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Lancashire, England


Preston, Lancashire, England

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Advertisements & Notices

... .t- qg~lroConhuuhIssioIR. NOT 1 C T I. T P, Tithe Connuissioners for Englandl and Wales T 11EREBY GIVE NOTICE, that a CoPy of the Draft of Apportionment of the cnt Charge agreed to bo paid in liou of Tithes, in tile Township of Whittle le. Woodls, in the Parish of hoyland, in the County of liam- castor, ?? been dpositeld at tho houso of EDWARD KIRl.LElT, of the Bay Ilorso Inn, it tho said ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ALMANACKS, ANNUAS AU BOOKS, POCKET BOOK1S, DIARIES, &o., &c,, For the Tear 1841 , iDOBSON, DILWORTH, & DOBSON, P-iniers, Booksellers, and Stationere, N O. 17, Al A R K1 E T-P L A C E, H EG to Inform their Friends, that they have received li an extensive assortment of ANsrcUAn PuBlICATIONS, forthenextyear, comprising ALMANACKS, ANNUALS, POCXtET BOOKS, DIARIES, &o., &c., to which they ...

Advertisements & Notices

... A BLAIR'S GOUT & RHRUMATIC PILLS. SUA exsCA3F. o 11a2UtIlMATZ5IS, COMIMUNIOATED BY Mu. ALLEN, PRPRorInETORe O THE NOTIVOIIAM MIIIROURY. Mercury Office, Nottingham, March 17,181i. S IRt,-I have the pleasure of forwarding to you the particolars S of acase in which BLAIIVS G OUT AND RElllUMATIC PILLS have proved eminently successful. A young woman, named Mary Wain, accompanied by her pa. rents, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... The Alknualiolorse Tair B Xl WILL DE HELD On TUESDAY EVENING, the 5th of JANUARY. Particulars in next Saturday's papers. December 18, 1846. 7 ?? I11siitutMtio1iK BUll T IRE Committee for conducting the Ball in. aid of the 1 funds for the Erection of a NewBuildingforthe PRESTON INSTITUTION FORl TIHE DIFFUSION OF KiNOWLEDGE, 1lavethe honour to anniounce that the F OURTH ANNUAL BALL will be held ...

Advertisements & Notices

... LITERARY & PHILOSOPHICAL INSTITUTION, In if. Vaundilellkoff WTILL give a IREA]#I*G of Shakspeare's Tragedy of W HAMLET, at t? j Lecture Room of the above- named Institution, on th Evening of FunDAYs, December 11th, to commence at ?? Soven o'clock. Price of Admiscion, to Members of the Institution, is.; to Non-Subscribers, 2s. Tickets to be had of Mr. ADDisoN, Bookseller. Preston, 2nd December, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... St. Thomas's Chiuurch Choir. ON SJNDAY NEXT, (TO-MORROW), the 20th DacEr- DEiR, 1846, THREE SERMONS will be preached in St. Thomas's Church, Preston. The Sermons in the Morning and Afternoon by the Rev. W. GRAY. M.A., Incumbent of Haslingden, and Chaplain to the Right Hon. the Earl of Dunmore. There will, on this occasion, be Service in the Evening, when the Rev. J. F. HERSCHELL, ?? Curate of ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 46 ALMANACKS, A~~NN UA LS,-- TEAR OOKS 'POCRI' OOKS, DIA:UIESĀ§, OBSON, DILWVORTfII, &: DOBSON, Printers, Boolisellers, and Stationers, CHR~ONICLE-OFFICE, NO0. 1 7, M AItKBT -P L A CE, Bl, EG to informi their Fri'endS, that CThY have received :511 os ?? assortultut or ANNUAI. UR161CATrioNs, Ibrhi nxtoa, ci pithi AMAACSA.NNUALS, FOC~i(Et BOOKS, DIARIIES, ?? to which the rs~pectfulhly solicit ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ON THER r INFIRMITIES OF YO;JTH AND MATURITY. WITH TWENTY-FiVE COLOURED ENGRAVINGS. .This day is PublisheS 7eenth Thousand, in a sealed Envelope, prce 2:. % .f or forwoarded, post-paid, to any addresfor 24. Gd. in Postage Stamps, S ELF.PRESERVATION: a Medical Treatise on Marriage, and on those Infirmitis and Disorders of Youth and Maturity whilch tend to destroy physical and mental energy, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... I The Fourth Ainnuanl Ball, IN AID OF TIHE BUILDING FUND OF THE INSTITUTION FOR THE DIFFUSION OF KNOWLEDGE, WILL BE HELD I N T HI E E X C H A N G E R O OM S, S ON 'WElNESDAY EVElNIN, JANUAIIY 6, 1846. JOHN B. BOOTHI, Preston, Dec. 10, 1S46. I-on. Sec. CATHOIAC TEMPER ANCE Tea Pardy and Belall. THE SEVENTH ANNUAL TEA PARTY will be T held in the Exchange Rooois, Lune-street, on MONDAY, Jaulliary ...

Advertisements & Notices

... W -TE 7'WEU~MILL. ' ~To' e i'tg (And may be entered upon immediately), Fou. A WATER MILL, of about eight-horso power, situa- A tod in the village of Caton, about four miles from F Lancaster, and used for spinning lHemp, Flax, and Tow. t SODI ALSO, TO BE SOLD, sor The whole of the MACHINERY, now in good worldng Ul order, in the said Mill, and used for the above purpose. Ca, For further ...