced at Candlemas next on good land security

... A PP»y »o Ore Pbintkb. y^ BATSWING CANDLES. PALMER & CO.'S BATSWING MOULD CANDLES, SIX TO TIIE POUND, BURN with a brilliant white flame, do not require snuffing, and one gives as much light as two ordinary Moulds.— Ttey eoaauM atowly, may be used in candlesticks, or in the ?? ?? --d are hard enough to resist the influence of warm rooms or hot climates. Price, 9d. per pound. OCTAVE CANDLES. ?? ...

Published: Saturday 05 December 1846
Newspaper: Lancaster Gazette
County: Lancashire, England
Type: Advertisement | Words: 5929 | Page: Page 1, 2, 3 | Tags: Classifieds 

fJ-REAT WESTERN RAILWAY.— NOTICE )>-jL is HEREBY GIVEN, that a SPECIAL GENERAL fi_r. hT *NGof this Company will ..

... the Paddington ?? in the county of Middlesex, TO-MORROW, the 4th -Tli . December inst,, at One o'clock in the Afternoon, for the _j2*-ug purposes ; viz. :— ,_ To consider ruid determine whether it is expedient to ratify Wft-? eement entered into between the Directors of the Great __dr, e, ' n Railway Company andthe Directors ofthe Birmingham ?? Junction, and Birmingham, Wolverhampton, and w,- ...

Published: Thursday 03 December 1846
Newspaper: London Evening Standard
County: London, England
Type: Advertisement | Words: 5891 | Page: Page 1, 2 | Tags: Classifieds 

/to MIME ACEI TS. TwtANTED at Boscaswell Downs Mine, in TT the parish of Saint Just in Penwith, an active

... and intelligent AGENT, who is thoroughly compe- tent to take the management of a large Tin Mine. — No one need apply who cannot produce satisfactory testimo- nials as to character and abilities. — Application to be made on or before the 15th day of December next, to Capt. T. TREWEEKE, Dated Boscaswell Halsetown, St. Ives. Downs Mine, 23rd November, 1846. FREEHOLD ESTATE FOB SALE, yJNTHE SOUTH ...

Published: Friday 11 December 1846
Newspaper: Royal Cornwall Gazette
County: Cornwall, England
Type: Advertisement | Words: 6704 | Page: Page 1, 3, 4 | Tags: Classifieds