Advertisements & Notices

... TO CORRESPONDENTS. NOTICE. Correspondents who do not find their communications noticed, may ifer that we cannot answer them, or decline to do so. The great number of communications we receive, containing questions which any person disposed to take the same trouble as they would put upon us, might answer for themselves, rendersthis notice necessary. Our great and increasing number requitring no ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Second Edition, royal Svo, in-ice (ld. REMARKS ON NA' NT L EDUCATI6N. K fbi c lm y GE11li),11 kIsBfE. Mc Cmb' Tttcamphilosoph anti pwef reasoning ofMrOob' pamp~hlet setl introd uce it totjtfdt-letiserevt. Lo~ndonj: Simpihin, Marsh a Co. Edinburgh:- Moelachlan, Ai Stewart, anti Co. mHE HERALD of PEACE for FEBRUARY. 10 T Icontents :- int The Armyv in thee Churchi, or Itehigious Soldiers and ...

Advertisements & Notices

... E VENING PARTIES.-ll. FARLEY, 31, Fleetf- 1 J strecet, opp',,alte St. tlrosstan's Churds, rctus'es his m~ost grateful thanks to the ',?~obil ity ant Gentry for the very Hintsal support lie lisus met with Itst, ansi -sn in sue, Present season, andi bae.-, to state hie stilt c~tl',nuos to ATTEfN ) EVENING PARtIES>, both in tesso and cOuntc.v, with his Mechanical 'Tricks, Ile sflso provides the ...


... on the 31st day of December, 1846, SIR HENRY FITZ-HERBERT, Bart, in the Chair; Resolved — That upon examination of the Accounts of the Bank, from the 20th of November, 1845, to the 20th of November, 1846, they appeared to stand as hereafter stated . — The TRUSTEES of the SAVINGS' BANK, established at ASHBOURN. Dr. CHARGE. £. s. d Cr. DISCHARGE. £. s. d To Balance due on the 20th Nov. 1845, By ...


... Lancashire, Thumdat Jakcary 28.—The demand for cot. ton yarns, at Blackburn, limited, and price are rather lower than they were last week. There is very little doing in the goods market, and manufacturers profits were never known to be less than at the present time. The operatives at many of the cotton mills in the district are working four and five days per week ; the mechanics and machine ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 5HOS. MIDDLIFTON & SON, Grocers, IT 21, SILvER-STREET, are in immediate WANT of a respectable YOUNG MAN as ASSISTANT. /IFIND ARD MILNER, Chemist ad Drug- Fant M~L gist. 31, Bridgc.SlrCet, isin WANT of anth APPRENTICE. Da Hull, Jan. 20h, 1847. .io TO COACH MAKERS. slit ,VTANTED imediateya COAC BODY full ~MAKER, and a VICE.MAN. Constant Em. ployrnent and liberal Wages will be given. Apply, 1 ...

Advertisements & Notices

... NOTICE TO DISTRICT SECRETARIES AND TREASURERS. All district Secretaries and Treasurers to the Chartist Co-operative Land Conspany, are hereby strictly enjoined to attend to the following regula- 'ions in all transactions with the Directors. No circumstancesvnill be admitted as a reason for de- parting from these roles in any case where they apply. First.-Ascrutineor shall be appointed by each ...

Advertisements & Notices

... r I g'eI~RoyiAL, NEWCASTLE. - tFRIDAY Evening, the veiy ~~ ?? d of the ~ ',8at on4~DHUSBAND; .. .io~tNET To LONDON. ?? (atTime but one) the NEW .pin, el,1 the IMP OF TRlE BRAZEN ~~ L ~~ a Variety of Enertainments, ~ r~i'ne the New Pantomimne. ,xit will he appropriatod for'the .4 0NI~N,. THE CLOWN. -jni~g anirary 22nd, a Variety unde th Patron ae of .j~,lifOL.P Bs., the ?? SA,~ ?? upon ...

Advertisements & Notices

... London Eteiirng Paper, Price T71ree-pence. t THlE EXPRESS Contains, in addition to the news in the Morning ( Papers, a SUMMAARY of the HOME and FOREIGN t WNTELLIGENCE which may arrive on the day. THE EXP'RESS has the benefit of the Foreign I Expresses, Correspondence, and other costly charant- c terastics of a Morning Journal. But the full and c earefully prepared REPORTS of the MONEY, i ...

Advertisements & Notices

... FAM1ILIES THEIR OWN~ BREWEP..- The F lollowigis the Certificate of Andrew Urc Ersq.; ~.the P.IS.&,- hrb cerify that I balre examned]~ th alt Extrat, a2alo b Pale Malt Extract with Hop13 for rewing Beer, and the Brown Mal~t Extrac: for Brew. iog Por~ter, air recently moade at the fwautot of TH3E 1311t- T1'4! MALT EXTRACT C0OMPANY. and I find them all I be exceedingly wtll prepared r=a tserf-el ...

Advertisements & Notices

... THEATRE. ROYAL, DUBLIN. Eleventh Night of the GRAND CHRISTMAS PANTO- iIME. with illustrations by the celebrated Artistes, the BOLENO 'FAMILY.' ' ' - ( N THIS EVENING'(Thursday), 3anuary 7thi 0 11847. will be 'performd tbe favoutite 'Drama of DON CiESAR DE BLZAN; OR, A .MATCII FOR A MONARCH. Don Cselar de Bazan, Mi Calcraft; Charles II, King of Spain. Mr W~tooke';'Don Jerotne, de6'Sautarernm, ...