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... MOSERY MARKET AND CITY NEWS.; to TIIUlISTAV NIGHT. ,d MONEY MAIRKET~-The English Money Malket .ie underwent soine improvemetnt during tle course ofl e-the day. Cnoso ne at9 to b closing %vith the regrular busineis of the daly at Mg~ srlle'rs. Alter 'W'the reg-ular hou1rs of' husiness, however, some farther of' tranlSautions; were had, which brought them upl to e- 3, to 48. T4e Th'lree per ...

Published: Friday 18 December 1846
Newspaper: Morning Chronicle
County: London, England
Type: Article | Words: 1778 | Page: Page 5 | Tags: Commerce 


... COTTON.-LcvoERs'OoL, Dfe. 10.-The market has been Siner to. day, although somie of the spinners have thrown on a pact of the eel ton bought last week. The stles to-day wrere 6O, 00 tl0 r obntho speciation._Priees: New Orleallns i3 to l ell b:le, to 7 Surats, 4to 5s, 6t ltAsileieo'rocc, Dfle. 19.-There was on exceeding1 lbu both for cloths and yarns. Printing cloths andtlilcilv 'It earet, ...

Published: Monday 21 December 1846
Newspaper: Daily News (London)
County: London, England
Type: Article | Words: 1349 | Page: Page 4 | Tags: Commerce 


... COVIWERCIAL AND MARKE TS. TT-C?. -. .. IC PRODUC!E-IiNiCING LxDiec. 18.-The absence or'coloniali !d public sales to-day has given a dall appeurancc'to the market, hut it is customar y, so hear the close! of thle year, 11cr importers not to piece Id sales, the trade being disinelio,,d to mncrease stcack on bond at this Lyperiod of the year. Sugar : 150 bilid. West India sold, but price5 are (id ...

Published: Saturday 19 December 1846
Newspaper: Daily News (London)
County: London, England
Type: Article | Words: 1654 | Page: Page 6 | Tags: Commerce 


... NOTICE TO MARINERS. RELIE'-F '10 THE HOMEWARD BOUND. Admiralty. D)oc. 17, 1840. Sir-In return to your letter of thee Giln instant, I am comntanded by my Lords Commissioners of the Admiralty to state, for then information of the committee for mfanagingp the affairs of Lloyd's, that her Majesty's steam vessel Poly- p 'la Itill been ordered to proceed to the Chops of the Chantnel, for the relief ...

Published: Friday 18 December 1846
Newspaper: Morning Chronicle
County: London, England
Type: Article | Words: 3799 | Page: Page 8 | Tags: Commerce 


... SHI PPIN G INTELLIGENCE. LONDONn , 1DE( . 18-wind this d ay at noon, light airs at W SW.V and elmil with frost. Svven p.m. ditto, and hazy. DsAcL, DrE(. 1..-Wtnd NW.. to W.N.W.-Siilcd the John .Anderson fer Porto Rico, Johu Daltou for (Calcuttl, Britannia for Denmerara. POrTSMOUTii, Ditc. 17--Wind Ni-Sailed the Victoria for New York. Sot'TtIAM t'TON, DEc. 17..-SailedthleTTweed steaumerfor the ...

Published: Saturday 19 December 1846
Newspaper: Morning Chronicle
County: London, England
Type: Article | Words: 1197 | Page: Page 8 | Tags: Commerce 


... LONDON MARKETS-AMONDAY. CORN The arrivals of English WIheat for our nmaricet, coastwise of and by larid carriage sample, were moderately extensive, Seaw yet the actual quantity destined for smile here, from a large moi portion of the supply having gone direct into the hands of ste. the millorr, was comparatively smell. Of Barley of home prim produce the receipts were tolerably good ...

Published: Tuesday 15 December 1846
Newspaper: Morning Chronicle
County: London, England
Type: Article | Words: 2884 | Page: Page 8 | Tags: Commerce 


... MOli-EY MARKET AND CITY NEWS. F'RIDAY NIGHT. MoN~Y INI.&nKE'-1-witi sarctiely any fluctua- tion ttironghlout the tiny, ( onlsots oontinucd to be v dlone, till thle close of bitsiness, at ?? closing quo0ta- tions ol yesterday, no chanige whtatever having been produced by the reports of f'rirttiel ofitinoivemoe it omn ts beging, ted ita~t ed oii th part of' the Eastern Y Powers. (',onsoto, ...

Published: Saturday 19 December 1846
Newspaper: Morning Chronicle
County: London, England
Type: Article | Words: 2595 | Page: Page 5 | Tags: Commerce 


... IMONBY M2ARKEBT. The land - ~~MONDAY ElVENIING. Teans opened, and till nearly the end of busi- ness remaiued,'at the same pr-ices as before, -with a heavy appearance and little doing. But shortly before the hour of leaving off arrived, Console gave way to 034J to ft for the opening, and so closod. ,The stationary position of prices for some time past, with the inactive state of the nearket, ...

Published: Tuesday 15 December 1846
Newspaper: Daily News (London)
County: London, England
Type: Article | Words: 2137 | Page: Page 4 | Tags: Commerce 


... _1fONF Y MARIBET. AVEDOXESDAV' EVENING. Some time after the commcncemet of business the market, which was jireviusly in the 5a nc dull, inactive state as vetcrdcla, becaume more animated. Some lurchases, blt t a;io parti clur col.idcILTatio:l. raised Colln5Is to P ,3 at Which bargaius Were actually done, from 93tl to A, at vbicl they were quoted at the opening; but as the purchases ceased, the ...

Published: Thursday 17 December 1846
Newspaper: Daily News (London)
County: London, England
Type: Article | Words: 1186 | Page: Page 6 | Tags: Commerce 


... MONEY AND SHARE MABEL. CITY, SATuRDAY EvEm aG. There was a quarterly general court ofproprietors held on Thursday. morning at the Bank of England, but there is rarely any discus- sion upon f nancial topi6 at the December court, although at the present time a question or two might perhaps have been expedted Bank proprietors, however, are not a veryinquisitive race, and the result vas that ...


... RAILWAY SHIARE LIST PouWEDN14SDAY, Dinc. 16. RZo1sII). I Paid Closing 'riceh. Buine~sss L11010. Aberdeen ?? XLIi 11,4 %d A~hlerNtlo~t..&.J. .1 14 dj par Birininghi,Wol.,& Duodley 429. 01/4 5'3'pn 01 1d p D31rlininlliain& tiboocevsor~ 100 122 81.3) Do. New i, ks. 7 1 i.. I-, 171 0l) .0II )14 31irmngii. 1111d OxtI.l-one. 2 7-1, 7 ?? '/is4 Bogion1, St iuf. alnd 13ir01. 92Q. toir /ln Bristol and 1 ...

Published: Thursday 17 December 1846
Newspaper: Morning Chronicle
County: London, England
Type: Article | Words: 7709 | Page: Page 2 | Tags: Commerce 


... DU7'CH MAIL. VIENNA, DEC. 3.-Hisl Highness P'ince Metternich is now happily recovering. The report of a new loan of forty millions, respecting which there have been many doubts in circulation, seems to be more and more probablQ. This time, however, the too richly endowed National ihank will probably be called upon to advance this sur. According to an authentic report, the rite of interest, ...

Published: Monday 21 December 1846
Newspaper: Morning Chronicle
County: London, England
Type: Article | Words: 1819 | Page: Page 3 | Tags: Commerce