Advertisements & Notices

... F'flTE P]II1LOSUAI)C4L & 'ITUEIOLOG1ICA!, 1 ~V'l[(4Sof .E' NLI0111' mav 14 1(11( at I'.._ ~ILENWO 'I11'.Jli , C'otelU(011SxOut. '-1EH ' ilAI J\\T*V Ir S HARE IOLD I(P'S ~ l MAN71.1At., ,o PRiAC'TICA1, 61UIJE T12 ALT Il' 1IlW'iYS I '1'X EII V N )1 lf) p~ll;'.tto, inl progrem:s, anIpo l 1j,1:11.d1. 131t-iiosngXAfio! ~bo't ci ~ro~j is LAoy Sottisties', (oIpiholfloonings, 1>0pelidil 0r, 000u dc ...

Advertisements & Notices

... N'DIGESTIO0N.-For Sick IH1radrIache, GiddinessLg of Appetite, lownesUs. Of' S~ir'its, vWith sensatiof malne~s at t e pit of the stomach, painis between the shoaulders~'d all the disturesstee feelings arising [rein debility arid Indjesi s STIRLING'S STOMACH; PILLaro the bent gorry Te cats be taken at aiy time, ssithout airy r~Irrger forwto od eurn rio restraint front business or pleasuire ...

Advertisements & Notices

... * E AST and SPLENDID STEAM-PACKET, ¶1? TE QUENOF TIlE THAM-ES, commentced on Saturday, Sr1Ofocobe, uning Daily between MANNINGTPLEE and ~Wl~~oockretunin frnt Ianvch t 9 'clckA.M. on the arrival of heS. lm.A5)Rtrigfrom Hae- i~c~' Eastern Counties Railwa frm wt t2h. 30in. tearvlof the lb. ornt P.. ~L-turlnilg from Uae-- Iwith at7b.h. sac.% ofve th r'olZfrtcass Stea pces, teI-RON, ornic ...

Advertisements & Notices

... NOT10E TO DISTRICT SECRETARIES AN1| TREASURERS.I d(e All district Secretaries and Treasurers to the a Chartist Co-operative Land Company, ace hereby strictly enjoined to attend to the following regula- 1e' t cirnn all transaction: with the Directors. No ,,,1circumstandes will be admitted as a reason for de- -'parting from the-se rfles in any case where thea se apply. nd IFirst.-A scrutineer ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TO. ee Published in April, boacdje in Clotjh, andj gilt edcede PRICE: FIV.E SHILI1INGS, ' tI L SGc0oI U NIYIER SI T Y A1,B UM,I ~JJ EDTEDSlySTi:DENTS OF BOTH! PARTIE;S IN THE Urie- nlccriers naes to be left with Mr. Richardson, Prne,3 METINfg oF I'AiLIA31IENT. 'LON DO0N INEW S P A.PER A G EN LY AVIF.LXkM LANG, BOOKSELmIEa AND STATIO-NE-R, c INUF to sutpiry all tico LO.S ?? 1) XILY and other ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Alf PROVOST BLAAKIE'S -- D UPROVE ME NTS SC33ME, COPY CORRESPONDENCE - -E.TWEEN CERTAJ N MANUFACTURERS AND OTHERS, WI H- PROVOST BLAIKIE. 'No. 1. Aberdeen, January 5. 1847. provost Blaikie, Aberdeen. Gus Lord, TyNG observed, in the Newspapers, the heads of the Li Report of the Sub- Committee on City Improvements- aD, considering that the meeting of Parliament takes place n an early day, before ...

Advertisements & Notices

... I Pu blic Nottcts. THEATRE-ROYAL, HUMBER. STREET, HULL, (Under Letters Patent, Granted by her Gracious Majesty Queen Victoria. ) LESSEE AND MANAGER, MIR. J. L. PRITCHARD, MR. CRESWICK'S BENEFIT, AND THE LAST NIGHT OF HIS, ENGAGEMENT. THIS EVENING, FRIDAY, JAN. 22, 1847, her Majesty's servants will represent Bulwer's popular play of THE LADY OF LYONS. Claude Meluotte ?? Mr. CRESWICK. Pauline ?? ...

Advertisements & Notices

... / A a BINTS . 'VI! A N T E D.- K . . To bkRUltOiST59, &c. &c. WANTED by DR. POWELL, 16, BLES- y T . SIXJTOcrN ASTvSmT, DUBLIN, AGENTS in the prinoipal Towns throughout the Kingdom for the Sale of his SPECIFIC for SCALD HEAD, RINGWORM, and all CUTANEOUS DISEASES. A Liberal Commission allowed. -tEl NERAL CON VE YANVE COM- 9_T PANY for PASSENGERS and PARCELS, the former at a Penny per mile, and ...

The Wrether—Snow Storm.—The state of the weather the close the last, and at the beginning of the present week, was

... such as to indicate to those at all accuatomed either to watch or speculate upon the atmospheric changes of this variable climate, approaching fall of snow, but we question much, whether any one of the weather-wise of our town, anticipated what has since occured—a cmtinuoun and heavy fall of snow for nearly forty-eight hours. Snow commenced falling on Tuesday night, and at the hour of writing, ...

Shipping Intelligence

... Fit!DA Y, January B.— Wind S.S.E., moderate. Observer, Fowler, hence at Corfu Romp Jenkins, hence at Malaga bui) ft f m An« in e a; M, ° erva - Marsden, from Pernam- Charlotte, 1101. Adriadne. from Calcutta at Kingstown f-ntalooo, f. r ♦his port, has put back Glasgow for having been in contact wirh another vessel off Joan Hoi ton, Cunningham hence at Pitbliu lurauiatta, hence for Valparaiso ...

Advertisements & Notices

... THEATRE ROYAL, DUBLIN. ft5enth Night of tbe iGRA:D CHA1STMAS PAN FiTeOrMIME, with illustration3 bg .thb celebrated Artiates,: the BOLENO FAMIILY. : N THIS EV:YENING (.Tueeda9)e Janary 12, wJ 1847, will he performed the D~rainsof 'EL1ZAiBEtFH OF RussIA; OR, DILEMMOA - Count 90hounalOffMr. Baker; the EmpresSElizabeth .of piuela, Mrs. T'reman. ?? I After Which a GrAnd Fairy Pantomime and Tale !An ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 10 STR AY ED, ret Fl~nnFron Grepso hiel Itriwer y, Yecterrlav, tie B rK Ce'trt DOG with hbros Cotllr. on ?? iS ?? the prnopr ietnt~ T.;InIC. Answuser- t, thc mliilae ,,r II it. W h - ever wvill retumin huir to Greeirhe:i Brcweryr wilt be handsonely rewarded. , 6th January, Itt,47. MONEY TO LTEN!, cc PROM £ Oh)O tn £e4nn on iinilnolt;ter Seurity Tieritahle II Prtp1rry wrill th ,referrel.-.klI ...