Advertisements & Notices

... H'flE only ESTABLISHMENT in BELFAST ere .. GentlemeClI Call have their owvi Cloth, &c., mtlV tp in the best London stylc, and a first-rate fit guarantel l, s1 OLARK8t'E, 18t, A~?RST2 X~X From GEORGE JONES & Co., Tailors to the Lord Lieu- tciilat nd( llouseholdl, &C., late of 5, DONEGALL-SQu)AR (6 J 0 S E P 11 L E W I S, MANIJFACTUItFL r OF THF. EXPLOSIVE GuN COTTON, 14, R0SEMARY-STREET, 3EI.F ...


... or THE LIVERPOOL MERCUIIY. . e a sure our friends, and the advertising public will gratified with the following weekly average circulation the Mercury, carefully drawn from our stamp stock book and printing account. Webklv average Sale of Papers EVERT FKIDAY. First half-year, 184G 8257 Third quarter, to Sept. 25, 1846 5404 Second half-year, 1816 8523 Fourth quarter, 1846 8643 l result calls ...


... Alteration in thb Trains On and after the first of January, the times of nearly the whole of the trains passing through Wigan, north and south, will be changed. One or two additional trains are also announced, and amongst them an express train daily to London, passing through Wigan at half-past four o'clock in the afternoon, and arriving in London at eleven o'clock on the same evening. There ...

Advertisements & Notices

... / A a BINTS . 'VI! A N T E D.- K . . To bkRUltOiST59, &c. &c. WANTED by DR. POWELL, 16, BLES- y T . SIXJTOcrN ASTvSmT, DUBLIN, AGENTS in the prinoipal Towns throughout the Kingdom for the Sale of his SPECIFIC for SCALD HEAD, RINGWORM, and all CUTANEOUS DISEASES. A Liberal Commission allowed. -tEl NERAL CON VE YANVE COM- 9_T PANY for PASSENGERS and PARCELS, the former at a Penny per mile, and ...

News and Observations

... AMERICA. ARRIVAL OF THB CALEDONIA. The Royal Mail Steam-ship Caledonia, Capt. Lott, arrived yesterday. She left Boston on the 16th ult., and Halifax half-past three o'clock on the 10th. She reached the bar twelve o'clock on Wednesday night; but in consequence of a dense fog did not run till eight o'clock yesterday morning. The news the brings had been anticipated in a great measure by the ...


... Thk FUNDS.—London, Whdnbsday Evening. | PROM OUR CORRESPONDENT.] The English Stock market was firm towards the close of last week, but since then the business transacted has been limited, and prices have slightly retrograded. To-day there was not much doing. Consols were last quoted for the opening; Three-and-a Quarter per Cents, ; Exchequer Bills, to 12. The Foreign Securities have been firm ...

Bankrupts, &c

... From the London Gazette, of Friday, Dec. 25. ELLIOT, Robert, agricultural implement maker, Liverpool, to surrender Jan. and 29, at eleven, at the Liverpool District Court. Attorney, Booker, Liverpool OSWIN, William, boot and shoemaker, Liverpool, to surrender Jan. 12 and iy, at eleven, at the Liverpool District Court. Attorney, Deane, Liverpool JONES, William, and George Clay, boiler-makers, ...


... ifamilg Companion. OIIIGINAL AND SELECTED. The Mr. \Wckens' new tale assist its healthful purpose. peculiar to him) of presenting the with freshness and j beauty; the faculty of detecting the rarest loveliness of life in its homeliest forms; the inccssant springing upward from every- ...

Advertisements & Notices

... In*ne f 0 IT ND. I In one of tbe Streets of Giasgow, 4 TOP COAT-: the Owner nebar hae it on proving it to le At his, and paeingeexpenses, by applying to Mr. _Marshall, MWinpe & Spirit Mlerchant. 177, .rgyll Street. If not claimed |Wait~hin 10 days, it wvill be Sold to diefray expenses. AtNYTO LEND) Now, n: at Candlemas next, i EGOS Sums from £7500 to 4E0,tOG, to be Lent on first V Heritsblin ...


... THE BIGOTRY OF THE BENCH.-THE RIGHTS MOTHERS. His Honour the Vice-Chancellor Knight Bruce, unfortunately for the poor suitors the Court of Chancery, lias an itch for meddling with what is entirely above and beyond his province. lie will insist upon travelling beyond his last, and it is not, therefore, to wondered at that cobbles causes badly. lie is, in point of fact, that intolerable nuisance ...

Advertisements & Notices

... - . V.,W1?S' - IMPORTIANTTO THF PUBLIC. dICALf) HEAD, RINGWORM, AND ALL CUTANEOUJS DISEASES. 1 R. WILLIAM P0OWELL? 16,-'B~essinq O., tjon-street, Dublin, bees to .sfr ~ ?? p~e 'that his SPECIFIC for the abov~~jjiseaSL41UAIYt& had in Packagee, price 2. Gd., iso10.~.~ha~ full directions for their use. TIhollitelfg~ 1T 1 ?? .j contains oight timnes the quantity 'of tihe half crown. m 0n receipt ...

Advertisements & Notices

... NO BREWVINQ UTE RSILS REQUIRED 'i.B PATERN T. CONCENTRATED T MALT AND IOP EXTRACT enables private i livxduals to make fine Homen-Brewod Ale, wnith- )ut emiployiu. any Brewitig Utensils. It has only ,i be dissolve in hot water and fertnented. Sold in ttrz for Medicinal and other purposcs at ls. aand is. .d.. and in, Bottles tor Brewing nine to eighteen ,allons, and upwards, of Ale, at6s. Gd. ...