Advertisements & Notices

... E VENING PARTIES.-ll. FARLEY, 31, Fleetf- 1 J strecet, opp',,alte St. tlrosstan's Churds, rctus'es his m~ost grateful thanks to the ',?~obil ity ant Gentry for the very Hintsal support lie lisus met with Itst, ansi -sn in sue, Present season, andi bae.-, to state hie stilt c~tl',nuos to ATTEfN ) EVENING PARtIES>, both in tesso and cOuntc.v, with his Mechanical 'Tricks, Ile sflso provides the ...


... A F'ilCA. Killcrrrmnt. Parsons, fm Africa; oil Hi' Williams, fm Africa ; palm oil Juhn Campbell, Finigin, fm Africa palm oil WEST INDIES. Randbach, fm Dimerara ; mm. sujrar Bourkc, fm ick Itivcr ; logwood, rum, pork SOUTH AMERICA. Hibbrrt. Isune?>, fm .Monte ; hich-s. hair, tallow, wool Anglesci, Hudson, fm Rio J ir.eiro ; sugar, hides Royal Sovereign. Fre\er, fm guano Rimac, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... H'flE only ESTABLISHMENT in BELFAST ere .. GentlemeClI Call have their owvi Cloth, &c., mtlV tp in the best London stylc, and a first-rate fit guarantel l, s1 OLARK8t'E, 18t, A~?RST2 X~X From GEORGE JONES & Co., Tailors to the Lord Lieu- tciilat nd( llouseholdl, &C., late of 5, DONEGALL-SQu)AR (6 J 0 S E P 11 L E W I S, MANIJFACTUItFL r OF THF. EXPLOSIVE GuN COTTON, 14, R0SEMARY-STREET, 3EI.F ...

Advertisements & Notices

... THEA T-RE ROYAL,DULN 1in eteerth Nivht of the GRAND CHRIST?'MAS PANN. OMIlME, with illustrations by the celebreted Artikes, the BOLENO FkMILY. N THIS EVE1NING (Saturday), J anuary: 161 ' J'1847 will be perfomed' Cumhbrlmnd's C omedy of THE WHEEL OF FORTUNE. Penruddock, Mr. Caloraft; Sir DavidDaw., Mr.'Bdkerr; Emnily Tempest, Mrs. Ternan., After which a Grand Fairy Pantotmime and Tale of ...

Advertisements & Notices

... GREAT BEALINGS, ZQUt.DISTANX FROMN IPSWICH AND WOODBRIDGE. ANNUAL SALE BY AUCTION By COLCHESTER and SON, Of 'Fat hogsy. Stowars, capital, SOWs in ]Pig, ansl 2_fat Ifeslocks, At Mr. W. BRUNDLEY'S On Monday, the l8th day of January, 1847, at 12 o'clock, AO Fine Fat Hogs, 8 beautiful Sows in Pig, 45 4 fhoats, and 2 Fat Bullocks. At Rattlesdezw. To be SOLD by AUCTION, By Mr. HENRY CROSSE, On ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 0 r 0 a it d I ,r I y r e I 0 1 1 r z i'ortstnomath & Portsea Bank for Saevinags. rIIHE OFFICE Of thies INSTITtUTION Will be |i oenel every 1IONDAY, from 12 to 2 o'clock, as usu ctorhbe Receipt and PaymentofMoney.-Attend, ancee will be given at the Office every F R I D A Y Evening, at Seven o'clock, fbr balf.anubour, to receive Depositors' Books, for the purpose of having the In- terest added ...

Advertisements & Notices

... SUN- STR1EET, iXiTER. iF'O he SOLD by Auction, by Mr. J. C. lt-nw, at the IL Tl'lnEt CRANES INN, Southbstreot, Exeter, on WED. NiSDAY, 3rd February hxet, at Five oclocli in tho Afternoon Trhe YEE SIMPLE atid INHERITANCE of and in till that DWIELLING HOUSE, In tho occupation of Mr. TiOmA Atlex, lld CELLAR tinder tho santa, in tbo 1 ?? of Mr. Gitoano ENDACOTT, as Teonants, situate in Sun.stroot, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... LOAN0 arid. DISCOUNT FUND. wait ~ f Xr, C£I0, £20, and upwards, at' Mr. Hand- G~O tt t ge Barevr day. office hours oil Wednesday and 00fdwrloo5, hetween the hours of 4 and 9 o'clock. if, '4ard ALS' IIAf opportuanty tor a most bt' I-1,jES'rlt F.NT is now- Open iii ant established tinder.. NprOibe.drspcaiiy by whichbthiec~.ptitl 0~~aaab ;beepected to double itaelf, as soon all the Ot &oati ...

Advertisements & Notices

... I 0Vto CEYLON, MadrSs, and Calcutta, vj~r F pt~lC~ar Monthly AMal Steam Covyac for end Light Gecode-.-The Psinsular and Oriental Ste=m Na'~ . ~c, BcOOK PANSSENGEP.S and receivegosad acl dboeetsjPts li ei tae ,ttarting from Suhnpee~ of pesa4ce money, plans of the Tteamers, ad~aer~ - pp*7 at the cofinpanly' Offire. .11. SL. 5iirr_ xo. Lore TM toITfALY.Gna encd4us ~clie an Nple-Drec fom SOUTA TO ...

Advertisements & Notices

... FAMILIES THEIR OWN BREWERS. - The Ffollowing is the Certificate of Andrew Ure, Esq.; Ito. D.. F. f.,c-I hereby certify that I have examinetd the Malt Extract. as also the Pale Malt Extract with Hop for Brewing Beer, and the Brown Mlmt Extract for Brew- Ing Porter, as recently made ait the factory of THE BRIk TISlH MALT EXTRACT COMPANY, and I find thens all to be exceedingly well prepared and ...


... or THE LIVERPOOL MERCUIIY. . e a sure our friends, and the advertising public will gratified with the following weekly average circulation the Mercury, carefully drawn from our stamp stock book and printing account. Webklv average Sale of Papers EVERT FKIDAY. First half-year, 184G 8257 Third quarter, to Sept. 25, 1846 5404 Second half-year, 1816 8523 Fourth quarter, 1846 8643 l result calls ...

Advertisements & Notices

... -Ethe undersigned, INCLOSURE CO.MMIjSSION_ 'W 'ErBS for ENGLAND and WALES, hereby give ?otijeethat Applicatioinshave been imadeby ALEXAND ER 0(;STON of Ardoc, in the County of Kineardine, E3squire, orthe Advance of theundernmentioned Sum by way of Loan, under the provisions of the Act of the 9th and loth Viet., Lap, 11, for the Drainage of the Lands hereinafter speci- .fiedappie of Estate. ...