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Advertisements & Notices

... PIHILUHARMON. INST ITUTE.-The ANNUAL ORATQJtO of the above Institute will be given in the FreekJrade Hiall, upon the evening of ChDistmasDay, Decei or 25th 1846. SASIL. POPE, IHon. See.' JDUBLIC MEETING OF THE PEACE SCCIETY i' A PUBLIC MII TING of the Manchester' and Salford Peace Soci 'II be held in the FRIENDS' MEETING AOUSEDlunt-etreet, 'Peterstreet, Man- ehester, on Thursday ee~ing next, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... LITTLE ADDITION TO COMFORT. -The A NEW ?? BRACE (registered Act 6 ant 7 Vie.) to support at once both drawers and trousers. This sinsple contrivance keeps the drawers well up in their place, so essential to the well fitting of the trousers and comfort of the woare P Ce 2s., 2s, 6., 3s. 6d., 4s. (id., to 10s tid. A greot vne 0 Outstt ug Warehouse of the I yentor, H r PI a 02, NEW S i3ONn.S'ltt ...

Advertisements & Notices

... gubitt In~uftafRtutd AT U E - It 0 Y A L W1LLfAM8ON-t4U.&R8. WILL-prE FOR THE SEASON, IF.OB0, ($A TUNDA T) WV%6f instant, when the ciekearateli IWADAME VtATRI'S 1411 ?? *nicA1no0e'u1t fort a faev Niahte, beingf her -IiT pr;viti tO, Ito be retirement itfrm the etage. MR a~. CHIARLES MATHEWS, For a low faighmt Soap.. tewlhbeN fon~ ANhM. te;ctram . Mr.nois withowa ieiiTol sld oliawoed Afte ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Ls AMBERT'bASTHMAP C BALSAIf.-A few of the o many thoaisaild Testidonials of Cures of Asthma, ti Consumption, Cougls, Colds, Shortless of Breath, and a:l disorders of the Chest and Laygs, by takig LA LAMBERT'S ASTHMATIC BtLS.AMl. Sufferers from asthm, cf showvever long standing, or those who are preveoted from even lying down for fear of suffocation, may rely oi e immodiate relief, and a cure ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ANCING.- essrs. and SON beg to ,arnsoune rt their JNUAL BALL will take. llace on Wednes , .1nuargl, 1847, at their Assembly a roomns, 11, QU a-N j. e RooIs may be engaged for Parties. ap Messrs. Pt andS lbse premises. |CQJTON SP EtS. ( 2 Ha. FAUL~ER an beg to call tbh G o attentiono CtcSp to their Improved ROVING and SLU ?? E, which may now be seen atork at therpa n Works, Oldhano Read, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... -T-NNEFORD'S PURE FLUJID MAGNESIA, f J._J now greatly imnproved in purity and conadensation,forAcidl- wv ties, Heartbunrn, Hleadchice, Goat, and Indigestion, and as a Mild Aparient it is peculiarly adaptto I for Females and Children. The N high testimonials recci~ej(.ro M.Dueod's prepare- P tion from the moa amn *si vrybad of the mledli. Cal piolession, heeetbiid1'heirr nian irrefragable 4 ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Ii A MANCHESTER TUESDAY NEWVSPAPE.I1 if THE MANCHESTER EX RESS, a T I'RICE TH-REEPENCE. I The conductors of the 1fea7icbrlUsfc X EXumiIf Ier ito announce, I that, owing to the signal success shich hns already attended their efforts to establish a Saturday newspaper, they have been indticed S to take the necessary steps for supplying a wcant, long felt in Man- f, chester-that /aci. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... LIVERPOOL D~~~OCKES. MASTER PORTERS. C etomitlte~of the L.IVerPO3l Docks DO HEREBHY GIVE, TeGthat the ['ecroons whose liame., and Plaeos Of Business OT ..edunderneatb having. iucompliance with the pre- 5 VeFes llckAtO thle last Session of Parliament. t, Jonld [btwo sufflicent Sureties, the Bond required by the I. 30 be lyeato the ?? TrUstees, Are authorized to actS Rid M r 10Porters, for ...

Advertisements & Notices

... THE Liverpool Mercury Almanack I FOR 1847. Or, ?? to On Friday next, December 18, we purpose presentingf, sorit n GRATIS, with the Mercury and Supplement, as usual, bli en AA S 1I E ET ALMANACK, Cot jot illustrated with a beautiful view of bel he WINDSOR CASTLE. cu mr The Sheet Alo anack which will be presented to our rtr. readers DI) riiday next, will contain, in addition to the hi' ?? usual ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 5 pplications byt Ilet,' respecting advertiscflldoits . mst be post paid .5 Or' they will not boreceived. Applicationls directe& to be etu-de at e the printer's munst be personal: it& such eases, no written corn-m st Inuniciiations can& be attended to. Personal inquiries cannot be, Stj answered, when the address is to be by letter. d KA TD ?? sn SMAN lt til Flou TraI Is TPO PARENTS AND ...

Advertisements & Notices

... St. Thomas's Chiuurch Choir. ON SJNDAY NEXT, (TO-MORROW), the 20th DacEr- DEiR, 1846, THREE SERMONS will be preached in St. Thomas's Church, Preston. The Sermons in the Morning and Afternoon by the Rev. W. GRAY. M.A., Incumbent of Haslingden, and Chaplain to the Right Hon. the Earl of Dunmore. There will, on this occasion, be Service in the Evening, when the Rev. J. F. HERSCHELL, ?? Curate of ...