Advertisements & Notices

... ERGBA DERBY, ANDD ST. LEGER SWEEPS, GRATIS. e proprietor Of this LONDON WEEKLY EW WSpAPE%, calculated alike for the perusal of ?? CICLlES as' of BRITISH SPORTSMEN, bag *ened to give its Subscribers a BONUS.0? spECEDENTED MAGNITUDE AND PERFECT ~jjOVFLTY- Every party, WHETHER A PRESENT' .RADE OR IW Tro sa sucf, must pay IN ADVANOE the sum of Shillings, which will entitle him to the-supply ...

Published: Sunday 10 January 1847
Newspaper: The Era
County: London, England
Type: Advertisement | Words: 4068 | Page: Page 1 | Tags: Advertisements & Notices 

Advertisements & Notices

... 1 OYAL ITAL:I:A:N OPERA, COVE T-GARDEN. The Nobility, Gentry, and Public are respectably informed, that the New Theatre will open the first week in April, for the performance of the LYRICAL DRAMA, on a scale of effl: cien.y in every depeartment never before attempted in this COUntry. The Ballet will include the names of the most cele- brted artists. The prospectus for the arrangements of the ...

Published: Sunday 10 January 1847
Newspaper: The Era
County: London, England
Type: Advertisement | Words: 3103 | Page: Page 8 | Tags: Advertisements & Notices 

Advertisements & Notices

... -4 TWO POUNDS REWARD. e 0 9T, on 23rd December last, between Mrs. WVilson's Store L and : ir. .Iamps YTirunt's. Baiker, ii Bisby, Parish of MNearns a SIlVER LEYV R WATCH and GUARD CHAlIN No. 18 9946. Any person returruing the. Watch to Mr. Peter Aitken 1 e Jeweller, 9;i. Argv il Stret; and 48, Argyll Arcade, Glasgowxvii. receive theabove Reward. Any person or pe;qcues retnining the Watch above ...

Advertisements & Notices

... rlTEAM to CHINA.-Regular Monthly Steam S oe~net~lfor Pacssengers and light Goods, to Penaneg, 6in. aaornd E05T il. r4. The refiflselttr tend oriental a .,,_yASNrR nd wr goods Swtel'cecp ote bv trts, by their Steamners, from Southampton, the20t o ectrmonh.For partteelars apl'Py at ties Company's- offce, 1.Cl.Ntt~aee.London, or 17, Itigh-9trect, Soutlctunfi6n. IV~bI~OL o lUBLIN every evenfin~gat ...

Advertisements & Notices

... LATEST EDIT IONo ieasnliold Shop nnd Cottages illc I rk-street and Silver- street, han ci ester. TO BE SOLD BY AUCTION, By Air FULLALOVE (by order of the mortgagee), at the bouse if Mr. Jnmies HaIrtley. tha Skinner's Arms, in Long Millgate Mineihester, Dn Wednesday the third day of Febrary 1847, at seveni o'lock in the evening. subject to liivLeilditions 1vill hio then aid.there produced: A LL ...

Advertisements & Notices

... to ANTEDt immedititeiy,-A rman who has been t acicustoed: to AlEASURE C O.R N arid n, W 1IGH COALS, who cans have a satisfactory charac. ;he ter fronm his last enilvyer. Br- Apply pergunally 'to Air. James Cooper, Cramo.9treet, ies ytyde, Isle ot Wight.: th, .13LA*E.-A.B. SAVORY& SONS, Manufacturing -he ~. Silversmiths, 14, Corihill, London, (oppsite the Baaikt of Englandf-The best wrought ...

Advertisements & Notices

... STRICTURE, SToNE GA6L,4 & 'ND ?? of the. idileys B S. ~ TUH.% in apractice oruln eaa ~~ue1 pe sent proprietor to esciooeteeal.cews t beti to supersede the neestofuiete oiewihfrmr- ?? ?? uscpblofisaead Olaud; s~rntc~ty reoveS all soreness, quieta irritation ad 0,tb~i Invariably aittends -tlese painful Intee STON E, GRAVEL, c Inteecase, perhaps the m~oat painful, tbat' the btuman framne ,is ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TO CORRESPONDENT&S NOTICE. Correspnndents whoe do not find their com~municationfl noticed, may infer that we cannot answer them, or decline to do so. The great number of cesnmunicationfs we rereive, containing questiona which any person disposed to rake the name trouble as they would put upon no, might answer for themaselveO, ren-derothis antics neceosary. IA Subscriber, and London Dliotrict ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TO PARENTS AND GUARDIANS. Ayanted a respectable Youth as o an APPRENTICE to the ORNAMENTAL PAINTING, PLUMBING, GLAZING, &c Premium very moderate. Apply by letter, post-paid, to T. H., at LLODvs WEEKTY NEWSPAPER Office, Salisbury-square. Don't Read This, and then forget that the cheapest and most fashionable TAILORING and OUFITTING IMART in the world is at M. SAMUEL'S, 40, King William-street, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... C Third ?? a-r of 2,000 Copies, much improved, Price Is, fit. iMHE fDIFFICULTIES OF E N G L I S H I GR MMAIL REMOVED; or ENOrLET GRASIMAIA SIDI- rIPLIsID. Adapted for Schools and Self-Iistruction. a To which is added a TREATISE ON PUNCTUATION. i! . A By J. BEST DAVIDSON. 6 very judicious and instructive grarnmar.-Atihnaise&. A A compelent ?? etf G rammar m ay be ?? from 5l this bookin Mne ...

Advertisements & Notices

... DIPOTA'NT SLEOP 11SAUJTIFUb COMTITP.NTAII IPOUTA~~tT S~~tE FURtNITURE-1 TO1 TIlB MIART, TRINITrY-SIIE T, LF!Y`fDS. Moe~i. ?? andI W.V HIARDWICK beg to 1I1TolttlOIIOq that they lier bliverocelv 1In ~rititiont to SP, i, by AU1CTION. Oil Wedti I rorfiap t'tc rm.ulielrt Day of jeatlu'.l int (litf, at tlia M'te, SX M~UE VALUABLE STOCK OF CONTINF.N- *A At lTAL FURtNITURFE ANDI EFPECTS. i T. and W. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... IMPORTANT SALE OF B3EAUITIFUL CONTINENTAL / FURINITURE. TMART, TRINITY-STREET, LEEDS. le-s, . T.AndlW. HARDI)ICI( beg to annotunue that they baye re a ovd n trtions to SELL, by AUCTION. On W~ed- ssejday, i TeaislsDay of Jeanuary sinit.74, alt- the0 MART, mVALUABLE STOCK OF CON9TINEN- TTAL FUJUNITUJRE AND EFFECTS. tbn T. and W. H7. rg to inform the Puiblic thalt they areopositively h ...