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Northern Ireland, Northern Ireland

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Advertisements & Notices

... LUMP AND CRUSHED SUGARS, WEEKLY ARRIVALS, At 39, ACADEMY-STnEET, From some of the leading Sugar Brokers in Lgndon, and Sugar Refiners in Glasgow. 7 Good LUMP SUGAR in Loaves of about I llbs.6ld per. Fine CRUSHED SUGAR, 7s. per stone. STRONG GRAIN, do 6d. per lb. Very Fine SPARKLING CRUSHED, 83, and Ss, 2d. per stone, or 7d. per lb. Finnon Haddocks, Belfast, December 8, 1846. (880 OLD MALT WH I ...

Advertisements & Notices

... SALE T HIS DAY. AUCTION OF Furniture, Piano-rorte, Inside Jaunting-caS, D3tj Dinner Service, &c., &c. To be SOLD y A UCTION. on TUESDA Y nert I December, u t Ala. 12, Great Georges Street at ELEVENV v'cloclh, HE Entire FURNITUREof a respectable Country T House, removed to Town for Cotryenience or S comprising Mahogany Pedestal Sideboard Dining, Card` and other Mahogany Tables; Mahogany Sofa ...

Advertisements & Notices

... NEW FRUIT. T HE SUBSCRIBERS, as in former SeSs, are now well supplied with FOREIGN FltJT of the various descriptions, which will be sold Whjsa n reasonable terms. 7 CHARLES & WILLIAM FINLAY. Belfast, 8th December, 1846. (892 . FOR SALE, INDIAN CORN, White and Yellow; American BEEF Dad PORTE. IN STORE AND To ARRIVE. ) RICHARDSON BROTHERS C0. 10, YORK STREET; BELFAST, (10th mo.) 20, 1846. (632 ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ST Y L I Si READY MADE T o P C o A T S, ALL SIZES AND QUALITIES. TRAVELLING TOP ?? thick, stout fabrics, from 12s Gd to 30s eacl, warmly lined, adapted to the Gig, tile Coach, thoe Railway, tile Steamboat, or other roughing. MILLED TWEED WRAPPERS, In niany NiWv Shades, for Walking Coats, from ]03 Gd to 40s, neatly finishn~fl. DRESS OVER COATS ?? ?? 11 tile finest West of England Beavers. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... FOR SALE, yj=X& CORN, WhIto and YeUowir Amertican BEEt1 and PORB. IN iSTORE AND TO ARIV. 7 R1CIIARDSON BROTHERS & Co. 10, YORV, STREET; BELFAST, (loth mo.) 20, 1846. (632 OLD.ESTABLISHED HOSIERY HOUSE, qa ziugh Ftreot, Corer of Church.Las,- II1!ARLES RRELSO, Prop~rietor, beg~s leavez l4nform 19} isi numerous Customers andt Friends, thld heo bas just received a Second Supply of 3 XEnglish and ...

Advertisements & Notices

... PRESENTS SUITABLE FOR THlIS SFASDN OF THIE YEAR. HODOSON, ]3ookselser, Publiher, Pinrutaeller, and Stationer, 9, HIGH s STIRE TT, E GS to Intimate t th arrival of an EXTENSIVE E3 t COLLECTION of NEW PUBLICATIONS, Njrllic c contains nearly every book of me j late)y pub- pdrel. both in S TANDA RD arid LIGUT I e tore Of thee prereeit dlay. Tile varioui ANNU AI, r 1 ,lave all been received, tog ...

Advertisements & Notices

... NElW ERIT. are ,IF~ 'j~IIESa ifrmner asii o are aell Suppied with FOREIGN FREICN FaltI v. various descrcitions. which will be sold Wholesale on a ('IJARLES & WILLIAM FINLAY. I eg sst. itbDDecember, 184G. (892 E FOREIGNORE IT, RICEE &c.. p RDVAIIID GE EO. PIM1l have received their First ¢oIn l (bii Season of Choice FRUIT, viz [2 hb le and Quarter-Brtxes] !0 :SCA''ItL I A I S I N S, hi I from t ...

Advertisements & Notices

... OLD ESTABLISHED Alabaster Manufactor~y & nomen Cement Store., 18, GREAT PATRICK.STREET, BELFAST. WILSON JOHNSON EGS leave to return his sincere thanks tok1gienlz B. and the public for the liberal patronage whim hs received since his Father's decease, an(d hegs 1 inform them that he intends carrying on the above Establishment, which has gained such a decided preference for superiority of ...

Advertisements & Notices

... To the Electors of the Corporation for Proserving and Improving the Port and Harbour of Belfast, ENTLEM EN,-Having received a requisition from Ga large and influential number of your body, re- questing me to offei myself as a Candidate for one of the vacancies at the Board of your Corporation, and feeling highly flattered by thf. kindness of the req Kitionists, I beg to offer myself to you) ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TOWN MEETING. 'rn hN KANE, ESQ., MAYOR OF BELFAST. -sr thoth uindlersigned, request you will call a 'E N of the Inhabitants of Belfast and ils vicinitY o an early day. to consider the propriety of 15mmoriiling Government to suspend the use of Grain in 1jttiiderrieSaanl Breweries, while the existing scarcity of reel co~tI ilS innthis country. Ile. I9, 184LI) T~in n Toson Richnrd Baxter Il ...

Advertisements & Notices

... SALE CONTINUED. BAZAAR FOR THE RELIEF OF THE D1)9LESs IN CONNAUGIIT. N coisequerce of the arrival from Enlgland of several large parcels of Warm Clothing, adapted for service. able and charitable purposes, the above Sale of Work will be continued on TO.MORROW (SATURDAY,) the 26th inst., in the MIUSIC HALL, from ELEVEN till FIVE o'clock. As it will be a Holiday, a favourable opportunity will ...

Advertisements & Notices

... IND)IAN CORN, Irm'E and( YELLOW, of Prime ity, for 'S Al,E, by WM. MAYNE NEIL 2, Sg;ipper Street, Belfast. (938 ON SALE, FrENCU BUIRI MILLSTONM r>IfITAIlLE for Alaking FLOUR, OATME A¶, &c., S cunstiucted by them of best Materials. JAMES WISHART & SONS. T,,Ith, 26th December, 1846a, (969 SWEDISH TURNIPS FOR SALE. ba delivered at any of the Stations on fiir JIlster TJfl;iil way, a considb!rable ...