Advertisements & Notices

... Tj1 LITERARY GENTLEMEN, &c.-A Gea- t Ilemcan of Consideraoble -xperinrce. the austhor of we-l-reputed and es e o h a t hich the seal Of secrecy is o rd hut whose aekuoledgrd lrod frct isl inesuestbl Ievdre of his enletesco. -sak tdes the CrITICAL REVISAl of cjcy co hisD + copenc,LIN S-h ?? li USC P ll TS, she witc rt fhi11 ho furthers, if required, with i esame. which is whel knwn in the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... A MASONIC BALL, will take place at the Crown a 4 AssemblyRnoms, (iosport, Monday,January 11,. STE WARDS. e r, Brother W. Weddell Brother J. F. Bovill ble Geo. Adams S. D. Forbes d Int ?? J. W. Hewett Saml. Pettet 1e, Tickets, (not transferable). d be Gentleman's Ticket, Gi.-Lady'a ditto, 4F. including ho Tea, Coflee, and other Refreshrlents. 11 IIy As the number will be limlitel, an early ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Putblic 11oticri. ROYAL BELFAST ACADE-MICAL INSTITUTION. SCHOOL DEPARTMENT. I B USINESS will lbe Rcsumscd onl TULSTmy) Vfe I instiont, Mt I' EN o'clock, whlen -, p])ttualt cI'(i rtittltt of thle Pupils is NerN pcarticuharly requested. THOMAS BILAIN, Presichtnt of the Bocar' cf MI'sl crs. Bellfast, It hl Jant,, 18 4 7 .( h :G TI I I DAY1. LADIES' BAZAAR, Fill RElLIEF OIF DISTRESS IN CONN'II ...


... Gentry, Clergy, and Inhabitants of Derby and its vicinity, for the steady and increasing support afforded them for the last four years, and to inform them that they have Disposed of tbeir Busi- ness to Mr. B. Thompson, whom they can with the utmost confidence recommend to their Notice as a person practi- cally conversant with the Woollen Trade in all its various branches, and who will be ...


... Manchester, Shbfpield, and Lincolnshire. A meeting of the shareholders of this line, resident in Liver* pool vu held on Monday last, to consider of the propriety of nominating a committee to act in conjunction with a committee of the Manchester shareholders, appointed at a meeting held there on the 12th infant. Charles Holland, Esq., was called upon to preside. The chairman stated that the ...

Shipping Intelligence

... FHJJXA Y, January 22.—Wind S., moderate. frmn at is rt . d Oct. and Nov * Lt ft th « Hcsperm at Corsica town '^ mer rith the l m;iil fron ,his Port for Kin?s. i l ; Q M turgor, honco for llavannsili, were is e *|b' yesterday morning, the former lost cutwater, an* nVi w,. her b ,W8 stove . &c., and bore up for Kingstown wiiZ''- ' a^u , • ,tom Cun ' t * n - and Mina,to - Tre-arthen, hence ...

Advertisements & Notices

... IULL AND BARNSLEY JUNCTION RAILWAY COMPANY. FINAL NOTICE. A TTENDANCE Wvlll be given at tA 111e O FFCESof the Companyo°FMD°1 y NEXT, the I I th, 12th, and 13th Instant, from I1 to 3 ?? each day, for the Payment of the THIRD and FINAL RETURN of TPREE SHIILLINGS ( and THREEPENCE per Share to those Parties who have not already received the same, and on THURSDAY and FRIDAY, the 141b1 and 15th ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TO CORREiSPONDENTSd NOTICE. Correspondents who do not find their communications noticed, may infer that we cannot answer them, or decline to do so. The great numberfof communications we receive, containing questions whicls any person disposed to take the same trouble as they would put upon us, might answer for themselves, rendersthis notice necessary. Our great and increasing number requiring ...

Advertisements & Notices

... OUGLAS JBRBOLD'S WEEiiLY NdEWStPAPER. SNLA&EIN'ar OF ONE TmalaDo.0 TaX, M)ITsrY ON PA 1 D LIA1a21iT. - In order to give ampler spece for all the Newe of the Week, including the Debates In Parlis- ?? Miecellaneous Occurrences-Law and Police Reports-Publio MctInpg-Forelfn Intlligonce- Literature-CorrvQonidence-aas well as for Oviginal and various New Serial Artirlee, ibe Proprietor lihe deter- ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ICK CLAY andAND O . SALE, in Ford Laejncn ickS src much Wanted on the spot, ten aere iSFiing land teins sold for buildinz u ROBERT OWEN; 8, Noreton.street, Stratsgeway. TO CONNOISSEU S OF WHIS .~ LD GLX.~IW)V - ALT ISKY, aJ celebrated in Scot @i'fgilipwards a ne hundred years) for its excellence a di er e haddin higll perfeCtion. oral8. Dpr i i I Aliessrs. WV. F. VESTALL and COlMlP s e5..tjly ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TO BE SOLD, BY PUBLIC ROUP, .1-l ir 1i Fxchange Sale-lioonns. Gh'asgow, on Wednesday! March next, at Two o'clock Afternoon, in -ro contained in a Bond and Disncsition in Se- - - ?? fT, that PBECE of GROU-ND, situated in * ' ?? ?? ?? One Thousand Eight -i.: Two Squnare Yards. or thereby, wvith the I o-, ;nry and other BUITllDlN(fS thereon, : - Ivs the centre of St. Geor,:e's Roast, upon o -(r ...

Advertisements & Notices

... THEATRE ROYAL, DUBLIN. Twelfth Night of the GlAND CHRISTMAS PANTO- MIME, with illustations by the celebrated Artistes, the BOLENO F AMILY. ON THIS EVENING (Friday), January 8th, 0 1847, will be perftormed the Romantio Drams of THERESE, THE ORPHAN OF GENEVA, Carwin, Mr Caloraft; Fontaine, Mr R Cooke:; Count de MqoI'ili5, Mr H Villars; Thereso, !irs Ternanf Coup. tess4d Morvill, Mrs lArchhold. , ...